Why this is even allowed?

Does an agreement on user terms and conditions means you give up your freedom of speech?

Other urls found in this thread:




It wasn't his account, his daughter has been trying to get it shut down for a long time.

It's still a private business, they can do whatever they want.

Twitter and Facebook are far-left nutcase websites. Don't use their services.

When a fucking retard says something stupid it is the duty of higher power to silence them

It's a fake account. It got suspended because you are not allowed to impersonate somebody on Twitter.

Pretending to be someone else is against the law, especially when you're pretending to be a certain celebrity

Get a grip, niggers and you too OP. Parody/satire accounts have to identify as such, he made a viral tweet and got reported. NY Post is stupid

ye fuck off statist.

>that's not me
>i've been framed

sure mordecai, i believe you.

wrong fuck off with this shit. I believe at least in the US freedom of speech should be producted UNLESS it will hurt the business directly. for instance saying that the company you work for shits in the food it makes. You get fucking fired. However saying you fucking think dongles sound like penis or saying you support trump or make a joke unrelated to where you work SHOULD NOT GET YOU FIRED OR REMOVED.

The websites like twitter or any huge as fuck monopoly should maybe have some regulations that dictate whats happening. I mean twitter is a communication platform kind of like your land line. What if the telephone company doesnt want you talking to people about how great trump is?

Not really, no.

Freedom of Speech refers to lawful action taken against you. Getting banned from Twitter will never involve the court system, no matter what Trigglypuff tells you.

>Does an agreement on user terms and conditions means you give up your freedom of speech?

No they shut it down because ultimately...


So the based tweets of the last few days weren't from him but an imposter?


They are a private company, they can do what they want.
The market should coerce the company to change, not the government
Twitter is allready on the decline, this should help crash it more.

desu it actually was a fake. Was still funny af
>Thank you America, I don’t have long left to live but now I know the last few years will be great, I can’t thank you enough #PresidentTrump
>gets posted on Sup Forums
>manly tears were had
>until Morgan Eastwood responded to it
>Everyone knows this isn’t really his account. I would know.

I think she's a liberal anyway

>freedom of speech
>on a private website

Why are you guys so stupid?

Yes, it was obvious when he posted a tweet including pepe

Celebrities get verified


They can delete any account for any reason. It's the same thing on any forum. You are just using a business's service, it's not violating your freedom of speech because you are simply using their service, you aren't out in the public square exercising your freedom of speech.

Did you even read the fucking article?

Then what about William Shatner?

>Does an agreement on user terms and conditions means you give up your freedom of speech?
Welcome to capitalism where muh property is king.

>I believe at least in the US freedom of speech should be producted UNLESS it will hurt the business directly.

So, you know nothing about law but "believe" something because of your fee-fees?

Thanks for playing.

Fake account, idiot

does the Shat's account have a verified check next to his name? If so, then it's really him.

He's verified, so yes. He's real.

I don't give a fuck if they are a private company or fucking not.
I don't give a fuck about those "laws" they should change fuckhead.

Oh and nice libertarianism maybe one day you'll grow up.

You don't have "freedom of speech" the legal term but you have "freedom of speech" the colloquial term. Pushing back against shitty companies is a good thing.

>I don't care about a just system of government!
What are you, 12?
Boston Legal was objectively Shatners best show.

Still fascinates me how Sup Forums believes it was his account. He literally posted Pepe-memes.

And even our German TV was referring to it and thought it's really him.

wait, that was his real account? last i checked it wasn't verified, and had zero famous followers

>his daughter has mud eyes

So he became another Ben Garrison?

Wasn't it someone pretending to be Clint? Still pretty fucked up though when you get suspended for political believes. Just shows what a shithole the places like Twitter really is

>libertarian/cuck calling me 12

it wasnt him retards
wasn't verified

By the way, the constitution is what is known as a "higher order of law" and the bill of rights begins with "Congress shall make no law..."
It cannot and will not apply to private institutions.
Your ideas are that of someone entirely uneducated
>is an edgy Nazi who can't defend his own views
>thinks libertarianism is bad
>unironically calls people cucks
Wew lad, at least I can hope you'll grow out of it.
Read Mises and Bastiat.

By the way, the constitution is what is known as a "higher order of law" and the bill of rights begins with "Congress shall make no law..."
It cannot and will not apply to private institutions.
Your ideas are that of someone entirely uneducated
>is an edgy Nazi who can't defend his own views
>thinks libertarianism is bad
>unironically calls people cucks
Wew lad, at least I can hope you'll grow out of it.
Read Mises and Bastiat.

This whole ordeal makes you look even dumber because it wasn't even his account

Hitler was T H I C K

How dare you talk about facts and reality.

Jesus fucking Christ, why is it that every time I go out to the corner there's this damn peach dripping on my leg?

>we want to be a utility
>lol we're banning whoever we want, and we can do that because we're a private business
As for Clints account, if it's that one that posted about pepe it was clearly not him. Pure coincidence it only got shut down after supporting Trump though.

It means you are agreeing that you are just using their platform and it comes with terms that allow them to police user speech however their private organization decides.

Who's writing them faggot?

They are not an official utility.
And the account was banned because it was fake.

It didn't start being a fake yesterday m8.

You sound like pic related

Clint should be the prez of us

Very nice double post you must be angry. Typical libertarian dumb fuck doesn't even know some of the biggest proponents of libertarianism became fascist.

>Wew lad, at least I can hope you'll grow out of it.
Haha, no like I said before you will grow out of it soon enough.

>This whole ordeal makes you look even dumber because it wasn't even his account
Thats not the point retard. I love how you libertarian reddit users come on here and just spew that same shit about MUH PRIVATE BUSINESS!

>. He literally posted Pepe-memes
So did Donald

let's raise his spirits on facebook and other social media sites!

>How dare you talk about facts and reality.
Wow, a meme straight from 9fag

Hey faggot, drop the fucking passive-aggressive bullshit and just call the people out for being dumb faggots. Jesus FUCKING Christ, kill yourself if you ever type that again

I've never been to leddit, and you have yet to posit an argument.
It was never verified.

>completely ignorant of the law
>it should be this way because I FEEL IT
>resorts to shitposting after getting annihilated
I expect nothing else from you dumbfucks