what did he mean by this
What did he mean by this
he knows that an empire divided among itself cannot last
I'm honestly annoyed by this tweet. If he's not going to call out the protesters destroying property he should just not tweet about it.
Exactly. Stupid tweet.
They took away his phone again
Bottom tweet: Trump
Top tweet: Kellyanne Conway
I think he meant that there is one more president who enjoys trolling western press.
"Aww babby's first protest"
He's naming The Soros
>small groups of protesters
You don't understand. This will piss them off far more than pointing out the damage they caused.
He meant kys DESU
Not all of them are destroying property. All of them are coordinated through MoveOn th0. I thought by now you'd learn not to question the Emperor
This is top tier shitposting
He's just infuriating them at this point all while knowing the videos of the destruction in Portland will be all over the news in the morning.
Good to see Trump pointing the ginger at exactly who's responsible for this violence, the luegenpresse. It isn't enough to simply counter their lies with truth. Most of these mental midgets will never read anything even vaguely off left. Journalists MUST be held accountable for their lies.
Guys i think he has autism. Next Hitler i reckon.
He is on pills for sure.
>German calling anyone else autistic
you have no self awareness do you?
>we all must come together and be proud!
what's the problem? just trying to close that divide we have as a nation :^)
But Trump is German user-kun
> Rome
Listen to Italy, they know from experience.
I haven't checked if it's a legit tweet, but I'm not annoyed. Trump is inherently sarcastic.
> #NotAllRioters
Enough with this stupid meme. There are vandals among them and the others cheer when vandalism happens.
This. Magnanimous bullycide works really nicely after you've won.
At first this tweet pissed me off but I trust Trump after watching the entire campaign, I know he is better than me, so I tried to dig deeper.
First he calls them a small group, which makes them look weak.
Then he says they have passion for the country, which aligns their efforts with his and soft allies them.
Lastly, it forces them to declare, if indirectly, that they DONT care about the country if they continue protesting.
Just some thoughts.
if you are a person with common sense, you shouldn't be joining the riot in the first place
all those rioters deserve some good baton-to-face beating
His campaign took away his phone again.
I think the real meaning is that there are professional protesters, but ALSO small groups ("They're not all bad" type of phrasing) who do have America's best interests at heart, and are protesting peacefully.
>nigs nogging
for shame
>people peacefully protesting
good on you!
Hes belittleing them
Stop it, don't fucking tease me.
There is NOTHING more erection inducing that watching protesters get smashed by riot control cops; every cop in every country prays for a out of control riot so they can anonymously shield bash and baton hippies in the face.
thank you nippon