How do we end racism?
How do we end racism?
We exterminate all the non-European races.
By fucking the black out of existence.
Kill all the blacks
You can't do that. Ask the Portuguese and Sicilians
Finish genocide of non-whites.
Killing whitey.
It will never end.
Or just remove niggers, Israelies, muds, religion.
based ruskie knows whats up
A homogenous society.
End America
So much white admixture in that thing. Look at her skull.
we don't
Aw yiss another jungle fever thread.
racemixing, we must destroy black race and asians by mixing white genes into their pool. then those will mix with white again and so on and so forth untill all blacks and whites are dead.
Make it mandatory for black women to take in +1 white cock a day.
Stop talking about it lol. Can't wait for when people laugh for bringing up race in a political discussion.
You fuck 'em to the death
Whites must continue to make babies while a select chosen few of us must breed with all the gorgeous black girls and further dilute their genes.
I volunteer myself as tribute.
They can start by not blaming other races for their problems.
I fuck that nigress in the ass
either fuck them all to death until we're of a unified mixture of races, or find a way to genocide an entire race over the course of less than 1 year.
Kill all the beta
I would betray my race for this.
homogeneity. if you like diversity you better just fucking live with it, cause it's a natural result of it.
Ya know, I think our countries will get along just fine.
We end modern leftism
Kill all non-Europeans
you can't
it's something left over from our evolution related to being able to tell who is and is not a part of your tribe
you're different, it's weird
it's perfectly natural to feel these things
there is literally nothing wrong with racism
Bye destroying black race and muslims we shoulddnt have any more problems.
So fucking obvious, yet it still needs to be said
Stop identity politics. Cultural Marxism and victim hood vs privelege
>ywn be Chinese/Japanese
the true master race
No dont kill east asians dude.And intelegant blacks.
let me lick the shiny ass...
That's a very sexy lady.
But notice how she has as few of the black racial features as possible.
Relatively small lips.
Tiny nose, probably some good surgery there.
Flattened hair.
If anything she's tending towards some sort of rare breed of indian than negro.
On the racial issue, I'm a firm believer in strong legisation and a strong police and military presence. Would the world of law and legislation treat everyone equally, and not give handouts, this would be a non-issue.
Also, education via beating if needed.
Killing really is a "final solution" not just as an absolute ending but the very last resort. I'd rather not let that come to pass.
i would never date a black african chick i dont mind the dark skin tone
but their fucking eyes are disgusting they are to jumpy like they are gonna pop up in any second
Including Russians?
It wont end and people need to stop giving a fuck about it.
Get black people to be more conservative.
If the majority of blacks were like Ben Carson I'd get upset just reading the word "nigger". As of right now though I just chuckle and think of a Worldstar Hip hop or some news clip of black students chanting "fuk wite-pipo".
Admit multiculturalism is failed.
Wall off Africa and establish a Prime Directive never to interfere with pre-Wheel civilizations.
Stop promoting stupidity and ignorance in celebrity culture. Lift up smart blacks who criticize stupid ones. Don't let trying to better and educate yourself be "acting white".
Nobody really hates blacks because they're black. They hate blacks because they commit crimes, don't provide for themselves, and most importantly,
Because they fucking hate us.
They gotta dress white they gotta act white, they gotta drop their victim culture.
Once Tyrone says to Jamal "You need to stop acting like a nigger." Then racism will end in America.
Kill George Soros.
Literally no way cuba's iq is that low,
we convince the blacks that welfare is racist because it treats them like weak, unintelligent, unsuccessful subhumans and directly caused the destruction of black culture
we make them idolize booker t washington
then they start voting republican and assimilating with society like they should've done 50+ years ago instead of getting fucked in the ass by LBJ
then after some generations they will honestly be worth considering equals
Let's all stick our dicks in niggers. I'm telling you guys, once you stick your dick in a nigger, you'll realize that they actually have a purpose here on earth. that purpose is to pleasure the white man, nothing more. If you can realize this, together we can appreciate niggers and finally end racism! Go out and stick your dick in a nigger today!
