Fox News Projects Trump Won Popular Vote



What do you think this will do to the protests? They don't even have their California rigged popular vote left.

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when is the vote counting over for good?

Bullshit, he's behind by 400k votes now

>What do you think this will do to the protests?
Absolutely nothing.

>3 days since election is over
>no definitive results yet

The current electoral college system means that a president can be elected by a minority of voters. That’s got to change

kek , when you hate trump so much you need to over turn the constitution . the people have spoken and trump has totally BTFO the media and the global elites

This is pretty ridiculous, is there any official word on fucking why it hasn't finished yet?

All the protests, episodes of violence towards Trump supporters etc are actually a good thing for the uncuckening, they'll make normalfags aware of how fucked in the head """liberals""" are.

Because they count votes from blue areas faster than red. He was behind by a lot of votes in OH and FL to begin with because they were only counting the blue counties and not the red.

Get over it aussiecuck.

Yeah why aren't they counting the rest. I wanna know the final results

America is big.

IIRC it ends on monday, assuming nobody asks for a recount.

>Because they count votes from blue areas faster than red.
Not true, gommiefornia's counting is still at something like 70%. Not like it matters.

And he's right too.

I can't remember the exact date but they have until I believe today to finish up the counting. The presidency is almost always called the night of, but that is based on projected voting. The actual votes aren't completely counted until several days later.

>The current electoral college system means that a president can be elected by a minority of voters.
You do realize it's like that for a reason right?

By the way, do abseentee mail ballots usually get counted, or they get counted only if the state is REALLY close?

I still don't understand this. Why make it that way?

Don't you guys use electronic machines? The fuck are they counting?

If he ever figures it out he'll realize why it's the United "States" and not the United State.

Avoiding mob rule. Also it's _UNITED_STATES_of America, not North American Republic.

God I hope they put an end to the rioting bullshit.

California and NY alone can determine the outcome of elections. That means you will have presidents according to their preference forever.

This kills USA in short

Popular vote means fuck all anyway just because it doesnt count. Theres no telling how voter counts would have been if there were no electoral college and red voters in guaranteed blue states like california didnt know their votes were wasted anyway.

>I still don't understand this. Why make it that way?

I hope he actually does win the popular vote so people will shut up about that whole thing.

There's no real hurry anymore since the decision is already made. There's a lot of votes and I'm sure even if a small percentage are paper that that's still a lot.

There are paper ballots too. I don't know how they're distributed but I for instance voted with a paper ballot.

It's so population centers don't make up the majority of the vote. See






Question, looking at the detailed version in texas, the southern part have lot of blue right, does those happen naturally or it's part of long term rigging strategy ( i.e making it easier for liberal to lives and moves there, or setting immigration area there ).

if it was up to popular vote rural states would have no power in the election. america isn't designed to be one, homogeneous country. the states were intended to be self-governing to an extant to ensure we don't have an all-powerful federal government that is impossible to change.

It's right on the border, so it has a much higher concentration of Mexican immigrants, both legal and not.

You should look at past elections and see the time it took to count all the votes, it doesn't take 3 days. Usually everything is counted the day after. They are stalling this result for a reason : yes, Donald Trump won the popular vote, he really did. Remember, the establishment is still in place, Soros little friends are still in power, they are running things. The idea that Hillary won the popular vote is crucial to them, it legitimate protests. That's the project, holding this result so the protest can start. Because after the real numbers will come out, they'll say it's a fake number promoted to stop the protests. See, when Bush won the elections against al gore, we didn't have millenials. People still respected democracy, even when the results werz against them, yes Al Gore won the popular vote but people were mature enough to know that the american system favors the electoral votes. Now we have a generation of spoiled zombies that are ready to riot whenever reality doesn't fit them. There realy are some influencial and powerful out there who want to destroy america from within, or destroy Trumps legitimacy at the very least.

the southern part of texas is closer to the mexican border so probably a lot of mexican immigrants who think trump is a puto

So you don't end up like Canada.

