***name the generals thusly:
>#MFGA /frpol/ – x Edition

We have to save France.

Useful links:

Marine Le Pen:
>"Donald Trump's election isn't the 'end of the world,' but rather, the 'end of a world.'"



>capitalize on Hillary's #ImWithHer, both in the US and abroad in France to try to stir support for Le Pen (and try to soften her image)

some ideas seen elsewhere, plus French symbols/motifs to consider while memeing:
>Joan of Arc
>machismo may work?
>capitalize on french as "lovers," perhaps anti-German sentiment?
>more pepes? baguette, eiffel tower, wine, mimes, you get the idea
>Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
>République Française
>French tricolore
>"La Marseillaise"
>try to rekindle the MAGA hat magic? we have nearly 5-6 months to light a fire for Front National. part of Trump's success was his masterful branding. MAGA was a great phrase, highly memeable, and the red hat was iconic for its shock value and visibility; MAGA hats are THE greatest political "apparel" in any of our lifetimes and capitalizing on what remains in the global psyche of the current election season is probably the best way to maximize our results

Front National has the worst fucking marketing I've ever seen; if we can start some discussion about how to fix that, that'd be great.

Lastly, rememeber: Marion is hot, but we want people to love Marine.

OP PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/ZKGyMv7v

Other urls found in this thread:


great work Sup Forums

thank you OP

sheeeeeeeit, this is something I could get behind.

guise, should we tell FN (florian philippot) that an army of trolls is ready to help them?

Anyone else lagging?

FN will see when it happens just like Trump did.

Oui, it's bullshit mate. Been lagging for fucking days now.


The memetic war isn't over yet, globalists

Btw it's liberté not libertè

What language learning software is good to get French proficiency at a shit posting level?

I'll download it """legally""" of course.

We will make France great again !

De Villiers seul.


>save france
>vote for a woman
This is why you're cucked to begin with. Get a real man to run your cuntry, stop hiding behind some bitch. You can't have a politician were Emperor Trump is just going to grab by the pussy.

J'ai besoin nettoyer mon chambre.

AdiEU when?

Margaret Thatcher was good for Britain, user. Women can be good leaders, but it's more rare than good male leaders.

The true french meme mans explains you why Trump won
Spoiler: It wasn't you guys


Also here's a debate where he BTFOs My Little Peny with supperior bantz AND arguments


it is not going to work because there are so many Ahmed in France!

There are not much polls these days, but I will try to find some. That way we could rigg them

This should be added to the OP

you can learn french easily from english, as grammar is the same and numerous words are transparent

google translate also does a good job

>morrocan jew
Into the trash.

Are you shitting me?

The French word for fag is literally related to pedophilia?

Saw a headline in a Norwegian newspaper warning that France could be the next Trump.
The media are already trying to control the narrative.
The media will probably work harder now since they know that a Trump really is possible.
There are probably a lot of powerful jews controlling French politics and media too.

If you want people to contribute for more videos, you should check this youtube channel :


This channel translates French political videos for Trump supporters who don't speak French, and there will be a FULL coverage of the presidential election.

Its going to be harder to flip France than America just because the political system is even more closed to the normal person and they WILL close ranks. (see all the politicians coming from one school for example)

But French people are very pissed and very sick of their business as usual politicians. (I have french in-laws)

French are more hot blooded an us Anglo bros and they are mad. Need to focus on the alternative to a big change. Terrorist attacks becoming normal and something they have to live with. And more importantly the country turning Muslim and what that means.

Because this IS happening to France but its hidden, French people just can not contemplate secular France turning religious and having religious laws and courts.
We need to find many example of this happening in France NOW and expose it to the normal person. This will have a big effect.

Video examples :



Trump in murica.
Le pen in france.
Hopefully far right in austria and germany.

Liberals are getting scared. Really scared.

Just want to also mention the obvious issue that most people don't speak or read french. Its up to French speaking bros to do all the heavy lifting.

Not sure you guys are high enough energy for this. Sad!

I support this general. Frogs, what can nationalist burgers do to help?

>it wasn't for you
Somebody believes otherwise?

>Le Pen
>banned her own father because muh antisemitism
Nice hero Sup Forums have.

It was the smart play to gain some ground.
Anyway if not her then who else?

It is the price to pay to get some of the normies votes

I wonder if Le Pen Pen wins what impact that would have on Brexit. Suddenly the UK's biggest problem with the EU evaporates.

The EU was founded on the idea of the UK AND France being best bros after the war to balance out German power.
But of course France pussy fuck got too friendly with Germany and thats why the EU has lost its way. And the UK finally lost its patience with this situation and the EU.

