As a Chinese-Australian, the fact that trump won the election shows what a dark turn western civilisation is taking

As a Chinese-Australian, the fact that trump won the election shows what a dark turn western civilisation is taking.

I hope you're happy you fucking bigots. Fuck your safe space.

You're gonna eat shit, believe me


Fuck off back to gook land if you don't like it then faggot.

Cool story, redneck. It's no surprise only the hick states were trump voters.

Fuck off gook, thanks for creating a hosting bubble. Itd not the baby boomers, it's you cunt.

Yea no thanks. I was born and grew up here.

Shut the fuck up Captain Kangaloo. You don't even matter, believe me.

Do they teach you in history about the times white man had enough and did something about it?

fuck off pingling, i fucked ur sister

Fuck you, chink insect, we won

Hey it's that cunt who won't fuck off back to China and instead spends all his free time complaining about why he'll never get a girl to suck his tiny Asian penor

This is a great thread every time

A gook's opinion is always disregarded.
Go back and eat kids fag.

Did u get kicked outta china cause they didn't want a whinny faggot around?



>a fucking cuck banana

>As a Chinese-Australian

You were never Australian. Go home.

I absolutely love it when gooks think they have an opinion in this country. They don't, and they never will. It's hilarious. Must feel great when the state blocked the sale of the powere grid to your communist country

ching chong little dick cunt. kys.

Don't you have some doggos to munch on?

If you feel the need to add "Chinese" to "Australian" or any other prefix, you aren't Australian.

i love this leaf

Don't impregnate your sister, redneck
All the states that voted for trump were hick states.
Did you fuck your sister with a consom today, redneck?
You should worry about the syrians raping your women instead. Hitler is rolling in his grave right now because all you can do is shitpost about it on 4chin.
That wasn't me

>he thinks we have a safe space

This is a hurt box, compadre :^)

It's our country now, bogan face.
We bought it fair and square.

I hope you don't get your dick stuck in the fan user.

It could be very painful

Don't worry cunt, gooks are welcome here, we actually like you hard-working little motherfuckers.

It's the muslim Arabs and rapefricans we don't want.

>chinks in Australia thought they understand western civilization


I am a 2nd generation Australian of Chinese descent therefore i feel that it's relevant to include Chinese in Australian.

You have to go back friendo.


fuck off, we're full

Youo're just like every other Chink in this country

Entitled, petulant, ugly, insectoid, angry at parents, hates self for being a Chink, no soul, no hobbies, no interests other than consuming and studying, no gf, no loyalty, no patriotism, no nothing

Get the fuck out of Australia because no one wants you here faggot

Shamefur dispray, Chang

I hope you get worms from your dog meat

Did someone drop some change?
Or did I hear a chink?

fuck off with the useless threads chinaman

haha i bet you wish i was a bogan
all the racists are just backwater bogans

you'll learn one day.. you'll know who we all are

That has nothing to do with me. I am not a mainland immigrant. I was born and grew up here.

Go commit sudoku please you lingling faggot.

Okay, this being an Australian-based thread, who is the Australian chick pol is supporting? I know we got le pen and afd, but I can't find the name of that Australian bitch

Fuck off Chang, ill fucking find you m8, fucking cabramatta motherfucker.

Get the fuck out you slant eyed kike.

Go eat some more dog dick you fucking degenerate.

Nobody cares

Even if you're 3rd generation, you're still as much a mainland piece of shit as any other Chink

You will never be Australian, and you will never be accepted here

Fuck off we're full cunt

>Feels the need to spell out how he's different from those around him.
>Complains about not being treated as one of the group.

Based Pauline lad

What does your birth certificate say?

>Chinese descent therefore chinese
>Aussie documents and born in Australia therefore Australian

You don't even have the excuse of mentioning dual citizenship. wanker.

I am

Now fuck off out of my country

don't you feel sad you aren't part of your culture? Shaping China? spreading what was the second best civilization in the world and making it great again?

Kirralee Smith

But she only got 0.5% of the vote and is basically unknown in Australia

Pauline Hanson is our God Empress

We're just getting started. In the meantime get some goddamn driving lessons

>As a

Adding this to your whine makes it immediately irrelevant. Take your special snowflake shit and shove it up your slanted arsehole. As if chinks are a minority here anyway.

You are projecting. Don't pretend otherwise. There's enough truth in your post about 2nd gen chinese-australians that only 2nd chinese-australians would know.

You're a hypocrite. Gook.

Please explain?

Pauline Hanson

Fuck off troll, there's no way you spend any time on Sup Forums and think people only supporated Trump due to 'bigotry'

>Chink baby ate my dingo

I'm white brah

you have to go back.

when is china going to come down and annex australia?

