What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuck is he doing?
"Love the fact"?
These niggers and whiny libtards are cancer. It's not "passion". It's whining and crying.
Rebranding them as ppl who want to make America great again
No seriously, what the fuck?
I hope this is some kind of 3D persuasion. Scott Adams where you at?
Even after winning he's still being a cheeky shitposter.
You think he doesn't know that? He also knows that these babies are going to fizzle out in a couple of months when they realize their 40's Germany fantasy isn't happening. What I want to see is Trump holdinbg the luegenpresse accountable for all this violence. Americans, tweet at him. Get him to name the guilty.
You know the best way to make crazy overemotional people flip out is by pretending to sympathize with them.
They're not going to give up until they get what they want, just like a little kids that they are
Niggers and sjws BTFO !
He loves the hate and wants to channel it.
Just a matter of time before he absorbs them.
Chill niggas
He's pointing out that these asshats are rioting and that we will move forward together regardless.
He's working them in to a shoot.
Based Big Business Don working the libtards
wtf I'm a Jillpill now
Well,he can either fan their flames or let them burn out, i'll take option #2
>not recognizing shitposting
Connect 4 to the 4th power
Don't doubt him
I don't see the problem. He knows he's won and he's subtly rubbing it in their faces.
Read between the lines, faggots.
I think the riots are giving him a whole new energy to bring him back to being his best. He loves shit like that, fuck yeah this is amazing.
Trump will show them what actual care looks like, the care of a parent disappointed in their son or daughter, instead of the liberal "i love you but now you must do this for me".
Basically he's saying that their protesting is pointless as they are only a "small" amount of people. He's also saying that their protesting won't change anything as it's inevitable he will president. Passive aggressiveness at its finest.
>small groups of protesters
It's true, though.
The media created a version of Donald J Trump that doesn't exist, which is why everyone is acting like he's rounding up gays and mexicans to put in death camps.
he's pointing out the fact that they are *small groups*
I'm sure the (((media))) is treating these as MASSIVE demonstrations.
this is literally something smug Pepe would say, with all the assmad Wojaks running around with tears in their eyes, shitting themselves. Meme magic.
The mother fuckers who were rioting were incited by the media and many organizers were paid.
Last night there were smaller, peaceful, actual protests. That's gay but acceptable.
We're all getting grabbed by the pussy. And we're all gonna cum.
The "protesters" want a mean reaction from Trump.
Trump is giving them the exact opposite while earning decency points with the rest of the country.
Anyone that thought Trump was going to be Hitler whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing, is very out of touch with reality.
To be fair hes probably not entirely wrong, if you went on just what the media said about trump Sup Forums users probably wouldn't like him. People who rely on TV news think hes literally hitler and plans to kill all non whites.
lmao he's pissing them off even more just by being so coy.
Top kek, he's reframing them and their efforts as people who want to MAGA and are on his side. This could make them abandon the protests. Fucking 4D chess lmao, Trump wins no matter what.
This is fucking glorious
>CTR still in the thread
He likes their high energy.
This guy will be the first troll president in a western country.
Nigel gets it
Here's whats actually happened since Trump became president elect
>Stock markets up bigly
>Tensions with Russia quelled back from potential Cold War 2 territory
>Pledged to work with Obama on counsel
Anything else is a lie
this combination of tweets is correct
first, and most importantly, let them know that you know they are playing at softball domestic terror: he even mentioned that they aren't real protesters, this is courage, this is winning
then for emotional idiots, he followed up with a nicer tweet, 'aw you're such sweet little patriots,' ie, he's still in command of this shitshow
>They are Americans and will MAGA with us whether they like it or not.
Trump didn't write it - his cuckservative interns did.
We need to incite further disturbances from the left rather than trying to compromise and placate them.
Yup the kill them with kindness strategy
If your pleasant to your haters you win
He's going to be president now in 70 days. He's trying to calm the protest before we have a new a Civil War. He doesn't need to have that for the next four years. What he does need to do is have the FBI arrest the money changer in the temple, George Soros for inciting violence.
"Love the fact" shows positive emotion to contrast the hateful image the left has buit.
"Small groups" makes the protests seem less powerful
Talking about how they have passion for the country makes them seem less like hate filled people who won't respect the outcome of the election and more like people who honestly care and are just misinformed. Reframing his opposition as a potential power source.
Also he's wants to be EVERYONE'S president.
I'm mostly confused about how he demonizes the protestors in one tweet and then celebrates them with the next one
Though I'm sure the reason is tweet 1 was from him and tweet 2 was from his social media team
fuck off CTR, we beat you and outsmarted you when you had the advantage, what chance do you think you have now?
It's the most passive fuck you I've ever seen
Is that you mr. Persuasion man?
>President Trump will go down as the first President to utilize shitposting
Patriotic Pepe is always there
Bingo. Different method, same goal. If he can persuade them that they share goals, he can start in on agreeable methods.
Trump is able to participate in multiple timelines simultaneously, but sometimes he fucks up keeping track of which one he is currently in.
He just came back from the timeline where Hillary won, but he was sleepy so forgot which one he was on when he got on Twitter. That last tweet was meant for the Hillary win timeline, where he is congratulating conservative protestors for being peaceful about it.
