Kaku 2020!!!!

I have seen discussions on Sup Forums about what next.

let me pitch this idea: michio kaku 2020.

I seen an interview of him and the guy is brash and pretty red pilled.

I personally would like to see the first ever scientist president.



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I've read some of his books. He's based. He would destroy Trump.

which books would you recommend?

I have not read any of his work and I only seen a few of his interview so yeah.

All he does is take an existing science fiction idea, turn it into a powerpoint presentation, and call it his invention.

He's lefty and talks utter bollocks most of the time.

Guys a massive cuck. Constantly cries about alarmist climate change, shut about H1B Visas and how white men do nothing and silicon valley and all other American technological innovation is only due to poos and gooks, like himself.

He's a shill. He's a cuck. He's a low energy beta faggot and if he hates the American scientific community so much he should fuck off to Japan with the rest of his family.

>H1B Visas

the reason he brings them up is because he always says that the US has a shoddy education system.

I think the us education system can be reorganized, and maybe his asian genes will bleed out the "everyone's a winner mentality".

Scientists are our most intelligent people in the world in my perspective. Intelligent in the way, that they are genuinely curious about truth and nature.

Politicians and leaders do not have this genuine curiosity for truth. They are governed by the will to control and lead people, creating movements and affiliations to control. Their curiosity goes towards optimizing popularity, and spin doctors are their tool for lowering truth to promote a movement.

In other words, scientists are too smart to be interested in winning popularity. They care more about truth.

(And I really like this guy, no matter if you label him black/white/red/blue)

Is this the 'people who don't want the new world order are terrorists' gook?


When a scientist disagrees with you, they say
> I don't believe so

When a politician disagrees with you, they say
> You are wrong

A scientist generally puts himself humble in a conversation in the belief that the conversation is about finding truth together rather than harvesting sheep for your cause.

>they care about the truth
>muh climate change
Pick one.
Being good in one field doesn't mean you automatically have an opinion that means anything in all fields.

>alarmist climate change
climate change is a thing also.

I have not read on this but has california had rain yet?

hearing how passionately(and eliquently) he speaks one can see him riling up crowds and shit.

he can call for making america great again by investing in science and tech.

I know scientist have that mentality but he seems to be a rare exception.

it's kind of right. they're fighting for an ancient form of theocratic government. it's about as far away from anything "new" as you could possibly get.

Him vs Ancient Alien guy. Who would win?

again look at the video he is brash as fuck and in an eloquent way.

I think the guy is a born politician.

and we could use sjw tatics to get fucks to vote for him since he is not white.

it would be glorious!!!

You want to elect the guy who's metric for a "next level" civilization is a global government?

no but all the actual climate and earth scientists agree climate change is real, and the overwhelming consensus is that it's man made.

not everything is a plot by the jews, you know.


>mfw greatest astrology of USA is asian

Electing a SJW doesn't sound very glorious to me.
May as well suggest fucking Bill Nye or Science Nigger.

>no but all the actual climate and earth scientists agree climate change is real
Of course climate change is real, it's not man made though.
>and the overwhelming consensus is that it's man made.
That figure's been heavily misrepresented.

But hey, keep believing the theory that's had every single model and prediction turn out wrong. Global Warming retards have a worse track record than Nate Silver.

You know him better than me, I have only seen a few jewtubes of him.

I think that my point is a depressing point: truly smart people are not interested in "gathering sheep". So even though he would be capable of explaining and talking to a general crowd and excite them, he would not be motivated for doing it.

I think he would be more interested in gathering with other smart people with an equal interest in discovering truths and unravelling questions rather than speculate as to how to be a popular person.

given that he is a strong advocate for democracy, I do not see that to be a problem.

it is time we got off this shoddy rock and make our way into the universe.

a one world government will ensure we do not kill ourselves in the process.

look, you neanderthal. it's gonna happen eventually. we went from tribes to clans to towns to cities to nations. the next logical scientific step is to stop fighting and all work together in one big global government.

Oh god, just imagine, every time he gives a speech to the American people it would be filled with metaphors trying to dumb it down.
>"Imagine a fish in a pond."

If you told him, that he would be a "born politician", I'm sure he would be offended by it! It's an insult to his intelligence.

I understand your point. He is a smart and intriguing guy. But he doesn't have the drive to argue with people, who are only concerned about spreading their affiliations. And this is a core part of politics.

>Electing a SJW

is he though? I mean watch the video. he rails that chick for being a noemchuck.

