Wow, really makes you think...
Wow, really makes you think
>getting triggered over some fantasy RPG
This game is bretty good apart from the endless supply of sting powerful edgy warrior womyn that is every second character
What game? If full of leftist cucks Id love to grief their assholes in pvp, tears must be delicious
If it was realistic, women shouldn't be able to own anything. That description is still SJW nonsense. May be alt-SJW nonsense, but SJW nonsense nevertheless.
What game is this|
Yeah mmo's are a great investment of your time and money.
I always wanted to make a platformer where you play as a man on hard mode and as a woman on easy mode.
The woman would have much lower stats and be unable to jump as high, but whenever she'd face an obstacle, men would come running to her aid to help her or just outright do the challenges for her.
It's not an mmo it's a single player story drive rpg
Hol up wite boi, u sayin we wuz wizerds n shiet? Dis dat negromancy dat da wite man taked from muh aunt jamaya?
Tyranny. Good story and good writing but every second character is a strong independent womyn
eve online is fun until all your shit gets blown up
then it's time for a 6 month 'hiatus'
>tfw lost $100 equivalent due to a major fuck up
>but every second character is a strong independent womyn
So it doesn't have a good story or good writing.
Nigga wait till you be reading edicts and shits. We wuz kangz and kwaynz and whitey used to TREMBLE at our word
black magic
Fuck that shit.
what is the title you stupid faggot?
what gayme is this?
>buying video games
fuck off. you voted with your wallet and you chose to support the video jew...don't fuck off, better yet: kill yourself
yeah why couldn't you make a fantasy world which is matriarchal? Because some virgin may get angry?
I didn't buy this game you edge lord. It's also pretty good apart from the woman thing
well you're spreading the meme that it exists. fuck that noise
>Good story
>good writing
>every other character is a stronk womyn
You don't understand what good writing and story are then.
Is it filled with SJW bullshit? It's made by Obsidian Entertainment and they made pretty good games such as New Vegas. I haven't finished Pillars of Eternity but I don't remember it having SJW bullshit.
It literally just has a lot of female warrior characters. It's not like it impacts the story or writing apart from the fact a lot of warriors are women
Someone is being subtle
only one woman is crying there though, the other two are probably trying to calm her
kek, I wouldn't even be able to feel that
How is the game play then?
name of the game, leaf?
Well, it is a fantasy RPG.
i think its more to do with paradox than obsidian
Hey haha remember when RPGs did STRONG WOMYN correctly?
Was it maybe because they were not brainwashed to do it by the leftist media?
Also females being equal in a human society is stupid in any and all RPGs, fuck you Obsidian.
I haven't noticed any "SJW bullshit" yet. It's not jamming feminism down your throat. There are women in positions of power so if that triggers you then maybe it's not your game. Most of the characters are degenerates, the men and the women, but that's the setting. There was a quest where some lesbian's wife is found dead and you get a few options. The widow tries to frame a man but I just killed that bitch immediately.
It's a fantasy RPG, and you can, with some effort, conjure up an image of a race where females are equal to males. They would probably look the same as males as a result, but that's where the fantasy part comes in. Cut them some slack.
>There is only black men or white women on the portraits
Wow great game you got there
(And nice cultural appropriation but let's not talk about that)
>conjure up an image of a race where females are equal to males
I never said this was impossible, Baldurs Gate 2 did an excellent job of this with the Drow.
This just seems forced to me.
As said I wonder if Paradox pushed Obsidian to have diversity and gender quotas in game, like "You need to put fifty strong independent womyn".
>There are women in positions of power
That can actually be quite interesting unless all of them are portrayed as generals/military leaders.
Of course the cucked Swedes would do this, no matter that it could never happen in real life - women are and look how they do because they're mothers meant to be bred with and to take care for their offspring, not to fight and hunt. This is not the outcome of some synthetic patriarchy made by evil man - that's how we evolved. There is no way a society where solely women could hold land and titles would naturally come to be. They are the physically weaker sex, (+ in many cases they are more emotionally ruled than rationally), there is no way all men would just obey their wives and be so fucking cucked. This is just pure BS, just like Battlefield 1 with the niggers - seriously what is happening in modern society? Why do these people - the media, game developers always try to fight against reality and deny it at all times. What do they gain? What's the fucking point?
>only one race
Good if you like that style of game. I forget what you call this type of game but it's similar to old baldurs Gate or that divinity original sin game in terms of game play
Might have a gander if it appears on one of the sites I use.
