Brothers on the other end of the ocean, I have two words for you:
Brothers on the other end of the ocean, I have two words for you:
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank you based Americans.
I'm sorry for doubting you. You truely are the greatest.
First time voter here. You are welcome.
I want to thank the British for laying the groundwork with Brexit and for the Netherlands sending Geert to the RNC and for the British sending Nigel to speak at a rally for Trump
thank you
well done burgers, I almost want to move there because of this
I only wish that all the people threatening to emigrate or kill themselves would actually do it.
Of course they won't, and instead will just sit around making the rest of us miserable with their crying.
It was our pleasure.
watch your back
Thanks Ameribros, the liberal fallout is the most glorious present delivered from Kek, and couldn't have been done without his followers.
Slate is telling them to move to pennsylvania to outvote the workers
I hope they try since it will only end with niggers getting butthurt that hipsters are gentrifying the philly ghettos and then rioting
Well played lads
thank you america
i was part of an off-branch of CTR which operated out of country and over seas.
i shilled hard for hillary for 4 hours a day (primetime reddit/chan times) for about 2 months on reddit and Sup Forums.
i was involved in making and forcing pro-hillary memes and for making concerned trolling threads mostly pertaining to trump losing the debate and being behind in the polls
it was rough but money is money
im just happy its over
thank you amerilards
>Hofer in Austria
>Le Pen in France
>Wilders in Netherlands
>SD in Sweden
Germany is probably a lost cause but still
Americans proofed that they are the greatest country on earth.
Hopefully European countries and anti-establishment parties will arise as well.
Congrats America! Let's see how Trump decides to deals with Iran. Hopefully we'll be bros and BTFO the Saudis.
wow rare flag or what?
roach reporting. thanks
you must be new
Good job.
I'm glad to see the elite shitposting unit we dispatched helped take down Hillary, that crook!
deus lo vult
Well done boys, I hope the relationship of our countries gets stronger and stronger over time.
Let's hope Mother Theresa doesn't fuck us over and corbyn is never PM.
I'm actually not but i have never seen you around here, I will take this opportunity to say you this:
Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim.
Nice I feel beter now
You made this possible
Congrats you ameribros, finally got your shit together. Now it's time to get your hands dirty and build your country the right way.
Congratulations for saving the future of civilization.
Well done, ameribros. I hope that this is a beginning of a new era of anti-PC right wing politics.
Too bad that there aren't based candidates like Le Pen and Hofer in my country.
It's pretty crazy how much influence Wikileaks had on the result.
Based Aussie.
tfw untouchable on this board
Congrats on taking the first step towards dismantling the corporate hegemonic dictatorship
Communism is closer than you think
>trying this hard to fit in
I'm sorry.
Thank you, friends
I voted for Obama. Twice.
By voting for Trump, I'm just trying to make amends.
Thank you Americans. I felt proud myself and im not even American, but sometimes I wish I was
Trump is going to turn you into the 3rd world country you rightfully are.
Strange how we're all in this together in one way or another.
I drank some budweiser, ate some burgers, and fired off some of my guns while only wearing my US flag undies to celebrate. After the celebration I took some time to remember 9/11. Never forget.
Thanks guys, got me really worried there for a while about WW3 but you did a favor for the world electing Trump. Godspeed anons and fix your shit with Russia plz so we can MEGA!
Thank you USA for doing what you did, the amount of salt in social media is ridiculous and I love it
Trumps victory gives me hope that (((they))) still dont have complete control
congrats lads!
it was a wild ride but Trump has made it!
What a ride gentlemen, what a great ride!
As a citizen of one of the few bastions of freedom in Europe along with Britain, Hungary, Poland and the Baltics I'll thank you as well Murica!
May America be great again!
Netherlands and Britain started the fire with Geert and Farage, then Britain accelerated it with Brexit and Trump brought us to the big powerup where we finally landslide ourselves in country after country now towards victory for the entire West.
Sweden, Brazil, France and whomever else- 2017 will be a year of victories.
Thank you,burgers.Liberal tear taste so sweet,you guys made my week.
Great job, now build that wall!
What a ride, indeed!
My sincere congratulations, 'Murrica. You guys are alright.
