HAPPENING!!. White schoolgirl attacked by sheboon for voting Trump

HAPPENING!!. White schoolgirl attacked by sheboon for voting Trump.

It's happening Sup Forums. Blacks are attacking white girls. #WhiteFeminism

We must show white girls and cucks that blacks fucking hate us and have zero empathy for us.

#bringourgirlshome. Back to white men where they belong.

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If you really want to destroy the left you need to make videos like this viral so the media will be forced to do recognise it. that being said mainstream media.

Don't allow these incidents to go unnoticed. The work in destroying the left has only just begun for those who think now that trump has one that the war is over.

The war is only beginning.

The war against the left has only just begun. Don't for a second think that it's over now that Trump has won the election.

Get ready cunts. This is only the beginning in taking down the left. And to do so you need to spread these incidents around like wild fire so mainstream news sources are forced to give incidents such as these coverage.

The great meme war will last for years to come.


haha dumb white bitch deserved it for voting in that orange faced fuck

Just the start of more to come.

white girl wanted to fight, she got what she wanted

Right in the kisser


Good. We need more rioting to get our point across. We need to vandalize more cars and businesses too in order to show them what we're capable of. We need to do this every single day for the next 4 years.

as much as i hate le r/the_donald

reddit is still the 8th most visited site in ameriva (26th intentionally) and trump rhetoric (albeit retarded) has been prominently on the front page for six months solid

hope that has red pulled a couple people...

most likely incited more hatred in the lefties but whatev


This is the fucking mainstream media's fault for lying to everyone about Trump

God damn, if only they knew the truth


She's in fucking high school she's probably not old enough to vote.

This is war -- huh -- wow

>no one tried to stop it

fucking low energy cucks.

I can't believe how out of control this shit is getting. All of this because of the media whipping up absolute hysteria.

>liberals making up stupid bullshit, even admitting to police that they're lying
>meanwhile Trump supporters are genuinely being attacked

Wew what can you expect? When is Trump going to clean out the luegenpresse?


pick one

Why do blacks hate Trump so much?

They assault Trump supporters more than Hispanics, I don't understand.

Just the start of more to come.

Suckers for mainstream media and social media rhetoric. Not enough brains to tell truth from lie.

I see a set of motivations that could lead to the attack

> 1. I politically disagree with you
> 2. I am genetically disposed to be more aggressive and less intellectual
> 3. This is the only way I can channel my frustrations for being inferior to girl
> 4. I affiliate with Mexicans, so I need to show my affiliation

How do you weigh these motivations? Which are the more significant?

No one cares.

Stop bumping and let die.

im goin to bed this nigger better be expelled by the time i wake up

She said the sheboon was triggered by her pro-Trump post on goybook or something.

>herd you were talkin' shit on Instagram
The next generation is so fucked.

She literally got attacked for posting she hopes Trump wins on Instagram, doesn't even have anything to do with voting.

The race war is coming.
It's no longer a meme. This is real.

spread this everywhere - twitter, fb, etc.

Anyone remember when they said now after Trump won the "alt-right" will get so emboldened that we will see attacks on minorities like after Brexit? Remember how much those were publicized?

Now after the niggers attacked white people AND AT LEAST TWO WERE CAUGHT ON CAMERA (unlike with Brexit) the media is not touching it no matter what.

>White girl too young to vote brutally oppresses students of color by showing support for Donald Trump on Instagram
I don't know how you guys are getting the story so wrong when it's plain as day that the African-American student was acting in self defense.


Can the lion finally wake up now?

Can someone explain the Leftists thinking for me?

Some of these policies and racial tensions that they've stoked have been done purposely to keep minorities dependent. And many of the policies have been done by legitimate racist people like Hillary or Soros. But what's the point of doing it when your own people get attacked? And are they really so stupid to realize once they are dead that they've raised an entire generation to GENUINELY believe in these purposely divisive policies? Is the end game just complete destruction and civil war or what? It certainly doesn't seem so as it's all moving at such a slow pace. And what's the point of maintaining this facade when you feed your own people to the wolves?

