Is he right?
Is he right?
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yeah or buy health insurance like i do you poor fucks
In the long run it's probably cheaper to get her tubes tied.
Holding Tic-tacs between your knees is another option.
Is this the same fucking guy on here showing us how his girlfriend was complaining over no birth control and trying to make him buy it?
I have no clue. Wasn't even aware that's a thing.
Ya, we had an user on here showing us texts from his bitch, she was crying and complaining over birth control demanding it because she was fucking him.
It costs $13 and she spazzed the fuck out.
Man, what an entitled bitch.
She's on birth control.
>Tell the guy to use a condom
>cost 0 dollars
>now protected against STD's
Wow so hard, stop being a whore
Trump is literally making healthcare great again, just check the news
>being on birth control
Sort of? I mean, having healthcare makes access to medication easier, sure.. but she could also go to Planned Parenthood and get some on the cheap.
>paying for health care
You have no idea how weird this sounds, the state should look after its people.
Gas the fatties and you easily afford it.
>Who's going to pay
Any halfway decent full time job gives health insurance. Get a fucking job
Can't she just use condoms? I've heard they're even free in some places in the states.
Birth control pills are a kike invention.
>yes goy, have as much meaningless sex as you want.
I've got a better idea...
How about you save some fucking money by not being a goddamn whore, and only save yourself for marriage?
But you can't do that can you? You gotta have your daily dose of chad cock, right?
>cost 0 dollars
Try and sell a 50% tax rate to US citizens
she is right you know
everyone deserves everything for free.
FUCK trump for not wanting to give people free stuff, he's literally hitler 2.0
for her
I am 23 years old and don't even know where I would get a condom and how to put one on.
spoken like a BOSS
>oh no i cant just sit at home and have sex all day
wtf drumpf
Now this is probably going to sound strange but hear me out,
When I was a kid, I was taught that if I wanted something I had to pay for it myself.
Condoms are trash m8, not only do they feel worse but they also ruin the fluid transition from getting each other up to actually doing it.
It's more than that but his point is sound. It's not that much and really staying unpregnant is your responsibility. Just because it's a biological function doesn't mean the taxpayer has to pay for it. We expect people to feed themselves for instance.
Yes he is.
Can't you just go grab a handful from the hospital for free?
That's why I do.
kek, thats really funny and sad if true. I hate wearing condoms myself but I dont want kids so I usually try and pull out
Your government gives them away for free last I heard
>tfw you pull out and cum on her face to save $15
The fuck? My wife is on birth control so I can fuck her whenever/however I want without getting her pregnant or having to worry about a shitty condom.
I've been arguing about this with some stupid cunt for a while now.
They always drop back to that some people use it to treat medical conditions, as if that is in any way close to what the majority of people use it for.
I'd sooner support free tampons. At least menstruating isn't a choice. Getting pregnant or getting a woman pregnant is 100% the responsibility of the parties involved.
Yes, fuck these grown up children
yes, condoms are handed out for free here by law, you can actually order large boxes of them for free
No one wants to fuck you, ugly bitch.
Oh ya I forgot about trumps plan to gas the tex Mex of our country and then burn thier bodies for energy savings!
from my experience bitches go nuts on birth control, ended multiple relationships of mine, and i don't trust some bar slag to actually be on the pill
dommies all the way for me, and i pay extra for those "20% thinner" meme ones because they actually feel a bit better.
if she ain't particularly lubed, i have this hemp/almond skin oil for my shaved head that i use for just about everything as well, including poon.
>who's gonna pay for my whore pills now
top fucking kek
If it was for a medical condition would they not have a prescription for it?
it's called not taking dick. It's super fucking easy, all you have to do is sit at home and not do anything.
Fuck, you can take .02 cents outa taxes for the worlds cheapest tampons if you want too, but not getting pregnant is literally the easiest fucking thing ever.
Fuck outta here. Adults are talking.
I just wish artificial wombs would get invented already so we can start the gender war and exterminate these useless whores once and for all.
why do you hate condoms
much better lubrication and more protection
you know even baby pills dont protect 100% and I know condoms are known to break etc. but I can usually feel when the condom brakes. And also a lot less mess with condoms.
>less than two years away from legit wizard
>have to read about a woman spazzing out over having to pay for birth control because apparently having to put out some small amount of money a month in order to keep slutting it up is such a terrible problem
I should start bitching that health insurance won't pay for clean ddf whores to ease my sexual and emotional issues.
they're slut pills
she should stop being a slut and become a whore so she could afford her pills
I would say yes.
Why should my tax dollars go to some woman to have baby-less sex? You have three options
>buy it yourself
>dont have sex
>roll the dice and maybe get a baby
Boggles my mind that some women pick the third.
You could just have less sex if you can't afford to keep it safe
She makes it sound like birth control pills are like actual medication.
She can, you know, not have sex if she can't afford anything.
If I had any chance at ONS I'd do the same, but in my literally 2 relationships in 26 years I never had any problems with that. Most women aren't that big on the pill because of side effects, but in a longer relationship condoms aren't really an option, at least for mine.
Because she simply must at all times be prepped to - consensually! - take an unprotected dick, as many as her tiny heart desires, whatever the day, or her human rights are being denied. It's a luxury item, toots -- you've got to choose: do you want that or the Chanel?
