What if the left is right and we really are just racist misogynists?
What if the left is right and we really are just racist misogynists?
The left is right. Do you think any sane person could look at Sup Forums and possibly think it is not a racist, misogynist place?
I want whatever the hell you've been on for the past 2 years.
I'm a black male. Yeah the KKK openly supported Donald, but he doesnt have pictures with them like Hillary.
What if the right is right and niggers need to just die?
Everyone is a little bit of everything.
But it's only acceptable to hate white people and men. That's going to stop, and it's going to stop soon.
Then the left is still right and the average Sup Forumstard is still racist.
The question is if we fit the label, and we do.
>left is right
a contradiction in terms
We gotta deport ourselves.
I don't care. I just don't want myself or my children to get shit for being White anymore.
Never leave Toronto
We are racist misogynists and that is a good thing!
Niggers are racist so I became racist.
The left is right.
I am 100% racist. 100% homophobic and probably 70% misogynistic.
That's irrelevant.
I am:
>Pro free speech
>Pro liberty
>Pro self-determination
>Pro responsibility
>Believe that hard word most often than not breeds good results.
>Believe that the merit of a person's character is less important than the ideals they believe in.
>Truth is better than fiction
>Facts are more important than feelings
>And a god damn baker should be allowed to refuse anyone's commission for any god damn reason.
There's a big problem with what you've written, and I believe you know just what it is--yes, I suspect this, and I will find you out. I shall take your final point first: you said we are "just racist misogynists". If that were really so, we would be a sad lot indeed. But it isn't, and I bet you know very well why. See, my friend, by saying this you've constrained our identity; you have intellectualized our sincere desires and emotions. But do you really think--can you really believe for one second that the human will is shackled to the intellect? Heh... no, no you cannot say that. You WILL not say that, even if it is true. The will is too beautiful to be dissected. So tell me, how can we "just" be "racists" and "misogynists"? Keh heh heh, even the LEFTISTS you claim to respect have to grant that this is a gross reduction of our humanity. So I've almost found you out! But this is not enough, I grant you--I must serve you your rotten words back in full. To call us "just racist misogynists" does not hold with your claim that "the leftists are right"--because they would concede that this is terrible conclusion. So! You've argued that the leftists have the right of it, which would rile us up, then you've incensed us further by giving a very poor reason for why this is so! But this has proven that your argument is not in good faith! Yes, now I can say it! You are nothing more than a deceitful trouble-maker, looking for some attention the easiest way you know how!--and maybe I have granted your wish, but is that so bad of me? For by now the seeds of truth are beginning to sprout. You cannot live your lie any longer. You will never shitpost again! Heh heh. Hahahaha! But there is no need to thank me. I am just an anonymous poster, what good would it do? So with that, farewell. Yes, goodbye, my friend! Till we meet again, as comrades rather than as enemies. Adieu!
>What if the left is right and we really are just racist misogynists?
Look at people who followed leftist ideology the past 8 years, is that who you wanna be?
The only right left that is left, is left right out of politics; it is in England, where we drive on the right side of the road, which is the left.
How can left be right if right is right?
How can left be right if right is right?wut
>one word
well I am a racist but I feel that I have evidence to support my racism
so I've made peace with it- I think I'm just a pragmatic person
not misogynistic at all though.
>That's going to stop, and it's going to stop soon.
Really? Seems like it's getting worse
on misogynists:
voting for the leader of the leading superpower and a 300+ million people nation on the basis of having a vagina and menstruation cycles 20 years ago is the height of stupidity
college-educated women did this and it's the most sexist thing one can do
opposing this stupidity is not misogyny
they were gaslighting you to believe that resisting them is immoral
left is right
war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength
I honestly want equality for everyone and wish everyone could be on the 'same page' so we can all have fun and move the world forward instead of arguments happening all the time.
The problem is that some cultures and even some entire races are way behind, and liberals can't seem to accept that letting Muslims stay the same won't help them, they NEED to change if we want a united world.
Fuck you, Hiroshimoot. Fix this shit.
Racist yeah I'll take that, mysognist? No. I love women.
of course we're racist and sexist
who fucking cares?
Making the assumption that the entirety of the right is racist, is fallacious, but being that the right is reactionary by nature, it only makes sense that the idea of integrating people from different cultures is challenging as hell. This observation is not even exclusive to race since white immigration into the US has been condemned by the right in the past.
If everyone is equal then how can everyone be unique?
we're on the right side, i've given it some thought since i really started to realize the gravity of memeing trump into the presidency, but i'm utterly convinced that we are the good guys and we're going to make america and the entire world great again
Das cool.
I'm kind of in the neutral area. I'm very numb to things (I am a white male though, so I don't really have to worry about results like this...I just kind of lack empathy), and some people on here do make me feel like this is motivated by hate and they just want to be smug about it. I don't think Trump will be as bad as people say. If only he was Hitler without the mass killings, and had that kind of direction for America. So far I'm not convinced, but from a business standpoint I would've appealed to the common denominator (rednecks, guys in fraternal hierarchies) which, if it were his plan, was clever. However I'm not convinced he'll be a good leader outside of that.
But I've always been a racist misogynistic sexist patriarch and I've never known a rational reason to apologize for it.
>who fucking cares?
Strange how being called a racist still triggers some people but we all immediately accepted the title of irredeemable deplorables.
Quoting principal Skinner, "am I really so out of touch? No, it's the kids that are wrong."
What if we were the ones correcting the record
Well I'm pretty racist. It's what happens when every other races hates you.
>What is OP is a fag?
Really activates those almonds.
Bonjour Pierre. Comment ca va?