How do you feel about America, the country that is the second biggest polluter and releaser of carbon dioxide in the world, has a climate change denier as president?
How do you feel about America...
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It's the biggest economy in the world and not even the biggest polluter. *progress*
Trump is pro-nuclear so soon India will be the biggest polluter.
What, do you think he's just gonna magically turn the country nuclear overnight? You do know how long it takes to build a reactor, right? Even when you're "under budget and ahead of schedule".
Who fucking cares, cuck Swede? If global warming is a big issue, we'll sort it out and politically mobilize.
We just fucking shafted the snarky, moralistic liberal elite and media. We need nothing else right now.
>implying CO2 levels are not too low.
>implying they are not near an all time low geologically speaking
>implying plants and most other higher forms of life wont prosper with higher levels of CO2
>implying we cant build dykes to keep rising water out of cities
>implying the costs of just dealing with global warming are not far less than the costs of suicide global economies to put us in stone age levels of CO2 usage
This board has a serious schadenfreude problem.
Meh, As long as I get my tendies, I'm ok with it.
You people are retarded. LA is a living example of the shithole the planet will be if everyone drives. If Trump starts pushing Oil on America they will experience unexpected devastation.
>tfw 2000 meters above sea level
>only cuckolds live on the coast
melt those fucking ice caps already baby
Destroy China and East Asia if you want to save the environment. Then Japan can take over their countries anew.
how do you feel that you will be deported within the first 100 days of his presidency?
'Climate change' is a political movement that has reached a religious level.
When discussing climate change with others I often take a stance on scientific research that shows that the Sun's activity greatly influences the production of clouds in the atmosphere. Clouds are most likely the most significant factor regarding surface temperature on Earth.
After going into this discussion I'm often met with the question: "Don't you believe in climate change?"
No I don't 'believe' in anything but scientific prove and cold hard facts. It's a witch hunt and the pro-climate activists are the modern witch hunters.
Your deep and resounding scientific ignorance is showing. I like watching the Sup Forums project unfold and continue to do so with interest, but at some point you need to realise scientific information doesn't happen in newspapers.
You aren't a plant, and you're making an argument from ignorance. Go do some MIT open courseware classes. You guys need to fix your aversion to science if you want to keep America ahead
Holy fuck, that's the perfect word to describe it. Sup Forums would be alright with the world burning as long as liberals suffered.
Again, give us your scientific arguments or accept you just don't know anything. What's your view on acidification of oceans and the impact on calcium carbonate formation? Or potential for resulting bacterial plumes? You don't believe in facts, you believe what you're told
If leftists care about the environment so much, then maybe they should stop burning polyester flags.
plants can only grow so much as their environment has nutrients+water
some plants are even negatively impacted by too much CO2 (reduced photosynthesis, etc)
>implying the costs of just dealing with global warming are not far less than the costs of suicide global economies to put us in stone age levels of CO2 usage
The ocean acidification + the melting of permafrost in the eastern siberian arctic shelf can destroy our economies. especially the latter.
>trying to guilt trip Sup Forums with (((global warming)))
Climate change was made up by the Chinese to kill American industries competitiveness.
It's a well known fact, check it up.
The pollution of a place is a reflection of the people living there. Everyone drives in (((red))) states and it doesn't look like shit to me. Only places that have dirty air are where People of Dirtiness live.
The sun and the climate are moving in opposite directions for the last 3 decades. The sun is slightly cooling while emissions cause the climate to become warmer.
Don't you think the cooling of the sun would have an influence on the production of clouds and so have an influence on climate? If so why has the opposite been occurring?
Good God you're pompous. Show me some facts, teach me "genius".
Feels good man. If the white race is going to die you can all come with us
Climate change is a meme
Why is Sweden the biggest releaser of cucks and the biggest polluter of the white race?
Why does Sweden like to burn coal so much?
You make an excellent case for a hard cap to immigration. The best way to lower CO2 levels is to make sure the population doesn't increase unnecessarily.
Always Eurofags with this shit.
It should have been obvious from Kyoto, we don't fucking care about your enviro-virtue signalling take that shit to Africa or something.
OP makes a funny point. We are the SECOND LARGEST producer of CO2, China is the first, and they don't hav even a fraction of the crazed liberls trying to outlaw fossil fuels. Climate change is real, but thinking the USA can or even should do something about it is just pure-religiocity. The loss in jobs and GDP we'd experience if liberals got their way with climate change legislation far outweigh what America could do to prevent it. Dealing with it as climate change comes alog actually won't be too much of a problem. An issue, sure, but tanking our economy to have a slight impact on slowing it down (while China and other growing economies gladly buy the excess carbon we'd be refusing) is retarded.
you might as well deny and ignore climate change, since no one is willing to do what would actually slow it down.
How many of you green people will sell your car and bicycle everywhere, only buy local produce, get rid of your refrigerator, use a single fireplace or stove rather than a heater in every room, buy far less in general, if you have a computer use a far more efficient one, and only visit websites that are run on efficient and low-power hardware (you think the internet is 'green'?), etc.?