Birth control isn't a human right.
>dont have sex
There are also these things called condoms. They're usually paid by the man as well. You must be a total turbo slut if you need financial support for your birth control pills.
Enough said.
Yeah, I'd say you should be able to financially support your recreation.
On another note it's really crazy to me to think there are people out there having sex so much, it's like a standard day-to-day activity along with eating and sleeping... like, I've had sex once in my life, she probably had sex just yesterday. Kind of surreal to really think about how easy it comes to some people
Nobody, because artificial contraception needs to be outlawed. Abortion too needs to be completely criminalised and treated as murder.
Don't want a kid? Stay abstinent, and sex education in class should focus on abstinence and use the bible to educate children instead.
kek, turbo slut.
>sex education in class should focus on abstinence
I love how people respond to this by saying "Hurr, abstinence doesn't work!".
If somebody got pregnant, they weren't being fucking abstinent.
It's like saying birth control doesn't work because some people don't take it properly.
>sex education in class should focus on abstinence
I love how people respond to this by saying "Hurr, abstinence doesn't work!".
If somebody got pregnant, they weren't being fucking abstinent.
It's like saying birth control doesn't work because some people don't take it properly.
highest quoted price i've seen for an IUD is $1100...too experience yea, but still around $15 a month, so about the price of the pill or a box of tampons and ibuprofen
if you were told a hundred years ago you could choose not to have a child for $15 a month.... it'd be insane
still gotta complain tho
Sex with a condom isn't real sex if you think about it. I consider myself still technically a virgin since I haven't had sex without one.
>falling for the birth control meme
Have fun dealing with an even more psychoactive gf
Her account is deleted, what have guys done this time?
And they don't protect against hpv
no-one buys my fucking condoms
You're not a virgin, but I suggest you remain abstinent until marriage.
I think they mean it isn't effective in actually controlling births. Catholic missions are running all over Africa telling Africans not to use condoms and to abstain from sex outside of marriage. How do you think their strategy is panning out? And this is on a population that believes in witchcraft and voodoo, imagine how frightening the old testament shit is going to be to them.
Priceless. DBW, contact me. A case of your drink of choice, on me.
Agreed. fuck cancer patients and those with chronic illnesses. Can't afford 100k medical bills? Unemployed/part time worker with inadequate health coverage? Tough luck buddy, Shlomo Weinstein of Cedar Hospital has to get his millions someway goy.
P.S. please don't cut my insurance policy, Haim... I'll raise my premiums to $400 a month
There is nothing wrong with that, but let's be realistic. It seems hardly any African obeys the bible because as you said they believe this superstitious nonsense like witchcraft
>If somebody got pregnant, they weren't being fucking abstinent.
That's the difference between theory and practice that progressives ignore. It's called reality.
People won't just stop fucking because some guy does a lecture on this. Shit's delusional.
You are a virgin. Why do you need condoms?
That's what they pay already.
>Holding Tic-tacs between your knees is another option.
Goddammit, you made me laugh
>health insurance covers birth control
>ever nutting in a girl except in her ass/mouth
ignore my fellow leaf. the poor bud is retarded and still a virgin.
>The government is currently LITERALLY paying to enable degeneracy
She should just charge dudes $1.00/turn; then, she'll have her $15 for pills and enough left over to buy sociology text books.
No one ever paid for my condoms.
Birth control isn't a medical necessity.
I think the cheapest and most long term solution for her is to get a nice, long, sturdy rope to hang herself with
Sex is for a husband and wife only, you should not be partaking in any type of sexual relations unless you're married, and even then abstinence is required when marriage, for example the bible warns that during a woman's time you will be unclean if you have relations with her, and not only that but if you sit in the same chair as her or lay in bed with her. This is the word of God, it cannot be ignored.
thats not what your mom tells me every night
>birth control was free in the US
literally why? In Europe you need to buy both, condoms and the pill.
That being said, you can buy like 100 pieces for 15-20€, which means about 0,15€ per fuck.
If you can't afford that much, consider actually going to work instead of fucking all day.
>someone will try to convince you this is a bad thing
based protected user
...did we break Canada?
To hole a tictac between your knees you need to keep your legs shut
That's pretty clever
I don't care, my mother is a whore
This is sick and disgusting it genuinely makes me feel sick to my stomach the sexual degeneracy going on in Europe. I will pray for you
Birth control counts as healthcare? Lol it's a fucking luxury item, you're not gonna drop dead just because you didn't get dicked for a week.
>Sup Forums is against birth control
>its basically the only thing keeping blacks from procreating like rabbits and doubling in numbers every 15 years
yeah, good luck with that.
Its as retarded as libertarians who are pro immigration because of "principle" ignoring the cultural and ethnic realities it creates.
Have fun with your "muh principles".
I am against birth control and all forms of artificial abstinence because they encourage sexually immoral lifestyles. If a woman was afraid every time she lay with a man that she would get pregnant and abortion was completely criminalised how do you think she would act? I would say she likely would not be partaking in such activities very often anymore.
>I don't care, my mother is a whore
that explains a lot about you
>doubling in numbers every 15 years
Only if whites feed them.
Sorry, meant to says artificial contraceptives