>the next logical scientific step is to stop fighting
Can't tell if you're shitposting, leftypol or if you're really that retarded.

>ever electing an asian president
KEK even SJWs don't give a shit about them. It certainly doesn't help that he's non christian. A scientist president would be fun though as long as he knows how he got here.

Fuck you, cunt. I'm tired of having 20 typhoons a year, my tropical beaches are ruined

Government is already a necessary evil that hardly functions under a regional system. You want to eliminate the competition of governments and create a global monopoly of force and expect that to work out ok for individuals?

You see the point?

The fact that people wants to label him "SJW" removes the focus from finding the truth together and puts the focus on "what affiliation does he represent". He doesn't care about people on Sup Forums calling him this or that, or if he is being associated with A or B.

I cannot speak for him, but I am just trying to prove my point. Science and politics does not mix.

Then kill yourself, you think humans are to blame after all.

>First scientist president
Carter was already president. One of the worst ever at that.


Isn't his daughter a bitch or is that another gook author ?

>global democracy
so basically you are saying that chinese, indians and africans will be able to decide the policies of europe and the americas.

Exactly. Hitler was also a smart guy, and he realized that propaganda is a major part of creating a political cause.

In other words, let's put focus away from discussing things and put focus on how to perceive people.

Le carbon nanotube man

the link i sent has very in depth details of what scientists actually say on the matter of man made climate change.

it's not my fault you listen to al gore and think he's representative of the man made argument.

fun fact: of 13,950 peer reviewed journals between 1991-2012, 24 argued against man made climate change.

>that problematic airhead

kaku is a fucking idiot. i know him. i've met him. i live in NYC. i've sat next to him on the train with his white polyester motherfucking colonel sanders suit.

he refuses to relese pertinent information about reality to the public so he can continue to do lectures and make well-polished speeches to pocket the cash from appearances.

i know more about everything than he doesn, and yet, here i am. for someone with his notoriety you would hope he wouldn't bullshit about the level of information we both know about, but he does.

he's a cuck and a scammer and writes books about imaginary bullshit for a living. fuck him, and how dare you even suggest this shit Sup Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Shills for global government so we can all explore space. Fuck him ever having any political power.

My bad. Thats Michiko Kakutani.

Fucking Asians look and sound alike ching chong nip nong dong

Michio Kaku is a sensationalist douche.

well, obviously you can make a shitty government. but it's an overwhelmingly stupid oversimplification to say it's impossible to make a good one.

do you realize how difficult it is to convince a science journal to publish a study that doesn't tow the man made climate change narrative?

just getting into this thread. glad other people can see he's a shitbagger right out of the gate.

In b4 black science man 2020

jewish shill

no thanks

>But he doesn't have the drive to argue with people

he is quick tempered and has a brash and it seems argumentative.

I think it would be more autonomous than that. but I think a global leviathan(read hobbes) needs to happen.

>guy's a SJW
>you're just labelling people dude, like, just remove the labels man
Fuck off you retarded hippy. The guy's a tard.
30 seconds in the video, he's been speaking 5 seconds and he's already wrong.
>name a system other than democracy that's given people prosperity
Anything does. If it's all white. Democracy isn't special, history didn't start being good 100 years ago.

you literally cant make a good government. That requires perfect humans. You can make a government that is just shitty enough to be tolerable, but good luck doing that when there is no other governments around to stop them from being shittier than they need to be.

>Japanese physicist
>Kaku means core/nucleus/nuclear in Japanese

I did not know this, well I am not too knowledgeable on US history.

i suppose we could just keep killing each other until someone decides to go nuclear. that's a good idea too i suppose. not.

jesus christ i feel like im stranded on a planet of violent monkeys. and no, im not just talking about blacks.

The only form of "global" government we will ever see in our lifetimes are decentralized protocols that perform government functions. A crude and early example is Bitcoin performing the function of monetary policy without any central power structure.

This dude has read too much science fiction and all his ideas are batshit insane.

Plus he's an atheist and all atheists deserve death

>m-muh conspiracy
Fuck off, if you have valid data they'll publish it.
What most people don't realize, is that in science, if you find out something that's pretty much the opposite of what's currently believed to be true, there is loads of money in it for anyone in that field, because grants are piss easier to get. What's easier to get a grant with, "i'm gonna look deeper into it", or "some guy showed we were wrong for 30 years, i'm going to look deeper into it"?
And last but not least, if they publish something that goes against what's currenty believed to be the truth, journals will sell much more on a short-term basis.
t. phd student

This fucking gook is a literal retard. Trump actually has the highest IQ score. The very best!

