More people voted for Hillary.
She won the election.
More people voted for Hillary.
She won the election.
Other urls found in this thread:
They haven't even finished counting all the votes yet.
Not if you take away all the illegal votes
>play a game, knowing the rules
>lose and complain the rules aren't fair
The time to bitch about the electoral college isn't immediately after you lose it.
I don't know when the time to bitch about it is.
All I know is that she got more votes.
Both CNN and Fox News predicted that Trump will win the popular vote
I can't wait for the liberal salt when that happens
I like how its her supporters bitching and not her.
they will still whine about trump getting more then 300 EV.
I heard that absentee votes have been overwhelmingly in favor of Trump. He might actually end up winning the popular vote
Not all the votes are counted, Trump probably won the popular vote, and if you don't understand the Electoral Collage, kys
A fucking leaf
Good thing the EC is there to quickly resolve such a close vote, eh buddy?
Your vote shouldn't count more just because you live in Idaho and it shouldn't count less just because you live in California.
Illegal immigrants probably made up at least 10 million of her votes. Also wonder how many of her votes were from dead people, inactive voters, and just voter fraud in general
>close vote
No, she won.
Why are you trying to shitpost so desperately, you have been doing this in all the thread, we know you.
When you look at the vote broken down by county, it's prettty clear who won.
>half a % difference
>not a close vote
California is worth 55 votes and Idaho is worth 4.
It can be a millionth of a percent difference.
It doesn't matter.
The person who gets more votes wins.
If it was about the popular vote then the campaigns would have been different
Many Dems in red states did not vote and nearly no Reps voted in Blue states.
If it was about the popular vote the turnout would have been higher.
Using this result to justify a Hillary victory is retarded.
Yes it should. San Fransiscans are subhuman
>She won in my mind
and without the EC people would be arguing about the result forever.
Brexit won by 4%, and half of the people who lost still won't shut up about it.
>she won
They're still counting.
You don't understand the US system?
The system is meant to protect smaller and more rural states.
No, without the EC, Hillary wins.
You can make all the random, retarded rules you want.
The fact is: Hillary got more votes. She won.
>leef thinks he creates the rules of the election
Hillary knew full well what was needed to win, and she was dumb enough to alienate everyone that wasn't living in a major city.
Tough shit retard, EC is what wins an election.
Each Representative you get in the House gets an Electoral Vote.
California is 55 (FIFTY-FIVE) votes, while Idaho gets 4.
The only States the EC unfairly benefits are the small ones who get 2 by default, and those aren't the ones Trump won
Dead peoples votes don't count.
Weird I don't remember Al Gore being my president
they both knew the rules, they both knew they needed to win the electoral college. trump's strategy was obviously the stronger one, if we rewound time and made the whole election happen again except with both candidates aiming for popular vote, trump would probably win that one too, cuz he'd be aiming for it. u shouldn't be this proud of losing.
>Trump will win the popular vote
is there a source for this?
i've seen a few posts claim this, but i can't find any info from CNN or Fox that implies it
Are you being retarded on purpuse or you forgot the path to /leftypol/?
The rules clearly say she needed 270 EC votes, popular votes don't matter. Not to mention they are still counted.
Well, then she can be President of Canada, because the US has elected its Presidents this way for over 200 years.
It's a natural extension of Representational Democracy
Please continue spamming this across the board, leaf, it makes me giggle with glee to know that you're either sitting at your computer, utterly assmad and days away from suicide, or autistix enough to do this "for da lulz".
God bless you, leaf, for the joy you are bringing us.
California has 600 000 people per electoral vote.
Idaho has 100 000 people per electoral vote.
It makes absolutely no sense.
An Idaho vote is worth 6 times that of a California vote.
what the fuck are you talking about you retarded maple-nigger?
This is a constitutional republic you fucking leaf, not a shit-tier direct democracy like you miserable shitlibs so desperately want so you can flood the country with ooga boogas and beaners for MUH DIVERSITY VOTE.
Go back to your cuck shed you stupid moose fucker, nobody cares about Canada or its flaming buttchugging PM, we're too busy MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Basically most uncounted votes are from the deep red states.
Trump was right the system is rigged
How? The USA isn't a democracy.
I don't care about "the rules".
I'm just stating the fact that more people voted for Hillary and any system that doesn't hand the presidency to the person who got the most votes is fucked.
Why does everyone forget that she fucking conceded? She took that L calmly.
god its you again
You're being trolled you stupid niggers.
>I don't care about "the rules".
So you won't mind if I cut your throat in the street, then. Y'know, since you don't care about the rules, and all.
Well, then it's a good thing you don't live in a Broken System, now isn't it?
>the election was rigged
I have a Constitution over here that says she didn't.
I also seem to recall a concession speech.
>I don't care about the rules
Thanks for letting people know that you are a piece of shit. And nice BS.
