Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep.
Cute nazi horse is cute
10/10 would kill jews and niggers with
Can't chance it
Post more Nazi horse.
fuck off this isnt Sup Forums
If only
Sup Forums A place where people have great values, long to mid term vision and humanity best interests.
But if we tell them our heroes they call us nazis :'(
Eat a turd. And if you dont reply to this comment Bill Clinton will fuck you good tonight
I chuckled. Once upon a time I had someone draw me a custom brony avatar that I shit posted with. It had an eye patch, a scar on its face and it's cutie mark was the sickle and hammer. It was truly glorious.
Reply to this one or your mother is gangraped by a horde of Serbs and then murdered.
Reply to this one or your mother is gangbanged by a horde of Serbs and then murdered.
Fucking stop.
whats a bronie?
I chuckled. Once upon a time I had someone draw me a custom brony avatar that I shit posted with. It had an eye patch, a scar on its face and it's cutie mark was the sickle and hammer. It was truly glorious.
Fuck u
Do you still have it?
Why the fuck are so many Sup Forumsacks mlp or animefags?
Jebem ti sve mrtvo
fuck off pal
Enjoy the ban nigger
Reply to this post or you'll be gassed