I would rather have a moron who knows that he is a moron than a smart guy who knows that he is smart.

The first one knows that he is shit and he knows that he needs to surround himself with smart people if he wants to survive as president. The second one knows that he knows his shit, which can turn him overconfidient. He is less likely to surround himself with smart people.

The smart ass gives us one smart ass, the self-aware moron gives us a whole armada of smart asses.

his ego is out of control. and for nothing. he hasn't done or discovered anything. almost 100's of thousands words between several books and he stands there, scribbling shit on a chalkboard with nothing to show for it. he's a do-nothing nobody, scam artist, imaginary land faggot who like to proport himself as a physicist. what a fucking joke.

kaku means to draw. but there are other variations.

hardly that bad. didn't start no shitty wars over petty shit.

T. Muslim


Explain how someone could make money off of proving man made climate change is bullshit. Nobody is disputing climate change, just the fact that man is causing it.

I do know that if you convinced the world man made climate change wasn't real, it would be impossible to create the massive international trade proposals we are seeing.

Way to completely ignore my point about how everything about climate change has been completely wrong.

>fun fact: of 13,950 peer reviewed journals between 1991-2012, 24 argued against man made climate change.
Heavily misrepresented.

>implying we aren't going for Trump 2020


fucking where? fucking when?

and the was a temporal caveat in that question.

his argument is that democracies(though I feel he is referring to republics) are more stable(and prosperous) than any other system that was tried yet

>> But he doesn't have the drive to argue with people, WHO ARE ONLY CONCERNED ABOUT SPREADING THEIR AFFILIATIONS
Please include the important parts, when you quote me. He would love to argue with people, if they are entering the conversation with the aim of seeking truth.

Again, I feel misplaced for speaking on his behalf.

climate change isn't real. look up. see those planes? they're there. chemtrails are real. they're full of aluminum and barium and other nasty shit. why are we still on this subject. kaku is a faggot and let's clear him off the table first.

checks and balances mofo. you can channel man's baser instincts toward the greater good. humans don't need to be angels for it to work.

designing a government is like designing a car. you gotta design it well, and you gotta know how to fix it if it breaks.

the perfect politician.

>than any other system that was tried yet
that doesn't mean it will be the best system we ever use. And it also doesn't mean that the next step is to scale it up to a global form. How does that make it "better"?

Lol at his argument for democracy. That poor girl didn't have the knowledge necessary to counter his points which are incredibly faulty.

Kaku is a entertainment-oriented "scientist" that got famous just because he's heading most of the scientific documentary bullshit. Any decent man of science will tell you to drop watching that brainwashing shit, go read some books, go study maths.

shit, i think i walked into a troll thread with low level IQ degenerates arguing semantics. back to the tasks at hand.

kaku is a fucking joke, don't ever suggest him for shit again. ancientfag out.

>kaku means to draw
Kaku has about 50 fucking meanings, but I'm commenting on the pertinent one.

>and no, im not just talking about blacks.
So you understand blacks are violent, how do you propose to stop the fights they cause?
How about the hispanics?
How about the muslims?
How about the asians? The chinese are fucking crazy.
How about fighting between different cultures that's literally never going to end?
How do you propose to stop these?
Oh, you don't. You just think people will stop out of the goodness of their hearts.
You could nuke every single person on the planet aside from two and they'll fight, it's human nature.

i expect AI and automated services will play a large part. it does seem like a good idea to remove the human equation as much as possible.

He is politically bluepilled. Do not want.

I've been trying to read one of his books. Pages and pages and not a single concrete idea, just musings about string this string that. Fuck him afaik

>That flag.

Your opinion is invalid.

a physicist can do many things, but political office is dangerous as fuck.

I mean, their basic algorithm is "Hey, we don't understand X, let's try it, it'll be fun!"

Checks and balances are great, which is why the US constitution laid the groundwork for the "least shitty" government in world history. That doesn't mean its perfect, and as we can see it's certainly not 100% resistant to corruption.

A perfect government wouldn't break in the first place, so why would you need to "know how to fix it if it breaks"? Your statements seem to agree with my original statements. Imperfect humans break the system, and then it needs to be fixed. The US system provides decent enough options to go about that, but to say that humans don't have the ability to impede the systems ability to function just isn't true.