Our political parties pander to Ontario and Quebec where the population centers are, rest of country wholly ignored. Often the election is already long decided before most of the West has even voted.

So small states and small towns aren't fucked by big cities. Cali, NY, Floriday, and Texas would pretty much decide who runs everything and smaller state's votes wouldn't mean shit so they really wouldn't have a say. with the electoral college, small states have a part in deciding who will lead

How the fuck do you live here and not know? Wtf happened to American education?
We learned this shit repeatedly, covering it over and over again from 4th grade to senior history classes in high school...
It's so a state with a larger population can't totally control the election every time and smaller states would have literally zero influence over the elections.
Case in point:
CA and NY almost every time go blue due to NYC, Sacramento, SF, LA and San Diego.
The majority of the sates aside from that are red but due to the super democuck population the rest of the red part of the states get fucked.
If it were popular vote and not electoral, the entire country would be controlled by these areas and the Baltimore/DC region

I don't understand how somebody can get fewer votes overall but still win. I mean I'm glad he won, but doesn't that seem counter-intuitive? I've never really cared enough to actually look into how the US elections work, but is it that some votes matter more if they're from particular areas? If so, why is that? Is it so that an area with a large population in which a single political issue is the primary deciding factor in who gets voted for can't overwhelmingly sway the balance of power? That would be my best guess.

Or am I an idiot and it actually just is total votes overall that matter and I'm just missing something?

trying to post, having trouble
also, checkem

People in those gray areas generally have a very low IQ and don't have any sense of cultured life.
They have little understanding how the world works outside of raising livestock and shooting guns.
They have NO understanding of how the world works or politics.


See Also a shitton of people don't bother with voting because their state has a solid color.

I literally can't stop crying right now.

I thought I could sleep knowing America had turned a new leaf and that we could reject all of the evils that infected our country. As kids I think most of us just took for granted that many of us didn't think that anything like this could happen that love and tolerance were just engrained into us in order to stop the cycle of hate. But I'm walking home from work and see a poor pregnant 13 year old girl just talking on her cell phone. And this is normal now because she knows she can't just get an abortion. The Trumpets made sure of that; the first thing they did was to storm the local Planned Parenthood and vandalize all the equipment and I heard the staff was so scared they just decided to close it down.

So that 13 year old girl I was talking about? Get ready to see more, you selfish assholes. Get ready to just walk past men in Trump hats raping women and doing nothing because you know the cops are just gonna wink at you and say Nice. Get ready to see black people beaten in broad daylight and innocent Muslims terrorized by our religious nutjobs. Get ready to have our schools teach our boys its okay to rape, and to teach our girls its okay to be objectified and even paid less on top of it. Get ready to be afraid of everyone you meet, because odds are half the people you see walking around want to rape or subjugate you.

Well, way to go you stupid ignorant pests. You won. Hope you feel good about yourselves.

Uhh. Guys what is this flag?

me too sempai, curious delay

Soros getting read to blast out communications again and just fill the streets with paid agent provocateurs in hopes of an electoral college decision in December.

Yeah, fucking libs need to realize rural representation is important. Your food literally comes from rural areas. Rural area interests have to met.

Cities could not exist without the farms. Rural areas could exist without the urban areas.

Well that was convenient, thanks.

outdated, they are passed 60 million votes counted now and hillary is winning

a financial haven/tax shelter island

dont you need to worry about fixing your country's broken politics right now?

It's so the candidate that has the support of a wider geography than the opponent wins.

It's to prevent just a few cities from dominating the rest of the country.

Also because Republicans/Dems conceded states where they know they don't win, so they don't even campaign in those states. Neither party would do that if winner was decided by popular vote.

No doubt a large percentage of shillary votes are fraudulent. Dead people, illegals and dogs all love to vote democuck

>Rural areas could exist without the urban areas.
Yes they could, and we'd be a hell of a lot better off.


