Finally our savior Trump will do something about NAFTA taking away Canadian jobs and USA ripping Canadians off.
Finally our savior Trump will do something about NAFTA taking away Canadian jobs and USA ripping Canadians off
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it's gonna be huge it's gonna be great
Hawaii - Australia
If you think NAFTA is hard now, wait til we get the deal we want. America first. You're going to be working for wooden pesos and shipping your junk to the north pole.
Florida - Brazil
Say thanks, now!
Pineapples and Spam.
Do we have a brackets meme for Muslims?
Muslims don't run conspiracies
Why do so many states export predominately to shitholes?
what state exports to switz?
Even then, isn't Japan or Flipland closer?
That makes more sense than Hong Kong and Utah.
You guys like oranges or something? Maybe avocados?
they cut your head off on video and post that shit straight to social media
Nevada has weird regulations about bearer bonds and stocks. Financial shenanigans abound.
make alberta great again!
probably Vegas mafia-run casinos shipping money to Swiss banks
Nevada and switzerland
Trading partner doesn't imply who has the deficit.
Why are leafs so fucking stupid? Serious question.
its actually gold your selling to us.....good goyim
>Hong Kong
the fuck?
What the fuck is Nevada trading with Switzerland?
i wonder what theyre exporting to us
The best he can do is to raise the minimum wage to $15 so we can get our STEM jobs back.
>the top Florida-origin export to Brazil in 2010 was aircraft and aircraft parts.
>Florida also exports technology components and products to Brazil, as well as agricultural fertilizers.
That makes more sense, because we do have a lot of territory with a similar Florida's climate
>Canada secretly wants to quit the deal
> "Sure Trump, we'll renegotiate"
>delays and obstructs
>blames Trump for failure to reach an angreement
>everybody agrees that Trump is a jerk anyway
The fuck? My government didn't tell me we're buying rocks!
>pay canada huge amounts for crude
>allow them to pipe it through the border duty free
>actually take the time and money consuming task of refining it
>get taxed as we ship it back and get paid much less than we paid for the crude
yeah canada your free ride is fucking over
we are buyng precious gold for our gold dungeon in the mountains...dont upset the goyims
Don't all economists say protectionism is bad though?
All the global US corporations will be retaliated against you retard. You think other countries are not gonna be protectionist? This will kill so many jobs and industries in the US and it's just stupid.
Well, I thought our SNB was actually selling gold after realizing that printing money based on a physical gold reserve was so 20th century.
>Hong Kong
oh no they're going to retaliate against the overseas companies we don't want to do buisness with which prop up their meaningless little service economies and infalte their growth
It's bad for the Jews who will see their profits dip, sure.
Economics is a pseudoscience.
No. And we aren't being protectionist anyway.
>Trumpeteers don't know how macroeconomic works
>Just like Bernie Bros, they want the same thing
>Watch how a liberal, disguised as a republican wreck the economy with leftist, economic policies
>He think economics is a science
Ask for a refund
This image has to be faulty
Belgium is not a country
>Sells crude to US at significantly discounted rates.
>Sells refined oil back to Canada ripping Canada off.
>Oil cheaper in US by a large margin.
>Oil refineries and jobs in Canada are not developing because of the ease of access of refineries due to NAFTA.
>Imports from the US are limiting Canadian manufacturing.
After NAFTA is gone, USA's free ride is going to be over.
Probably true. Fucking Battletoads.
Also stop sending American immigrants to Canada.
Being main trading partner to a country that has 1/5 the population is a loosing business you mong
they aren't sniveling snakes, they're blunt
Good to see hawaii has some fucking taste
>Hong Kong
We don't build refineries up here because then we'd have to pay the taxes. Now we will, and profit handsomely. So will american companies with a stake in the Canadian oil-patch. Why are you moaning like a bitch? Is it ignorance again?
I got offended at first, but then I saw what you did there...
We make up for our exports in imported oil.
>no England on the map
Enjoy your bidding war for natural gas between us and Russia.
This guy thinks Canada does not have natural gas.