And when europe is uncucked, we take back Constantinople. Reconquista!
Thank you 'murica.
I have never been more proud to be your ally.
Thanks to you, all our cucks are sperging so hard people are getting red pilled left and right.
Please let go of netanyahu's dick, it's making your typing difficult to understand
Iranians are our brothers in the fight against cultural judaism. Ahmadinejad is a mossad undercover though
there is Salvini you fucking faggot,vota Lega
Thanks for imploding our media. It was fun one and a half years.
Congrats America, never doubted you'd make the right choice. Psyops and raids have fucked my social life for the last month or two, but it's aight now.
thanks america
Good work ameribros.
Now sit back and enjoy the shitshow + the liberal tears. You all deserve it.
Good job burgers, from a nordic bro to another, see you in Valhalla
I am not American but I am so god damn proud of America.
Thank you everyone, god bless.
Congratz on making the right choice Americans, congratulations to Trump as well
Thank you, burgers. Sincerely.
It was for you and all of us that I didn't post anything pro-hitler in Trump related threads for the last 11 to 12 months, just so that any sensitive, potential first time voters didn't get scared off. I sometimes even posted contradictory to my own beliefs, in the hopes of winning any skeptics over.
I'm not sure if it worked, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that the god-emperor and his family have won. First our hearts, now the presidency.
I also want to say that I love all of you who supported Mister Trump throughout this entire time, as I sadly didn't have the chance to do so on election night due to being banned. This is my first post after being unbanned.
I love you america, thanks for stopping WW3.
Congrats ameritards, its time to make your country great again by first extinguishing the filth you call SJWs
Anyone with powrrful PC, can you save the link boards.Sup here:
My tabs cant properly load the page so I can not press 'Save Again'
But it will never end
Congratulations brothers, remember to ignore the shilling that will go on now he has won. All the 'violence' and 'hate crimes' happened after Brexit as well, it's all bollocks spun by a media machine that has lost control.
Bask in the greatness of victory, motherfuckers.
who /smug white man/ here?
being a white hispanic this election was a god send
also us cubans saved trump's ass in florida
I wish it couldn't
i remember seeing that tweet too.
Did she really expect people to believe that there was a live stream not only filming libtard faggots, but one also filming republican reactions?
Congratulations to all.
Thank you to the Amerisharts.
Thanks Burgers
Kek wills it!
our libtards are on suicide watch
not if he wants to be allies with russia
Thank you guys
Thank you amerianons for finally exposing the MSM!
Sorry, based Amish people
thank you, indians, for voting trump
Remember when trumpntalked about charging for protection?
I hope he gouges foreign fucks.
Give it a few years to shake out first, nobody knows how long the wall is gunna be yet
I feel like poorland will get invaded but I don't give a fuck, better invaded than nuked in the shitstorm Shillary would start
Thx Americans
congratulations America, once the kids get a bit older I will be moving my family to Dallas
Burgerbros, you really did it. I'm so proud of you guys! Have a rare Adolf.
I can relate to that feel. Next stop Austria, hide the swastikas.
>tfw no trump-voting desi gf
It's my personal opinion that the globalists have been working to pit iran and saudis in a fight to the death for the past decade.
Hopefully our influence on that will stop /w trump.
maybe you guys can even try getting along?
Thanks for the laughs, and thanks for the dank memes. This year has been very exciting thanks to you guys.
We did our part, eurobros and we thank those of you who participated in the glorious uprising. But now it is time to do your part to save your continent. We will be with you.
First time voter here as well. I am almost 30 years old. I hadn't even registered until last February. I know a lot of people who voted for the first time. The monster vote was real.
>Libruls trying to tell me the monster vote wasn't real because Californians voted against Trump and millions of cuckservatives voted Johnson/McMuffin
Fucking faggots still can't explain the Rust Belt or Florida
Make poorland fairly decent again? Anyone? Just elect that guy next time, he's the poolish Trump
Which country is next to awesome?
Kek. Poorland is roughly on the good course but is too depended on eurocrats to GTFO, sadly.
Good job boys, now we have to fix leafland
that's a tall order sonny
Ive grown affection for you Amerilads over this year, i hope you all have good times and many keks.