What are you going to do, cuck?

Every single state is granted a certain number of electors based on how many seats that state has in Congress. When you win the popular vote in a state you get all of its electors, no matter by what margin. Whichever candidate reaches 270 electors overall wins the election.

Not that I'm condoning not voting, given that in murriga the ballot has more shit than just the president. For example commiefornia had a bunch of stupid shit, legalizing DUDEWEED and tighter gun laws.

He's uncommon at best.

she’s probably not going to win the actual number of votes cast. She may win the number of votes counted, but not the votes cast.

States don’t count their absentee ballots unless the number of outstanding absentee ballots is larger than the state margin of difference. If there is a margin of 1000 votes counted and there are 1300 absentee ballots outstanding, then the state tabulates those. If the number of outstanding absentee ballots wouldn’t influence the election results, then the absentee ballots aren’t counted.

>People in those BLUE areas generally have a very low IQ and don't have any sense of cultured life.
>They have little understanding how the world works outside of raising FAGGITS and shooting EACH OTHER.
>They have NO understanding of how the world works or politics.

As someone who has lived in both areas you are absolutely wrong and an embarrassment to yourself

Why is a 13 year old pregnant? Seems she should have waited to have sex, or had a condom/birth control. People need to start taking account for their own actions, and it's starting now.

Those are the CNN results.

>inner city blacks are educated
>92% voted Clinton

The city of You

I think its great, people got the pain in the ass , and for what i see is very deep. You know what i think watching in the other side of the sea? its awesome, normies lost, the fucking right side is lost, they always make laught about us and call us loosers, well, its a fact im a looser but now i love it, why niggas must be better than me, they come to my country, give my money and they want it al because "they cant understand it" "its hard for them" fuck them. I really hope that Trump set the fire on and the world start to burn, build the WALL, destroy the muslims, exterminate the enemy is my dream...... im so exited. Pls do it !

Canada doesn't have proportional representation? Are you serious?

I don't really care because he's already President Elect, but I hope he does win the popular vote too. Just because the libs I argue with always bring it up and it'll be funny if he totally beats Hillary.

Actual bigotry: The Post.

>inner city blacks are educated
>92% voted Clinton

The city of You

Actual bigotry: The post

provisional votes take at least 3 days to be counted because they need to verify that you did not vote at any other polling place or by mail.

>source: I voted provisionally because I was registered as a republican in a very liberal major CA city and my polling place "had no record of me registering" despite my address being listed and my registration letter from September

Reminder that your God-Emperor himself disagrees and believes we have a democracy, that the popular vote winner should win and that there should be revolution when the electoral college chooses a winner that didn't win the popular vote.


No they don't.

Fuck, she's probably lurking now at this very thread

Umm hi

Seriously how old are you? What degree do you have?

Quit stereotyping, only ignoramus people stereotype others. If you met me, you'd probably immediately guess I was a Hillary supporter. I have a BS in a health science, I'm artistic etc. But I also have knowledge in geopolitical issues and I can't figure out why lefties would rather have wallstreet cheating warhawk "shoot down Russian planes" Hillary over "let's work with Russia" Trump: It's seriously exposed what media controlled sheep you lefties are.

Even CGP Grey pre-emptively made a video claiming this is the 4th time EC went against popular vote.

And I thought CGP was cool man. Though I guess we aren't entirely sure yet.

I hope Trump is ahead in pop vote so the other side can shut up.

If Hillary is ahead, we are going to have serious problems coming up.

Don't be shocked if they miscount on purpose for that reason. I'd almost approve. At least this once.

You cant change the rules to the game and accept the same results. Many people do not vote in non swing states cause they feel their vote doesn't matter. Therefore the popular vote is irrelevant and not indicative of the way America feels.

Stop trying to type in English.

