What's he thinking about?
What's he thinking about?
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hahahahah snorting coke and fucking his daughter like always, duh
plus wondering if his bald head is visible or not and if he put enough spray lacquer on the double combover to hold it and whether his eyehole makeup is too bright
C'mon we know CTR no longer has you on the payroll
>shilling shit for free
obama transitioned the desk to him already? tf? this a shoop?
>Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck I ACTUALLY DID IT.
>"Weather sure is comfy today"
Weekly public nigger/faggot/shitskin lynchings on South Lawn for the plebs. Hes just catching a quick gander before diving back into work.
I can almost see the wall from here.
his wifes son
If Donald Trump actually has a picture of himself I would love him 10 times more.
>Huh, this nuclear winter thing didn't hit us so badly after all
>that nigger got his oily finger-prints all over this window
I think that I could never fill up that table with that many pictures
>my feet hurt
>wow this isnt even real gold
>sure is quiet in here
>i want to go home, but i already am home
>it was just a prank bro
>the spacing on those drawers is really pissing my off, who made this stuff?
>This place sucks, I miss my tower.
He regrets not actually doing it 16 years ago
thingken of maga
I canĀ“t do anything i promised.
I remember when we used to post pictures like this, and it would always make realize how far away the dream is, and the monumental circumstances it would take for this to be a reality.
Clinton was winning all the polls. The nation was being force fed anti-Trump propaganda around the clock. We memed about God-Emperor Trump, posted shooped pics of him sitting in the oval office..but we all knew the chances were slim.
Now I wake up each day and remember its actually fucking real.
High flying assets
Can't post certain words
hmmmm why is there snow outside ??
>picture of himself on the table
Comfy... warm... yeeesss...
How do i get rid of the watermelon smell
>Time to fix this
wtf i love trump now!