The power of the Internet is helping more small businesses connect with international markets, particularly in Asia and Australia. But the high cost of shipping is a tough barrier to overcome.
Hawaii exports of goods and merchandise were a $598 million business in 2013, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That makes the state pretty much a non player in the nation’s export industry, representing less than 0.1 percent of total exports.
And that number is “significantly flawed,” according to John Holman, director of the Hawaii Export Assistance Center.
The problem, Holman says, is that the Census Bureau counts such things as airplane and helicopter parts as Hawaii exports.
“Products that pass through Hawaii from the Mainland to international destinations are erroneously counted as Hawaii exports,” he told PBN in an email. “If Boeing sells 10 airplanes to China, and they stop in Hawaii for refueling, these are counted as Hawaii exports. From past analysis, we know the airplane parts, oil and petroleum products, scrap metal, and automobiles are not Hawaii exports.”
Rather, he said, the state’s top manufactured foreign exports are prawns, bottled water, coffee, macadamia nuts and papaya.
And its top foreign export customers are in Australia, Singapore, China, Japan and Korea, he said.
I don't even know the name of the state that mainly exports to us.
Neither do I.
Since the 1970s, the U.S. has been a net importer, which is a drag on gross domestic product (GDP) and many argue is not a sustainable practice in the long term. Utah, on the other hand, has been consistently helping to offset the national trade deficit by contributing — on average — about $5 billion in trade surplus each year over the last five years. Utah contributed more to improving the trade balance in the three years leading up to 2014 than did any other state except Washington. This is relatively impressive given the fact that Utah ranks 33rd in population and 32nd in state GDP.
Utah exports a wide variety of goods, including microchips, food products, medical equipment, aircraft parts and auto safety components. But by far Utah’s largest export is gold — more than any other state — accounting for 35 percent of the total U.S. gold exports in 2012. Total Utah exports in 2012 amounted to $19.3 billion, with $11.8 billion of that being gold (more than 60 percent), which was primarily shipped to the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
However most of this gold was not mined in Utah, merely refined there.
The top foreign export partner for Nevada, known to the world for Las Vegas, is Switzerland. Nevada exports $2.7 billion worth of goods, or 31% of the value of the state’s total exports abroad, to the wealthy, landlocked European nation, according to the US Census Bureau.
The major export: gold. Last year, Nevada exported $3.9 billion worth of gold in total. As seen in the chart below, if the state were a country, it would rank among the top 10 gold exporters globally. Switzerland, where the Swiss Franc is still backed by gold reserves, is the world’s gold hub, refining two-thirds of the world’s gold, by some estimates.
>Australia googles nevada switzerland trade
>Australia copypastas first article
What is DC selling to India?
What does Connecticut export to France ?
Fuck yes Utah
> gold
> electronics and clothes
> weapons - FN, hello?
> Wines. cheese and helicopters
> sugar
> metal ores, mainly iron and manganese
Come on, are you 12 or a liberal arts graduate?
Still butthurt after almost 200 years, ya?
Not selling, importing, and it's cheap H-1b workers - all major firms that subcontract are based there for tax purposes.
possibly "civilian aircraft engines and parts" according to the census stats seeing as that accounts for 43% of their exports
What does DC export to them, State Secrets?
Las Vegas and Switzerland are money washing heavens
Must be all the gold they pawn in Casinos.
A whole lot of Brazilians fly up to Miami to do shopping as well. They go nuts at the Dolphin Mall and Sawgrass Mills.
Last I had heard, things like Xboxes are like $1000 Ameribux when purchased in Brazil.
We need one for Anglos to be honest.
Does [[[JP Morgan]]] work for Anglos?
it's funny but probably true
aluminum kek
>Hong Kong
Hong Kong is technically its own free state because England cucked China in the Opium Wars, but its basically China.
That's about the shittiest basic grasping of the situation I've heard
In all seriousness they must count "services." Consulting, defense contracting ect.
>all (((economists)))
Nah they're clearly counting arms sales by the government. The embassy website lists billions of dollars in munitions, electrical machinery and radar equipment.