The issue isn't the electoral college. The issue is that without compulsory voting too many unenthused, but anti-Trump Americans will think "oh well, someone else will vote". That's not helped at all by the failings of virtually all pollsters.
There should be a mandatory $100 fine for failing to vote without good reason.
>waaah. waaah. my dictatorship of the dumb majority!
Your ilk wasn't so thrilled about it when the Brits voted Brexit. Leftist opinions about these issues are inherently invalid.
a fucking leaf
State rights so that one giant state doesn't dominate the rest.
Plus California is full of welfare leeches. They don't deserve to have a bigger voice.
I wish my countrymen could get uncucked but it's proving difficult, burger.
btw you do realize that if it was a direct democracy, people would have voted differently, right? And trump+gary johnson > hillary + jill stein
Except the US isn't a pure democracy, our founders crafted our system as a representative republic specifically to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
You can talk shit all day.
The fact is that more people voted for Hillary and there's no rational reason why a vote from Idaho should be worth 6 votes from California.
Any sources on when they'll finish counting and how much of the votes are left?
Can he still win the popular vote?
I need some bullets for my arguments with salty libtards and I can't find anything on Goygle
Only results I get are "it looks like hillary will win the popular vote" amd similar shilling
At the end of a sports season, do teams get into the playoffs based on how many total wins they have or how many points they've scored total?
>forgetting the "States" part of "United States"
Didn't see you complain when obongo was re-elected the same way leaf.
>dumb majority
Except most educated people voted for Hillary.
If the purpose of the electoral college was to prevent dumb people from taking over, it has failed quite miserably and in fact has had the opposite effect.
Therefore, I don't see why it's still effective.
Trump won college educated whites, and "educated" is a meme anyway.
I never supported "Obongo" but even if I did, he won the popular vote in 2008 and 2012.
This is a good point. In some youth sports tournaments, where points differential matters for tie breakers, they will cap the number of points you can carry over from each individual game, so you can't run up the score in one game.
If there was a nationwide popular vote, the k my states that would matter would be Cali and NY.
Going to college doesn't always guarantee people are smart. A vast majority of college attendees have no business being there.
Yeah, fuck the people from Idaho and Iowa and their concerns. California should elect the president every 4 years because a lot of people happen to live there.
(((educated))) as in brainwashed into samethink and cultural marxism
>more people should have voted
Trump pushed the rigged shit hard. My theory is Hillary couldn't possibly have padded her numbers as much as she wanted to. Instead it was all about making trump votes disappear
>Not if you take away all the illegal votes
Fucking right
She couldn't, Trump would've won because he would've gotten more MPs.
Precisely. Hillary ran up the score in states like New York and California, places where Trump barely campaigned at all specifically because of the EV system. Millions of registered Republicans in California do not even bother to vote because there's no point.
Complaining that someone is elected via Electoral College, when that's the system we have in place, is like losing a football game then complaining that the field goals you got should've been worth 7 points instead of 3. Liberals are legitimately retarded.
>solid tangible proof of people working to rig the election in her favor from veratas to reports filed by people who witnessed fraudulent ballots being filled out
>even with all that she still loses the election AND the chance at presidency
Guess they Should've bused those Beaners to a few more no ID polls in the states she lost, maybe had them take a few thousand more ballots. Too late now though, say it with me you salty cuck
You know this reminds me of when people were seeing their first boxing match of mayweather vs pacquiao or an mma match featuring bisping or gsp. They say those guys barely did anything, they don't deserve to win. But under the boxing /mma rules they won fair and square according to the rules. You can't blame them for adhering to the game.
Trump won fair and square under electoral rules. If it was such a bad system, democrats should have changed it earlier such as under the Obama or Clinton rule when they had the chance.
Oops forgot this.
Syrupnigger pls
Answer my question please
Trump could've won the popular vote, if that was what mattered.
Both candidates were aware of the system, and both campaigned to win it. The voters are also very aware of the system that the US has in place, so republicans in states like California and NY don't even bother voting. The election was about winning the most electors and states, and that's what Trump did.
What did Newsweek mean by this?
>Trump could've won the popular vote,
He didn't.
>projections of final vote count show Trump ahead
>Trump got 306 electoral college votes to shillary's 232
It wasn't even close. Trump dominated in what was absolutely an electoral landslide. If it were close, blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania wouldn't have flipped to red
Also be will win the popular vote in the end.
He could still win the popular vote, but it's irrelevant. That's not how we determine the president. Just gloat and make fun of them.
>That's not how we determine the president
Then, there's a fucking problem.
try again, leaf
True heroes.
If we determined the election by simple direct democracy, the coasts would be the only deciding factor in every single election. People living outside of California and NY might as well not even vote in that case.
Any idea how long it'll take for votes to finish counting?