I want my seed deep inside all of those asses.
Naeil Degrasse Tyson isnt smart...
He's a fucking troll scientist.
Systemic Racism is a myth- personal racism is free speech
85?That is the average IQ of african american.
Race mixing.
My brain thinks this is some kind of trick but my dick is open to the idea
It could be easily done in a few months, just seperate mankind by skin color and religion and things would be golden. You know like god / nature / evolution or whatever you prefer intended the world to be.
Racism as a concept would still be there, and no matter what happens it always will.
But if people weren't forced to live in "diverse" societies, it literally wouldn't be possible for anyone to experience any "racism" irl.
And that's why Hitler was the good guy, since he tried to do just that.
Well, when you put it that way.
These are correct.
By killing all the niggers.
Remove niggers basically
reminder that nigger women are so horrible that black men don't want them and some decent looking mulatto models wont change that
Every time there's one of these faggots, those cheekbones and brow ain't white
thank you, this
Most black people don't care about SJW nonsense, and the Dem blacks just want welfare. The Great Society and many social programs of the 60s have failed them, bringing their illegitimacy rates to almost 75% (raised for everyone else too). This needs to be addressed, they can no longer afford to have the traditional conservative family necessary to instill moral and ethical values in their children.
Research how to genetically modify non-whites to have white brains.
Stop talking about it.
Would eat that ass like groceries
12% of the world's population is considered to be white, it's only shrinking, and believe me, we are not leaving this planet. Total race-mixing is the fate of caucasians.
damn son
Put all the niggas on the other side of the world. But it wont end hutsie on tutsie racism but atleast they will get off the white mans back
1. white population worldwide is 12% and shrinking
2. we are not leaving this planet
>low IQ people are a bioweapon
>especially in democratic societies
>we should stop caring
but what about (((Romani)))ans, baltshits, Slavshits, Finngolians and eurospics?
Liberia is calling you home black man
some of your long lost cousins or brothers could have gone there instead of taking the 40 and a mule. Life was good in liberia. No white men telling you what to do, a black president, etc
Why would we want to do that?
We need a new standard for judging them. They don't want to be judged (negatively) by the color of their skin. Okay -that's kind of fair. But we tried judging by the content of their character, and things got worse, not better.
Leave Japan, we need our anime porn
Is this real? i don't know what to believe.
Stop talking about it and stop this whole divide and shit with African American and black community.
If you really want racism to stop they gotta stop dividing themselves from others like they're special.
You can give us all the women of the non-European races. We don't mind.
Fucking stop talking about it and stop putting yourself in special groups.
The more you have to make special groups or reminding people who you are and how different you are, you continue to divide and segregate. Unify with all and be with everyone through thick and thin. Only way for it to truly go away
Ethnic cleansing of non-whites.
Race mixing
Humans evolved differently based on their environment just so one day they can mate with people of different races and produce superior offsprings having the best genes of each race
Hitler was dead wrong
Race mixing
Humans evolved differently in rensponse on their environment just so one day they can mate with people of different races and produce superior offsprings having the best genes of each race
Hitler was dead wrong
By changing a letter
>just stop doing stuff that's hardwired in our genes guys!
Is there anything you can solve without ethnic cleansing, magically shrinking country?
Race mixing
Humans evolved differently in rensponse on their environment just so one day they can mate with people of different races and produce superior offsprings having the best genes of each race
Hitler was dead wrong
How do we end Poland?
Can just come from a nigger
she alone can stop all racism.
Thinking with your dick won't change the fact that her offspring will be niggers.
The genes adapted to living in Africa (built for violence, low IQ, quicker development) are dominant for several generations.
You would literally be helping breed the next generation of Hillary voting Black Lives Matter thugs. Maybe IQs in the high 80s, but still niggers.
Better question is how I save all the pics in as few clicks as possible?