
>trying to b8 Barneyfag
I'm onto you, Hobbit.

This thread will turn into a shitstorm, check 'em

Welcome the inevitable future: The Cyberpunk Future.

Please stop Kiwi, you're not even annoying like leafs. You're just sort of pitiful.

Die you fucking Barneyfag

thanks for the (You), barneyboi

Normally I'd say don't push it, but if it's just to spite Barneyfag I'm all for it


Did you realise there are also many positive effects of global warming? It's not all negative. Also, postgraduate degree holder in environmental policy management, the change has already happened and even if every single human being on Earth cut their carbon emissions by 50% it would not make an ounce of difference in preventing further temperature increases. It is important to invest in preparatory and infrastructure improvements, not ineffectual carbont tax systems and regulatory structures that do nothing but put money into the hands of politicians and consultants.

what even is climate change

Where'd they get the name "senor heuvos" from?

>Barneyfag samefagging his own threads as usual
No (you)s for you today you fucking faggot.


Is it true that carbon emissions are a none issue that is taken car of by the carbon cycle? I have seen pictures detailing increased plant growth worldwide in response to the abundance carbon.

By releasing more unsupported stories about how were going to see oceans boil in our lifetime or some shit.

Yes. Let's gimp Western countries even more while the rest of the world pollutes without a care. That makes perfect sense

You degenerates need to be fucking killed


Make a third thread and see how well he juggles three.

Fucking murder these degenerates

Fucking die faggot

The oceans are absorbing much of it yes and we are seeing increased plant/forest growth in many areas which is further helping. One unknown factor is how much slight increases in oceanic acidity will impact on marine flora and fauna. Changes are definitely taking place, but they are subtle and widespread with both positive and negative consequences for society and the environment. Cutting direct pollution into our water systems and air is a good thing but has little to do in preventing climate change.

Barneyfag, do you like Donald Trump?

No, what you do is post a MLP stealth image on a board Barneyfag doesn't lurk and then when it archives you give him the link to it.


fuck off

Good lord this is good
Kek can you
Imagine if we got like 10 anons that are /mlpolack/ to make threads all at once with stealth images

Let's FUCK king do it

Walk around naked.

It will make the masses to get /fit/ and bring down degeneracy once everyone gets used to the view of the naked human body like in ancient rome.

sure some will die because of sun rays, but it's a small price to pay.

Have I upset you, pal?

hang yourself

Well, you're being degenerate, yes.

@97878042 (Jew)
And you're sperging out over a fucking kids' show, mate.
If you really want them to die, leave them alone, maybe they will die off eventually :^)

Will trump lift the pony ban on Sup Forums?

Good enough.

You know the show way better than I do, and I frequent /MLP/.
Think about that.

another one for you, barneyfag

>Doesn't support the God Emperor
>Calls others degenerate

Too overt desu