Sup Forums, what are you doing. Pls

You need 170 seats to win a majority government in Canada, Ontario + Quebec hold 200 of those seats so they almost exclusively pander to those 2 provinces plus show up to Nova Scotia to shill for jobs a few times as a guarantee.

Because of time zones as soon as the West polling stations are closed and start counting, the election is called as Ontario + Quebec already counted/projected it's pretty hilarious. You might as well light your vote on fire in the west

>insanely long connection error
>tfw soros ddos

Don't matter since she gave up

Guys, can he still really win the popular vote?

>If Hillary is ahead, we are going to have serious problems coming up.
>Don't be shocked if they miscount on purpose for that reason. I'd almost approve. At least this once.

Just enjoy the salt and troll them, show the world who the real assholes are.

If Hillary wins the popular vote, it's because of voter fraud. It didn't magically disappear during Tuesday's election, we just overcame it enough to get the electoral votes. We should definitely continue to investigate voter fraud.

suck my patreon dick mike


Ameribros pls answer this I have money riding on it.

>Require IDs for voting
>Suddenly Democrats are down 5-10 million votes every election
Guaranteed to happen. Trump really needs to push for ID requirements and maybe making issuing IDs completely free like once every 2 years so they can't claim pay to vote.

It matters because people are making arguments that Trump himself disagrees with.


You have to change the rules first. The rules influenced my vote, who knows how the vote would've gone if the rules were different.

I live in a solid blue state. I love Jill and I want more funding for the greens so I voted Jill. If it was an all out national election I would've voted Trump just to stop your warhawk queen.

Would b8 again

It was just a design flaw, they only meant that trump was projected to win the election, not the popular vote

I was looking at california, and I noticed something I found really weird: all the counties show 100% of the ballots being counted, but the state is still shown at 69%. Anyone know why is that?


DESU this is what my sister said when I told her about it.

>people who dont live in the city are uneducated racists and know nothing about politics

Why do these people think living in a big fucking city makes you automatically educated and an expert in politics?

>poor pregnant 13 year old girl
First of all the laws haven't changed yet and Trump isn't even in office and second, why the FUCK is a 13 year old trying to get an abortion? How do you look at that scenario and think that the fact that she might not be able to get an abortion is the most important issue there?

i just had to tearfully explain this to someone tonight when the USA popular vote meme was mentioned.

I live in Alberta and ferderal elections are fucking GAY.

Has anyone checked the #NotMyPresident tag on Facebook lately? Holy shit Kikebook posters are being surprisingly based about this shit! Everyone ducking hates the rioters! What a time to be alive.

Imagine a country with 3 states.

State A has 20 people
State B has 5 people
State C has 2 people

Let's say that state A was a liberal stronghold, and 17 people voted dem, while for state B, let's say 4 people voted for rep, and state C has 2 votes for rep.

A direct democracy would cause state A to decide the whole election process, and the other two would be irrelevant.

Whereas an electoral college would make State B and C count more, so let's say state B is worth 2 electoral votes, state C is worth 1, and state A is worth 3.

Since B and C went rep. this means that it would be 3 versus 3 as opposed to state A deciding everything.

Yes, my example has flaws, and is disproportionate, but you get the idea. Electoral college creates a buffer between the majority of the population and state representation.

Because people tend to vote in blocks.

If you compare it to the European Union, minor states have to get a little more equal power or else Germany would be the pivot voting block on every single issue.

It would make those, who have a different interest, hate being in the Union and wanting to separate, hence making the whole system unstable.

It would be interesting to study how UK votes differed from Germany votes in the recent years.


Hope you like cults

liberal tears are tasty

Would b8 again


Not really half of the US populace lives in big cities which are liberal, however 95% of the physical country would always be overruled, that's why you have this system. It's not his fault Clinton didn't campaign in those areas. You can deny it as much as you want, but the fact remains that the system is not broken, Trump is living proof. Next time go out and convince the people who have it worse in rural areas to vote for you. When you are being betrayed time after time by establishments you go for a fresh candidate.