The continent the game takes place in has a culture where only women inherit land and only men inherit ships. The men run off and play pirate/trader/captain while the women manage the estates and raise the kids. The invading force (you) are from a culture where men and women are equal under law and you get the option to impose your laws on them or "respect their culture".
Infinity Engine-style game.
>that screaming when setting women on fire
So the game is bretty good except for the 50% of it which is trash? Is it even worth pirating?
>very first companion you meet less than 10 minutes into the game is literally a pink haired stronk womyn
The game is good but a lot of NPC are female including all the physical warrior types which is annoying but I can look past it
It depends? If you like the style of game, then yeah. There are a couple of good companions who aren't total degenerates. Pretty much everyone you meet is an asshole, and that includes the women.
>not just telling her to run off to her camp and then never seeing her again
>alternatively, selling her out to your lord and executing her
I actually spared her (because I'm doing a ~good guy~ run, big mistake) and the only truly redpilled man in the game is no longer my friend because of it.
They are literally bioware sjw now. Fuck them.
But...Bioware is Bioware sjw?
I'm confident in my guess that if you scroll either way it's full of whites.
>Two Gender options
At least they got that right.
Will isometric games ever make a comeback? It's a shame they died with the advent of 3D games
pillars of eternity and wasteland 2 were both pretty good. the former had DnD level "equality" (e.g. women could be warriors) but they didn't beat you over the head with it. Wasteland 2 was surprisingly light on that shit, and actually pretty brutal.
I love how Obsidian subtly did an AMA about Tyranny on Reddit after Trump was elected, haha classic! I love Obsidian and the equality in their games.
In some places in the world, only women were allowed to own land. Title of the land would pass from mother to daughter.
It's just the strong women adventuring part that is unrealistic. Local women the world over hated travelling women and any women that didn't do the exact same thing that the locals were doing. Part of that is they just hated whores, and any travelling woman is a presumed (and it was generally true) whore. Whores threatened the local women's power (control of the pussy supply), and is in fact why all women hate whores around them. Whores ruin their ability to manipulate men or trade with men.
Game makers ignore little things like this because they want to sell their game to all potential customers they can. No reason to make women not like their game by not allowing "strong womenz adventuring" characters because it is out of place for any society where it takes 8 to 13 hours just to prepare a single evening meal.
At least they are all portrayed as evil assholes who you can mock.
Honestly this game isn't as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be in the SJW front because you can tell people off most of the time, and when you can't you can just ignore their characters.
You can. But you still end up with the same issue.
Plenty of societies in human history were matriarchal. But all of them looked down on "strong female adventurers" and similar type behavior from the women themselves.
>no necromancy
if i cant raise zombies and skeltons bros i wont even pirate it
Yes. They're one of the worst SJW companies for years
The Obsidian developers are friends with Bioware developers in real life and on facebook where they both criticize Gamergate and Trump (their accounts were public last I checked so you can see their convos)
eve online is fun until you realize bitter vets have all of the power
then you fuck around in empire space until you quit (yeah that's what I did)
Also I think you guys are missing the sweet irony that it is under the evil Overlord rule that women found independence and you can't go 2 steps without founding a crazed, degenerate women who "needs no man" in this evil empire - Except your character is in canon, superior to all that shit and it's there to go through this bullshit and make things straight for the Overlord.
Basically, you are there to make the Land Great Again because women are too chaotic and insane to get their shit together in game.
If the world is full of degenerates and violence, why do the men allow the women to be equal?
>Be come kind of hard-ass judiciary
>Able to tell literal god-men, The Archons to shut the fuck up and do what i say
>everyone bows to my judgement
>except all the female characters who nag and berate me all the time and i dont have an option to shut them down or kill them.
You literally walk into a tent with 2 Archons and have the option to blow them the fuck out and tell them to stop being bitches and they can't even retort.
But some fucking warrior womyn i met 10 minutes prior can judge me and berate me infront of my people.
would an earthquake be fun if you were in the middle of a big field? theres nothing to fall on you so you would just get thrown about a bit
until the earth opens up beneath you and swallows you whole.
Ancient Egypt mostly worked this way, meh eh
Because their publisher told them to.
>stronk wymun
>not good writing
Bioware no longer really exists, it's an EA brand name used to refer to a collection of smaller studios since the original one balkanized a while back because of the constant SJW shit
Some of the staff had the gall to assume that making a quality game was more important that pushing a message, and were promptly removed
Underrated post
Jesus Christ was that so hard? Literally asking the name of the game for 50 posts.