>All the states that voted for trump were hick states.

This is the lefts problem, they all proclaim to be much more intelligent, yet they are the ones that constantly attack people less fortunate and shame them for it.

This is why I asked the history question, this has happened many times before. Kings would think they're better than the peasantry, then the king would lose his head.

Driving is for peasants. Hoon cunt.

No one fucking asked you to come here. If western civilisation is going to shit, then go back to your communist slave house.

If you don't want to then shut the fuck up. It's not dark enough if you still want to live here.

Straya is low on the list of nations to be uncucked, m8

France and Germany have to come first, BRexit and Trump were the two biggest first steps and now we need to give Europe a pimpslap to knock them out of their delusion

Came here just for this.

is she doe

she's great.. she even has railed against agenda 21 which is fucking awesome

yet.. I just wish she could spit her fucking words out. And actually had some skills before politics like Trump

Chink, didn't you get the memo? Australia's days of being the king of shitposting are over. You might as well move to Canada, perhaps become a real estate mogul while you're at it.

lol chinese

I was born here. Try again, idiot. Blame your parents for not voting for pauline

You were born here. I don't give a fuck about your heritage.

See how this works?

Homosexual, acne faced chink from Melbourne. The rope awaits you.

It's actually rare that chinks born in the west think they are actually chinks and proudly admit that.

As a chink,I have to say these chinks are the worst ones.Even chinks dislike them,so they act some like half-chink asses and think that's smart.

9/10 Troll.

Report to your superior for a promotion and a tim-tam.

I think ALA is decent also

But I doubt they will ever become popular here

All the very minor nationalistic parties like ALA and RUAP need to unite and form another party separate from One Nation. One Nation needs to distance itself from meme right wing parties now and establish itself as a serious 3rd party.

Im from Sydney.
Let me guess. "Le azn pride" don't do this, ever.

Go back to China, faggot, sweatshops are better suited to scum like you

Reminder that Soros is still funding CTR

>Back pedalling this hard.

Not sure if trolling or liberal arts student at uni,
Either way suck a big thick australian dick, Chang.

No-one asked you to be born here and neither did you, why don't you improve your live instead of devaluing the world based on your own shit life?

pull your fucking head and stop whinging, if Australia is so bad because of Trump (I don't know how the correlation is that direct but ok.) then move back to your ancestral home you love so much, dickhead.

hmm i disagree burger

yeah we have our problems
but our population is so low, demographics are entirely up for grab here
And we a whole fucking continent full of resources that needs to not be sold to China for next to nothing like right now
Yes Europe first. But we could be a side meme
Thats all it would take
Plenty of us to take care of the rest

Like i said, hick. I was born here therefore I don't go back to china. Enjoy regression, america.

> implying his ashes aren't spazzing out of control

Why in your original post had you mentioned you were chinese? Its not relevant

oi put your sister on

Hey there, little gook
Sorry, you have to go back
Fuck off we're full

Im a whinger precisely because i am Australian. So i can whinge all i want.

No you are not. Otherwise you would not have wrote that post.

You are a disgrace for the Chinese, you guys are the worst kind.

95% of your country's population lives on the coast, if you can't tame your flora and fauna you don't deserve to be called a nation

Europe first, colonies second, I'm not rooting for South Africa or New Zealand right now either

Soon, we will feed the dogs with you oeople.

Poetic justice.

Into the wok you go.

You're not Australian just because you were born here

You will never fit in, never belong, and never be wanted in this country

Fuck off while you can

t. white Australia

the nationalists unite into 1
I think thats the only way

We're too into putting shit on each other to go for a one Fuhrer like Trump to come in and unite

We need all the disgruntled cunts be put in one room, and told they're binding together to beat all these lefty faggots, then we can go back to out doing eah other

Im only of chinese ancestry. I am a civic australian. China has nothing to do with me.

no population is not low. australia is full do not come here

slanty eyed piss skin can't even appreciate western democratic society that made the world great

go back to being a fucking serf in your shithole china

Because he thinks he's a special snowflake.

Sydney faggot pride parade participant featured on the "Asian Twinks" float

as if an oriental china man could fuck anything with his such small penis

Why the fuck do you keep mentioning it then faggot

Clearly you have a chip on your shoulder about being a gook

>ITT slopehead has a cry about his shit life and scapegoats trump for his lack of dick and lack of beautiful aussie sheila

Not an argument.

He needs to make it relevant, that's why he isn't a true Australian. An Australian is an Australian saying "oh I'm African Australian" makes you not. We have a shared identity based on culture not race.