I don't get it.

she dindu nuffin wrong the white bitch went all #maga on her fucken instagram

God damnit I wish I was American now, we should have had a race war in Europe first, not you guys... ffs

Don't you fucking retards get it? #whitefeminism only hurts the few women still smart enough to vote Trump. You're encouraging women who voted Hillary and making them feel better than the sane, non-liberal white women


All i have seen on twitter is "I fear for the safety of pocs" So far it's just whites being attacked for voting Trump.

bumping for Jade

All they can think about is skin color. They were told by their masters that Hillary is a cuck and Donald is The Man.

Fuck you, everyone needs to see this

Liberals are staging false flag attacks all over the country while Trump supporters are ACTUALLY being attacked physically WITH VIDEO EVIDENCE.

All because of this false narrative the mainstream media keeps pushing against Trump

Smh at white pussies. Honestly nothing is better than destroying a nigger. I would've missed my the birth of my first born if somebody said hey dude come pulverize this nigger out in the parking lot for Lulz.

White people can be crazy destructive fuckers on levels niggers can't approach bc of their monkey brain. Once the white man has been reconditioned to view niggers on the levels of dogs like they should be, you'd never see a nigger dream of a approaching a white person like this, let alone fighting them.

I truly hope every boy in that video never sees vajayjay or set of tits for the rest of their lives.

you sound like you deserve your faced punched in you lefty piece of shit

So everyone has their phones recording in high school now?

That's it mate.

This shit happens daily we only hear about it through some mongolian cartoon forum.

Imagine the amount of black on white hate crime that isn't filmed and uploaded to youtube.

Right now white peoples cries for help are going deliberately unheard by the media and even authorities.


>We must show white girls and cucks that blacks fucking hate us and have zero empathy for us.

Oh gee, interesting because blacks say the same thing about whites too. Maybe you both are fucking retards with zero understanding of each other

Fuck white girls and fuck them right in the pussy.

Voting age is 18. She's a senior and one of the older ones in her class. I voted in high school, and one of my friends was annoyed about missing by a month.

Just heard on the radio like 30 minutes ago that some guy told some blacks to go back to Africa here and he got arrested. Like what the fuck? I guess freedom of speech doesn't exist here now.

Let's force the medias to open their dirty lying mouth to spread the truth for once.

>the next generation is fucked
Cyberpunk is real. Time to figure out who will be the real Tessier-Ashpool and invest everything.

If there are niggers, there will be violance regardless of what happens, this way our goals are beyond Trump, they also have to go back.

Lefties are obsessed with virtue signalling and a sense of pride, when it comes to social justice.

They feel like the ends justify the means, in this case being physical violence or threat of this.

Of course we don't get it. We're right winged. Same as they we sit in a bubble, this being Sup Forums. Their facebook,twitter and tumblr is our Sup Forums. The difference now is that their bubble has burst, and the hate flew out.


kek, I would be that guy in the front, too absorbed with his phone to care and walks away when shit gets too heated to be around.

You won't find your two cents here for covering up nigger crimes.


good. this will red pill people to trumps side or make them hate the left.

Leftists hate everything, including themselves. They are broken, miserable people and their only reaction is to try to make everyone else feel the same way they do.

You already think so that way about blacks. As a result they think you are inherently evil and disgusting as well

Your own people are fighting a war with Muslims right now, who are more rabid and aggressive than any black

So if she said "FUCK TRUMP, FUCK YOU!" the same group would be whining about it. Both of you are the same shit. I've been in both of your circles and you are the same just different races

After i got the purple heart in the great meme war i thought i'd be retiring... looks like we are going back into combat boys. Not for the presidency this time, but to save the republic

Oh, it's that other Kuwaiti on this board

I'm pretty sure it's just us

> Few

White women's majority voted Trump. Which proves my statement made above, these milenials live in a bubble. And it burst.

Let it spill over into schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

No, I'm talking about the generational gap. There are Lefties who are legitimately redpilled but they do these things on purpose. That's what I don't get.

> white cuck just watching


High school students for the last 10 years have proven themselves to be a waste of breath. There are very few left that are raised properly.

Sup Forums, which of the reasons for the baboon attack are more true?

