GrubHub destruction general
get in here and spread the word
GrubHub destruction general
get in here and spread the word
wtf I love Foodler now
trending at #7 right now
You guys know what to do
bump this shit /pol needs to know
Shady fuck
Here's some fresh OC
>Sup Forums attacks the app
>A numale reporter from a shitty site reports it
>SJW will use it more
>mfw Sup Forums gets BTFO again
send them your comments and live chat them
fresh OC here as well
Bump for based Clint
>We're putting the egg back together again
It's fine to be pissed and send a message, but you guys are acting like Tumblr demanding people be fired.
Stuff like is actually funny.
had this bitch on the hook for 40 minutes
KEK looks like they're busy
love reading Oh no no no with pajeet accent
reddit tier thread
Holy shit this guy is flown off the handle. He runs a fucking online takeout menu. This is beyond virtue signalling-- this is a retard mistaking his business's social media for his personal blog and expecting his customers to coddle him because his fee fees are hurt. This kind of behavior is completely unprofessional and reeks of the modern university system.
This is what the future in the Berenstein universe looks like. Thank God we're in the Berenstain universe and Trump got elected.
Previous threads
kek i am chatting them while watching tv how much business are we costing them right now?
Deleted account and left app review. Grubhub is garbage anyway Postmates and UberEATS are where it's at.
The CEO asked trump supporters to resign. So now grubhub must pay.
>trending at #7 right now
Holy shit. Should short the stock first thing in the morning. It's going to tank!
tie up their resources so real customers get fucked and pissed off
love reading Oh no no no with pajeet accent
Their own CEO is already doing it.
Saw you in the other thread, you sha'll be remembered
#boycottGrubHub on twitter boys
thx i should have done more but didnt want to blow my cover was just trying to see how long i could keep her on
Everyone should meme their chat with mentions of their
> my wifes son
So they know all their customers are themselves cucks
He's obviously an idiot, but this is essentially extremely efficient, targeted advertising - that he gets for free by riding on this trend of protesting a fucking democratic election.
(Grubhub probably has most business in the larger cities - which generally lean heavily towards democrats/SJW/retards.)
He's obviously an idiot, but this is essentially extremely efficient, targeted advertising - that he gets for free by riding on this trend of protesting a fucking democratic election.
(Grubhub probably has most business in the larger cities - which generally lean heavily towards democrats/SJW/retards.)
Sick of these faggots in IT.
IT should be a mans workplace.
Oh lawdy
>implying SJW's have dispensable income
You animal
Fuck it, any employer who thinks he has the right to dismiss people for their private political views is actually creating a hostile environment.
These people voted for freedom.
spread on twitter
>double posting
Violet is cute
Make her show tits
I use Grubhub when I feel like being a lazy asshole and I don't want to talk to another human or count dollar bills when I order a pizza. I suspect that for many people it's the same, which is part of why that email caused as much outrage as it did.
>and Maga life will improve always improving
Fucking kek
last one, posting is slow on Sup Forums for some reason
If this hurts the company's stock badly enough is it possible that he'd get fired as CEO, or does he own a controlling majority of the company?
Can you find out the format of their order numbers?
>violet will never be your funny, sweet loving gf
This isn't good.
I don't need these fags, I have MrDelivery
>Awww, thanks Parjeet
a new mene is borned
>If this hurts the company's stock badly enough is it possible that he'd get fired as CEO
feel free to let these guys know if you happen to be a concerned investor
fucking connection errors
> Alavida, vinda maga
> maga
What did they do?
Boss emailed the rest of the company telling them they should leave if they supported Trump.
This caused the stock to go down, etc.
Shouldn't we hammer the company to shit, then get the SEC involved for him deliberately using the election to tank his company after selling off his shares?
Bump for foodler masterrace
Sounds like a scam company and the ceo is crashing it and running with the money.
sounds like a plan, im sure they were already looking into it, he did sell off 89% of his shares
How does this fucking company help anyone?
If you want to just order take out, why not just order from the site of the restaurant itself?
Serious question it's actually bothering me, I have a 10 dollar off coupon, and I"m genuinely getting pissed off at what service they're providing other than screwing a percentage of money from a business for idiots to use their site.
yes but i still cant figure out a motive for this...unless he is pissed at the other cofounder and just trying to screw him over
When some cletus and bob do this in alabama, they get called racist rednecks.
When Charles from NY does the same, he gets called a hero.
One thing that this election definitely did was open my eyes.
>tfw signed my stores up for DoorDash but not GrubHub
Looks like a made a good choice
But I miss the Berenstein Bears D:
Techcrunch said it was incorrectly reported but who knows. Maybe he realized how stupid it wad after the backlash.
Me too, but at least we're not in the universe where Hillary Clinton gets elected president.
that would be pretty hilarious
Some restaurants don't do takeout, don't know why, but these guys grab it for you if that's the case.
That universe is furiously working on #HillUniversexit and trying to break into ours.
lemme just say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading that whole combo while imagining a stereotypical indian voice.
Thank you
Violet's so sweet. I'm glad she got a happy ending.
How do we crash grub hub?
Take my energy
Boycott restaurants that use it
they put the menu and everything online in a way for people to buy online with card and paypal...lots of small restaurants dont know how to set that shit up or dont want to bother with figuring it out.
see here
what a legend
Please don't, I use it to order my burgers
>Guy sells shares
>incites massive backlash against his company
>company value drops!!
>buys back at bottom
This guy should get sued and go to jail
This is funny
Isn't this extremely blatant insider trading?
idk exactly what its called but fuck hes a dumb idiot he just fucked his shareholders big time!!! Just imagine u had 10k worth of grubhub at 35$ a share look where this will be next week