What if France flips to be closer in line with UK, giving the UK the upper hand finally just as the UK breaks away from the EU? Unlikely but amusing thought.

Look at this leftard tweeting "Shut up" to Marine on twitter twitter.com/MLP_officiel/status/796235915387699200
I found his name, he is called Vincent Arthur Courbet, lives in Besançon
I also found this website on the internet but don't know if it's related to him in any way maison-courbet.com/fr/contact.html

>thats why the EU has lost its way

The EU is an american creation to castrate Europe's countries blue pilled lad.

Learn about the nasty Jean Monnet.

forgot to mention but he has 35k retweets and 25k likes

We have currently a bigger problem with muds, imo. Pretty good move, even if i like her father

Le Pen must win in the first turn. It's the only way.

EU was started as German-French union.
No one gives a fuck about Island Jews.

Getting trolled and employing the lefts tactics of personal attacks and not staying focused on the bigger fundamental issues will work very well for you. heh

Marine is mai waifu
I wish I could draw better

Fags are called Pederasts more often in Europe

Have a bump frogs you need it

Sorry im being lazy on Sup Forums by just saying EU. Im stupid (not sarcastic)

I'm talking about this sort of thing from pre EU:
"The first NATO Secretary General, the British Lord Ismay, famously stated the organization's initial goal was "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."

But I think you know where im coming from.

Also this is fairly funny



bumping for france, we have still half a year to election but we can't slow down

2017, the year Sup Forums learns a foreign language.

Memes can not only better the world, they can also improve your life.

Oh I'm so excited.

FN won't have russian trolls, but they'll have American trolls with broken French who actually exist.

Le pen is fucking commie in terms of econimy.

We live in an age of heroes. Trump in America, Farage in the UK... who will stand for France?

haha age of heroes, I like that

Gone are the days of an hero

Brexit is cancelled.
Clinton wins on December 19th.
Le Pen doesn't have any chance.
Hofer's election got rigged 2 or 3 times, I have lost count. They just won't let him win.
Germany - I don't know.

Frogs too dumb to come up with creative memes, post trending stories in France for us to brainstorm over. We don't read your news because it's in french so help us help you.

It's really too bad that the only other French-speakers here are Canadians.

It's true. This is the end of the Roman Republic. These times will be remembered for thousands of years.

And look at this magnificent woman. She is ready to lead

What do you expect from the French, they are all bark and no bite. OF course they need our help (again)

No offence I love France and French people (why im shitting all over this thread) but even they know its true.

what are you guys trying to do ?

if you wanna save france, dont talk about us, we aint friends or whatever baka

Shut up, we are going to free the shit out of you.

You don't seem to be getting it done without us though

So....Let's find some English-Frecnh news sites. It seems like the French don't come here much, and the ones who do seem difficult and lazy.

So, we'll find the news, we'll make the memes, and you god damn French bastards better translate the memes into French.

we will all feel the bern


Well there's this site.

Mais oui, ma chérie d'amour

we fine thanks

they aren't translatable, there is already a hate of anglicism and laws against it, so you can't do shit anytime

Maybe we can make it somehow food related.
A little brown curry is nice but too much over powers everything else?

Go to Nicolas sarkozy's kikebook page call him a coward a midget and a lier

>they aren't translatable

Just stop.

Okay here's a good one.

Meme this guy into Hillary?


The frontrunner to be the next president of France has tried to quash any similarities between Donald Trump’s shock victory and what could happen in next May’s French presidential election.

France is still France whatever Donald Trump has said (10 Nov 16)
France must face possibility of a 'President Marine Le Pen' (09 Nov 16)
Parallels between France and the US don’t make any sense said Alain Juppé on Wednesday as politicians and commentators have stressed France could be the next country to defy opinion polls.

Juppé is the pollsters’ favourite to win the centre-right primary later this month and would then be the clear frontrunner to become the next president of France, given the unpopularity of current head of state François Hollande.

As a former prime minister of France Juppé has been around the block and is certainly a long-time member of the country’s political elite....

>we fine thanks
We're gonna free you and Mexico is gonna pay for it!

The only way the FN can win is with a victory on first turn, which won't happen.

>b-but Trump wasn't supposed to win either

there is a difference between high improbability and complete science-fiction.

>we fine thanks
Hows it going with the terror attacks planning Ahmed?

I need to be able to translate sarkozy is a midget that lets foreigner riot in the Street he is a weak man

Oh thank god a french person willing to engage and knows what he is talking about.
I only know a little about this, how impossible are we speaking? Keeping in mind half of France now has too many brown people and hates them and also the terror attacks?