This power is how Trump became so wealthy in the first place. He takes any risk he feels like, and if the gamble goes bad in the current timeline, then he simply commits himself to the alternate timeline where the risk paid off and permanently abandons the one where he lost. Rinse and repeat.
The power is genetic. It's not as potent in his older sons; it's strongest in Barron, but he has the most trouble controlling it. Every time you see Barron's face violently flinch, it's because he's concentrating as hard as he can to keep himself locked into the current timeline. You won't see Barron in many more videos anymore, because Trump knows there is a risk he'll be caught on film vanishing into thin air and reappearing over and over again.
Nigger, you don't understand. If the left stops spazzing out about Trump, that means that Trump has cucked.
This, 100%.
I've seen coworkers and neighbors have hysterical meltdowns in the past couple days because they're dumb enough to believe all the media's bullshit. You can already see a bit of backpedaling and finger pointing from the media itself. This morning a series of articles came out blaming Facebook for distributing "misinformation." Looks like Zuckerberg is gonna take one for the team.
no its very (very) basic mindgames
he gives the truth to people who want the truth, 'these protesters are liars'
then he tweets something nice for people who are stupid enough to believe those lies
Or they are both his and the first one he realised wasn't going to help by antagonizing them, makes him seem petty. Rather the second devalues their efforts and makes him looks presidential of everyone.
I fucking love this mans shitposting. The coke tweet is ducking great
reversed something something
negative, its not a simple yes/no scenario. He wants these people on his team, that requires finesse, and it WILL end with them calming down
>small groups
Pointing out that they are insignificant
Being diplomatic by pointing out an obvious truth.
The liberals will soon see the light.
We are yet in darkness but soon every ear shall hear the truth.
They will believe
Something for your zuckerfriends
He's just shit posting, he does it all the time
I love this man
It's a process. A long term bilateral trade agreement, if you will.
Shitskin socialists have to go back, not be part of the Trump Administration.
this this and this, obama knows that, that's why he acted so chill around him, media not only lied to half the country, they are now the reason of all the violence.
> what is non-linear war
Get on his level, this is 4D chess.
He's still going to anally devastate them on deporting illegals.
There's no point in riling up anger against the minority of protesters. Fuck, it's literally in their instruction manual to BE the subject of violence:
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
Trump is playing 4D chess. He knows nobody gives a fuck about these protesters, but any act taken towards them will be blown up and used to recruit thousandfold. So he goes the opposite way.
Love leftists whilst anally devastating them on policy.
Whoever advised Trump on this, keep it up. Smother them in the total opposite of their own outrage.
He's making them feel like assholes so the actual peaceful protesters go home and the remaining violent thugs can be shut down by police.
>literal autism by the strictest definition: The Post
i am going to tell my gay Mexican friends they can hide out in my garage for the next four years, but don't make a sound. Just send one out disguised as a normie at night to forage for food and news of the world.
Ya know, be totally invisible, just to be safe.
Post it.
Fucking captcha MAGA
4 D C H E S S
My God, he's going to be tweeting at ISIS leaders and terrorists isn't he?
I think he's been told by an adviser to stop saying inflammatory shit.
>Phillipines relations restored
Wait he's not?
fucking hell we should have gone with Cruz
Both George Soros and his son Alex need to be publicly hanged
Dipshit you don't think this tweet is going to be on every fucking normie news channel in the morning? It's only going to make them pout harder. Every time he acts classy and they lose their minds it wakes normies up even more
stumped. finally.
its bullshit but i belive it
I think this man actually might be trying to drop his approval ratings now only to make them sky rocket when he takes power.
Either he is doing this himself brilliantly, or he must have some guy who balanced every RTS game, chess master genius, who does math for fun autist under salary.
Only after they're captured, he doesn't announce his plans publicly
no, he is upset that he literally has no power over this, the CIA literally has no power over this, the NSA literally has no power over this, and no amount of begging and pleading with the Russians is going to get them to do whatever it takes to get the protesters to shut up because they think it is FUCKING HILARIOUS. trump is shitting his pants. this was not in the plan and he can't crisis manage it away.
Best way to Respond. Everyone was expecting him to act like a sore winner and an egotistical shitlord. Yet his acceptance speech was rather humble especially for Trump and his meeting with Obama seemed calm and well received. Which only irritates the left more.
It's called passive aggression. Although in this case I'd be more inclined to call it sarcasm. Canadians aren't funny and they're usually retarded, and you've proven yourself to not be an exception to either of these statements.
We know who it is
If people are mean to you, be nice to them.
That's leaf tier shitposting.
You can actually see the Reality of the situation on Trumps face. Throughout the interview and with recent sightings of him. He looks like a man with a LOT on his mind. He is not prancing around and going ner ner I won. Although some of his leading cabinet selections are a little bit worrying. Anything but fucking Palin I hope that is the Media trying to stir more shit.
>Barron has been operating the Twitter account the entire time
Who else here happy that he continues shitposting after the election?
Do you think the police will be treated how they were under Obama?
Naive to say the least.
go read a wrinkle in time. or maybe you already did and you're just really fucking smart.
should add the fact that obama repealed that propaganda law
I hope he shitposts on the potus account.