No one is going to turn in to Thoreau, so why bother getting upset about climate change?
Climate change is a hoax. #bluenotgreenplanet
>we cant stop it so why even try
great attitude!
>Dealing with it as climate change comes alog actually won't be too much of a problem.
oh boy
Sweden, you have bigger fucking things to worry about. How about you purge Ahmed first.
Isn't Al Gore really into climate change etc... Trump wants nothing to do with it so let him put that mongoloid in charge of that while Trump focuses on things that actually matter.
There is no turning back on climate change and Trump knows it. People will riot if asked to cut back on their lifestyles, so the only solution is some sort of human intervention. Trump will lead this effort and save humanity.
OK then. Ban cars. Make the possession of an internal combustion engine punishable by law.
Then say that all websites must have a speed and size limit, and operate on a level of complexity that can be ran on a raspberry pi using elinks.
After that give every single building a power allowance, and fine heavily for everything over that.
Then increase the cost of everything depending on the miles it travelled (by rail or ship, of course, because we don't have lorries any more).
This is the level we have to take it worldwide. It's not going to happen. People are not going to trade in youtube for a bbs; their car for a bicycle; their regridgerator for a daily trip to the farm shop.
People will continue to drive to their large shopping centres and consume high-power entertainment. And nothing but law, enforced mercilessly, will change that.
Fucking retards. There is no threat from climate change.
Canada will become comfier.
The rest of humanity will adapt.
If they reach China or india Levels they will get it.
Btw fgts...
Watch cowspiracy, the Problem is not cars or the usual economy. It is factory farming. Even the fucking di Caprio movie ignored this fact.
pretty fucking good swedistan
Food is required to live; cars are not.
Add in to this that it's not so much the livestock itself but the way they are managed, and how they're required to be shipped great distances. Buying my pork from a swine farm less than a mile up the road is not comparible to American burgers shipped across the entire continent, even if the farming practises were the same.
Destruction of the white race is inevitable. I just want the rest of my life to be relatively free of shitskins and to piss off as many liberals as possible. I don't care what happens to this world after I die
>plants can only grow so much as their environment has nutrients+water
>some plants are even negatively impacted by too much CO2 (reduced photosynthesis, etc)
Now your just talking out your ass. It takes a fucking hell of a lot of CO2 before you start negitvly impacting plants. They can even retain more water and survive in dryer climates when the CO2 is elevated. Your so fucking full of shit.
>The ocean acidification + the melting of permafrost in the eastern siberian arctic shelf can destroy our economies. especially the latter.
Again bullshit. Sea life may change with higher CO2 but it still will exist. And our economies could survive without any sea food at all. The global sea food economy is only $150 billion. Airlines are close to a trillion and auto is even larger than that. The world runs on carbon not on sea food, deal with it.
>argument by graph
Two can play at this game
>the world runs on carbon
Yes. That is indeed the problem.
Sup Forums is broke and lost my graph >_
>the world runs on carbon
Yes. That is indeed the problem.
Also, isn't "we'll just wait for it to sort itself out" a bad strategy for anything? Plus, isn't it incredibly irresponsible to just say "yeah, whatever, kill the oceans, I need my pickup tuck"?
>second biggest polluter and releaser of carbon dioxide in the world
I thought India had that honour?
feels good. the sooner the temperature rise the sooner people will start working on it seriously and fix it
You need to worry more about all that methane gas from media bullshit.
1. Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:
2. Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
3. Trump's true position on citizens united - literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign.
Reminder that citizens united empowers the influence of corporations on the elections.
China has also only been industrializing for less than 3 decades, in terms of added up total pollution for the last 150 years they're not even in the same ballpark as Europe and the US. China now = the west 50 years ago in terms of industrialization.
Not that I'm big on Chinks, but isn't putting the blame and responsibility on developing countries a bit of a cop out?
Considering I'm not some tree hugging, dirt worshipping hippie faggot, I really don't care. Call me when the seas are boiling.
Considering I'm not some tree hugging, dirt worshipping, hippie faggot I really don't care. Call me when the seas are boiling.
Considering I'm not some tree hugging, dirt worshipping, hippie faggot I really don't care. Call me when the seas are boiling.
>talking out ass
>i literally said "too much CO2"
>what is nitrogen plateau
>again bullshit
sea life won't just change. it will collapse. the coral reefs house 25% of the ocean's species and they're already dying. another ~100 ppm of CO2 and they're gone. the fact that you think the collapse of the ocean's ecosystem will only hurt the seafood industry is really, really stupid. Billions of people depend upon seafood as their main source of protein.
hell, even the collapse of honeybee colonies will cause huge economic damages. everything is interconnected.
also your figure is irrelevant in terms of AGW.