The only way to get rid of shitty government is to get rid of human influence over it. Good luck with that any time soon.

>this leftist raid thread

fuck off

>that doesn't mean it will be the best system we ever use.

I agree with this, that is the reason for the caveat "yet"

>How does that make it "better"?

the argument goes that if he had one government we would not have (need for) vicious or vitriolic rivalries

true in many cases
only for a short period of time, after which it inevitably goes down the shitter
not really
not incompatible with democracy
not incompatible with democracy

>Explain how someone could make money off of proving man made climate change is bullshit.
You'd be the next Einstein or Church or Mendeleev or whatever of your field. Even if you're just fresh out of school, getting a professorship at a decent institution would be very easy, and for the rest of your academic life people would want to figuratively and literally suck your dick in order to advance their careers.
>Nobody is disputing climate change, just the fact that man is causing it.
Oh really? Sure, there have always been variations in CO2 levels and in temperature, but don't you think that if they are happening at ~20x the rate now they must be linked to something?

>And last but not least, if they publish something that goes against what's currenty believed to be the truth, journals will sell much more on a short-term basis.
Ok, so a scientist decides to disprove the holocaust. What happens?
Oh wait, no one cares about the paper, he's completely shut down, he's fired, attacked, sued, his life ruined. Global Warming is pretty near on the level of the holocaust now, Canada was even trying to make denying it illegal (which alone should tell you enough).

>I mean, their basic algorithm is "Hey, we don't understand X, let's try it, it'll be fun!"
Obviously anyone who isn't a full blown autist will understand not to toy around with 300 million people like that; and anyone who IS a full blown autist will have trouble getting people to vote for them.

how about the oil and gas industries that currently pay huge sums to scientists who deny man's influence?

that that you don't see the opportunity for income is mind boggling stupid.

you can scream that all you want but it doesn't make it true. where are the missing scientists? where are the suppressed science journals?

>the argument goes that if he had one government we would not have (need for) vicious or vitriolic rivalries
This assumes that the difference in values and cultural differences would just melt away under a government system. It's laughable.

It's also the same reason why a global government is a pipe dream. You will never be able to create an authority that the entire global population sees as legitimate.

Your only option is to destroy culture and value systems while forcing new ones that place government at the center. That doesn't sound very friendly to the individual. And as we have seen with the current state of world politics, may not even be possible.

technocracy may be indeed the best government form, that is if technocrats aren't cucks.
Same goes for monarchy, dictatorship etc. as long as the leaders are capable of their position.

Eventually you'll have to deal with the human variable, regardless of gov form

>look up. see contrails. obviously have nasty chemicals. how is this not enough evidence?

maybe because we don't have chemical detectors in our eyes?

Ultimately climate change has fuck all to do with whether or not we get off of fossil fuels. Solar is already competing with fossil fuels when it comes to cost per kwh. You think some studies denouncing man made climate change is going to solidify fossil fuel dominance when the cost difference between renewable is growing exponentially?

Guess I wasn't too clear
In that sentence, by "they" I meant the journals. If a journal publishes (which means its editors checked the data and it seems valid, etc.) some sort of revolutionary truth, it will sell much more on a short term basis.
>Ok, so a scientist decides to disprove the holocaust. What happens?
Nothing happens, because you can't prove or disprove the holocaust through science. You're totally right on this sort of thing by the way, pretty much anything that isn't STEM is a massive circlejerk. If you managed to prove that something major that's considered true (in science, not (((history))) ) actually isn't, I can guarantee it would get published and you'd be famous.

>fucking where? fucking when?Humans have been around for over a hundred thousand years, before government was invented we would've had anarchy/feudalism, next step from that is libertarianism (not as we know it with the NAP, but probably more like a nicer version of feudalism).
>his argument is that democracies(though I feel he is referring to republics) are more stable(and prosperous) than any other system that was tried yet
It's the only one in recent history that's been tried for an extended period of time. Besides, democracy is obviously flawed, half of the voters are dumber than the average voter.

>Eventually you'll have to deal with the human variable, regardless of gov form
so far...

not if you feed/house them. all fighting when you boil it down is a variation of "they have resources i want/need"

there are ways around the endless violence, it's just were so stupid as a species that idiots like you across the world go "you mean not fight? but that's the way it's always been. impossible to change."

yeah, except at one time humans could only walk and to suggest otherwise was "insanity"

my mistake
>implying that trump will not be trumped into complicity by the responsibilities that come with being president

meme physicist