> I politically disagree with you
> I am genetically disposed to be more aggressive and less intellectual
> This is the only way I can channel my frustrations for being inferior to the girl
> I affiliate with Mexicans, so I need to show my affiliation

From what I understand, black were pretty normal up until the 90s.
What happened after that? Why are they such savages now?

the nigress claims at the start she wrote "fuck mexicans" on instagram and other people confirmed it

not sure why everyone is speculating WHY???
its dumb but its right there in the first 10 seconds

Even Black women are stronger than the whites

BTFO Sup Forums

Keep spreading the video

What's not to get? They believe in their candidate and are willing to kill for her. We would do the same in a heart beat.

This isn't some kind of situation in which God or something is judging your every move. This is a war, while not being a literal one. Yet.

E) All of them

Does this means that the google who attacked is now a felon? Does it means she won't be able to vote anymore?

>I don't know how you guys are getting the story so wrong when it's plain as day that the African-American student was acting in self defense.
Self defense? The bitch literally attacked the girl man!

Self defense is when someone attacks you and you defend yourself, resulting in the attacker getting hurt, this was not the case.

Stop defending negros, you are not doing them a favor by giving the same level of special treatment you would give to a mentally deficient person.

or maybe we understand eachother perfectly

Reagan and him breaking up the black family unit and putting crack in the black neighborhoods
clearly this was done on purpose, lol

I'm consistently hearing from the media how "scared" minorities and LGBTQ people feel since Trump's election, but all of the phone footage coming out of the real world seems to be Trump voters getting assaulted. It's a shame there's more interest in SJW's emotions about what *might* happen than in what actually *is* physically happening..


so let me get this straight
before this shit went down hillary supporters said that if trump won "lives will be ruined", "people will die", they didnt want "any of this to happen", etcetc.
but now i wake up to see their side violently attacking and beating up people that voted for trump. so they they didnt want violence to happen in the first place, now that they got fucked in the elections they respond with violence instead.
i guess they were SO sure that shillary will win they couldnt accept a different outcome?


are hillary voters actually retarded?

Probably. The police takes these videos very seriously. But she'll claim she doesn't care anyway.

Another day passes.

but everything changed when the Sheboons attacked.

send them back to their beloved africa

Here is another video of a Trump supporter being beaten up and car jacked


So you both are heartless violent race obsessed idiots? Makes sense
I wanted to see Muslims and Europeans kill each other but I have to see blacks and whites kill each other too

Either way whitey is getting killed, unfortunately



Nope, not in the cuck states. Maybe when Trump takes power.

>she wrote "fuck mexicans" on instagram and other people confirmed it
In liberaland, saying "I hope Trump wins" is directly translated to "I am an evil racist and I hate minorities!!" in other people's minds. Especially with school children, they'll lie and then have their friends back up their lie.

So there's a good level of doubt to be had here.

> whites being asskicked by monkies
There is a *possibility* that you will lose the racewar.

How the fuk is a sheboon going 2 school in Woodside, CA?
[Richest neighborhood in SF Bay area]

Last time I saw someone posting here from Kuwait was about a year ago. I'm moving to Canada though, so you'll be the only one.

And people blame republicans for creating racial tension.


I wonder why the camera guy included this shot

How is this anything to do with the left though? This is just some coon getting rowdy over online posting. I've seen this with a lot of kids. Social media is poison for the youth.

As for MSM? It's finished.
What would be your aim? To convert the masses? They've had far too long to come to the light, it's too late. If it's to remove the left from positions of influence then i'm all for it but how is it to be done?

I hope these idiots keep filming their own crimes.

Don't try to stop them. Just share the videos like any other facebook zombie.

They both are attacking each other. Both of you are violent self-absorbed idiots
I hate America anyway so let the world crumble, lol

I agree with others that we need to transition our energy into provoking black chicks.
We need to complete devide feminism along racial lines, rather than shame white women into being even more feminist.

Let's make twitter profiles pretending to be white feminists and provoke sheboons.

Likewise pretend to be black feminists and abuse white feminists and cucks.

Provoking black chicks shouldn't be too hard. They really do hate white people.