With all due respect, it might be worth reading some of the raw climate literature. The facts are pretty damning: anthropogenic climate change is very much real and it unfortunately poses a great threat to our way of life
>no pollution
Hey guys! So the major heater of the planet is the greenhouse effect. What happens is infrared light trying to leave the planet gets absorbed by gases in the atmosphere and then subsequently released as heat. The biggest contributer to the greenhouse affect is water (67%) and the next biggest is CO2 (20%). With increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere, the global temperature rises along with other negative effects such as increasing levels of carbonic acid in the ocean. So for all of you who think this is a "hoax" it is a very relevant and urgent issue more real and pressing than the "economy". There are plenty of documentaries out there explaining this stuff please educate yourself!
>Aversion to science
We are all one race, the human race.
You know there are multiple types of reactors right? types that are more "green" than solar?
Pol sometimes seems to turn into an echo chamber for anti-science bullshit. Avoid the big money interests guys: looks at the peer reviewed academic articles, not the heartland institute.
Anthropogenic climate change is real and it's a really big issue
I think it's fucking awesome. I'm 53, nothing will happen too much in the next 30 years, then I'll be dead so who the fuck cares? Party time.
I believe that global warming is real.
I also believe that nobody gives a fuck about it.
You will be raped to death by a swarm of googles before Sweden loses its permafrost.
Americans will just need to get used to the smog.
The sooner the temperature rises the sooner the racewar. The sooner the racewar the sooner the real war can start. The sooner the real war starts the sooner the ethnic cleansing can start.
I feel good, as there is not such thing as 'climat change' you brainwashed goy.
It's just a natrual geologic process, not the result of carbon dioxide emissions.
God help us if you represent anything but a tiny proportion of humanity
it's already way too fucking late
we're in end game geopolitical scenarios for climate catastrophe
the exponential part of the warming curve is going to hit us way earlier than advertised
governments around the world will need their surveillance state powers and more to keep from falling apart
SJWs = Two gender deniers
come to merica. plenty of them running around. fucking idiots. they drive big ass diesels to their office job and back and pretend to be rednecks
>couple of depleted rods vaulted away underground in a salt mine
choose one
Read the peer reviewed climate literature. Avoid anti science msm or special interest groups. It's a real issue - try to educate yourself on it
I actually don't care either way. I'm pretty sure the gigantic, polluted hellholes of China, India, the African continent (with it's upcoming 2 billion niggers) and Brazil are on track to be worse polluters than us, and unless we're going to cull their populations, there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. Why hobble ourselves for the sake of the environment when literally no other emerging power is going to do so?
We just fucking shafted the snarky, moralistic liberal elite and media. We need nothing else right now.
How does it feel to act against your own economic interest just to spite a wealthy liberal elite that will benefit from Trump's tax cuts for the rich?
>b-but he'll bring back our factory jobs
hehe >B^) u r in the wrong neighborhood librel pussy, clean airs for fucking fags. I cant wait until the day of the rope is going to kill all u faggots believing in (((Global Warming))) - LOL it was cold as fuck yesterday??? ahaha wheres ur god now? stupid hippies, we have much more important things to worry about than the sustainability of the only known inhabitable planet in our universe, like uh IKE GAY marraige which is DESTROYING america as we speak. yu fags r ruining this country. Nice try kiddo..but we know who writes those "science" reports; (((hint))) (((hint))). Now look at this data about cranium sizes and IQ i found on stormfront, haha niggers btfo again B-) u liberals just cant catch a break. So do me a favor and go back to /l/eddit, u dont belong here pal.
>economy ded
>no more video games
>no more anime
>ocean ded
>crops failing
>more natural disasters
>water wars
>atomic wars
>nuclear winter
>collapse of all civilization
>mass starvation
atleast in your last moments you can be happy you died with other fellow countrymen if they haven't devoured you first.
la is in a giant bowl because of the mountains
Gore shills ITT
Did you know that the US increase its carbon footprint and is going to miss its 2020 goals because of the nuclear reactors that have been shut down. This is happening in other places too.
Those countries have all signed up to COP21. Trump want's to scrap it. The anglosphere should be leading on these issues - not pulling other countries back
doesn't matter if hes a climate change denier or not. doesn't change anything. people are still going to drive gas guzzlers, live in massive houses, throw away absurd amounts of trash, and preach green while doing so. Nothing to do with trump. oh.. the carbon tax? yea... throwing money at the pollution will certainly make it go away...
Does being concerned about an issue make us cucks?
Sure, why not.
I always dreamt of dying to some MAD. Too bad the cockroaches will outlive us.
It was about time this pseudo science bullshit was put in its rightful place, into the trash.
You can't get everything, sometimes.
That's a makor problem in American politics: it's two parties.
So if you agree with not going to war with Russia, but at the same disagree with climate-change deniers?
You're shit out of luck.
That said, laws and check and balance from sheer public pressure exists.
You'd be a fool to think all that will disappear in 8 years.
Either way, global warming is like a spec of dust compared to nuclear annihilation.
i dont think he denies it, i know he said it was a chinese conspiracy once but that was probably just to appeal to his base. he says he knows global warming is real but that the problem is being abused by special interest for their personal benefit.
green companies lobby for this stuff so they can get free government handouts and anti-competitive regulations in their favor.
yes, it's all politics and corruption as usual. if the lefty green tree huggers really cared about global warming they'd be balls out on nuclear