When are elections

Fn will get 79% of the vote first round
It's called meme magic

Is le pen worth betting on?
Joan of arc would totally work anywhere else but france is pretty cucked.

Sarkozy est un nain qui laisse des émeutiers étrangers dans la rue, il est faible.

Daily reminder France has always been liberal and has a more leftie temperament than the Anglo and Scandi countries that are revolting now
Multiculturalism and tolerance has been forced on the Anglos and Scandis who have a different temperament from the French.

trust me im an expert

>Front National has the worst fucking marketing I've ever seen

I don't know if this item is still available but...


The comments on that article

lupo • 4 hours ago
Indeed. A nation full of little Rambos that are walking around carrying guns and mentally stuck in times of the Wild-West could learn a lot from France.
Though, it would be a culture shock for many US-Americans to come in contact with a country that has a civilization so much advanced compared to that of the typical redneck who has voted for Trump.

Kelly • 3 hours ago
Go Juppé, anyone but a racist bigot who wants to bring the death penalty !

Marathon-Youth • 13 hours ago
He is right.There is nothing in common between France and America.
• Reply•Share ›

They reach the smugness of our leftists.

why is she so fucking perfect bros

End of april 1st round, May for the 2nd

But that's true. The temperament of French and Americans are different
French people has always been the more liberal, not very religious, sexually promiscuous type

It's been like this since the 1700s if it changes I will eat my hand

We ove to hear people whisper leftists ideas into US. But when they try to make those leftists ideas works, we reject them hard.
That's why we love leftists whispering presidents with right policies.

kek, another good one

"French MEP admits to masturbating in DIY store"

The 61-year-old politician was arrested for sexual exhibition in late August in Velizy, a town near Paris.

He was reported to police by another customer in the Castorama store who saw the man exposing himself to two teenage girls.

The politician admitted to the incident at the time, telling police that he "needs to masturbate" when "under stress", French media reported at the time.

He later said that he had only made the comments to escape a night in custody, and that he had felt threatened after another customer had tackled him to the floor at the time, according to several reports in the French media.

On Wednesday, Rochefort took to Twitter to say that there was "good news" and that "there would be no further action" in the case.
Dans l'actualité bien grise,une bonne nouvelle:l'affaire me concernant"classée sans suite"par la Justice. Décision attendue qui fait du bien

— Robert Rochefort (@robertrochefort) November 9, 2016
He made no reference of any criminal conviction, but the public prosecutor told AFP that Rochefort had pleaded guilty and accepted his sentence, thereby escaping a public trial.


in 1988 or so, le pen dad was candidate in the presidential, since then, at all elections, all party are uniting against his party
in 2002, he had the first spot in the first round of the election, on the 2nd round, the turn out was bigger and le pen lost by 80-20
in 2015, le pen party was winning the first round for regionals, and was partying about her soon-to-be victory, she lost all regions without a single doubt

there is a heavy hate on the FN, if they have a little bit of chance to be president, there is no way the whole population is going out to vote and crush anything you could hope for

this is science-fiction

if you want a le-pen like, try to bet on sarkozy who try to be trump a-la-française, but everyone is hating on him and he's having huge scandals as well

Round 2 : FIGHT Sup Forums !!!

Thanks bro

You guys literally rebelled your monarchy and tried to establish the whole "liberty" and "progressive" route though
Your elders miss the times when girls dressed in miniskirts and everyone was more liberal and less religious then

You are the polar opposite of Americans

Alain juppe is a KEKOLD
I'm going to say Alain juppe lets his wife have sex with African men on his kikebook page
Call him a homosexual

We're going to destroy Germany once and for all and Spain+Poland+Italy+France ARE GONNA PAY FOR IT!

Oh yes you are.


>(((You))) guys
Please educate yourself. French revolution was organised by wealthy bourgeois merchant that had no say in political matters and wanted to. They used the peasants that were starving to manage to do it.

I like when she does big arms.

I was thinking along these lines and remember 2002 and 2015. (although I thought it was 2014, i feel like im old)

The problem is the left and right combine their vote to body block FN right?

FN does seem to be gaining and becoming more popular,I do see Le Pen posters even in more rural and left areas of France these days at certain times.
But maybe someone new would be better bet. Anyway m8 its all about the giggles. No fun in getting the midget Sarkozy elected and we already know he will let us down.

Just wanted to warn you guys that leftists started a big meming campaign yesterday on the closest website there is to Sup Forums in France (jeuxvideo.com 18-25).
They spam the front page with Mélenchon threads and create memes I guess

So just like CTR made clinton memes, our opponents in this war will try to meme their candidate too

how can we help them win? more meme magic?