Tulsi Gabbard Appreciation

Tulsi Gabbard is the future of the democratic party, she could be huge by 2020.

>Elected to Hawaii HoR in 2002
>In 2004 she volunteered for a combat tour in Iraq
>Was meant to run in 2006 for reelection but decided to re-enlist so she could serve with her unit
>Went to OTS and served a third tour in 2009, as of 2016 she's a Major in the Army, has fought in the frontlines against Iraq Revolutionary Guard, Al Qaeda, and ISIS
>Restarted her political career by becoming a Congresswoman representing Hawaii
>Was selected to be Vice-Chair of the DNC in 2016.
>Resigned her DNC position in disgust after witnessing how Bernie was treated.
>Is pro-second Amendment from her army experience
>Is anti-globalist, anti-TPP, and wants to see a return of the Teddy Roosevelt trustbuster days
>Pro Glass-Steagall
>Social liberal, pro-choice, believes people have a right to choosing who they want to marry

She's the perfect mix of liberal ideals and middle-America common sense. Oh, and she's fucking beautiful and can surf. This the President America needs

Tulsi Gabbard 2020

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Seems cool.


There has never been a more delicious brown woman.

She's badass, but it's too soon to push her. Gotta wait til Sup Forums gets tired of Trump and is looking for its next candidate.

Seems cool

What's her take on muslims/immigration? If she's not up for removing kebab there's no point but otherwise, I'd be game

I like her, but I think the GOP needs to clean up the uh... culture... a little before we can play the back and forth bullshit. Speaking as a former democrat.

postin more Tulsi for general love

As far as I know she believes in expanding legal immigration by offering more skilled work visas.

Put her on your donate list, because the Clintons took money away from her after she stood up to their bullshit. We gotta keep her in Washington DC.

Never happening, DNC would rather run Elizabeth Warren

Ew some brown democrat bitch who happened to do service in Murka's military

and all these people on Sup Forums like her? literally wtf

this is a madam president people would like, not a crook

>As far as I know she believes in expanding legal immigration by offering more skilled work visas.
aka complete shit and just another dem piece crapshoot

I really would like to have sex with her.

Depends on how hard the republican party fucks the democrats in the next coming years.

>>Social liberal, pro-choice, believes people have a right to choosing who they want to marry
o wow she's uber tolerant of drugs, abortion AND GAY MARRIAGE that's SO GREAT

>expanding legal immigration by offering more skilled work visas.


>Is anti-globalist
Democraps will never like her

First female President who actually deserves it.

Finally a President I can fap too

she didn't resign in disgust. she was vice-chair of the DNC, but wanted to openly support Bernie. This would have been a conflict of interests so she resigned and endorsed Bernie.

I love Tulsi Gabbard. She and a few others are the progressive future of the party.

Yep. She is the girl.

I like her already
>thanks to us we live in a world where this woman could potentially be the first female president of the united states of america
feels good, bros

Is Australia really that fucking boring that you're jerking off to 2020 elections of other countries?

>Indian name

>she believes in expanding legal immigration by offering more skilled work visas

into the trash

When dems say anti globalist they mean cracking down on MUH EBIL CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION OF BROWN PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD

It's usually a bunch of complete fucking bullshit. It's literally an anti white dogwhistle


holy fuck all these normie-tier cux lining up for miss pretty army lady, this is so pleb it's not even funny.

Sup Forums likes illegals now?

Gabbard by the pussy

>people like what I don't like waaaaah
don't be that guy

Eh. Could be worse.

she isnt that hot in undoctored photos

bad skin


Not so fast, shills.

First female president to get upskirted

Still extremely attractive desu senpai

progressives aren't worried about the sweatshop workers in thailand. it is truly all about the middle class with them. you can sling that false propaganda, but the fact is Bernie supposed NAFTA, CAPTA and TPP all because they destroy the middle class. He even tore the fuck out of Alan Greenspan, telling him he "doesn't know the real America".

she's not a pretty army lady. she is one of the FEW progressives in Washington. Keith Ellison, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard. I would have counted Elizabeth Warren amongst them, but she is a fucking traitor.

There's literally no reason to like her at all from anything other than a completely bluepilled POV. Your viewpoint is trash, frankly, and deserves no respect. I thought the level of sophistication on Sup Forums was higher.

This guy has it right she could be worse but for fuck's sake she isn't great.

You plebeian morons are responding to the fact that she's sexy and is "independent". What a bunch of crap.

Clarity time:
She supports more non-European immigration which will just continue to erode America's core and increase support for the Democrat party. The Democrat party the non-whites support won't be Bernie-tier, either (as shitty as Bernie is, he's still better than the totally mainstream).

> socially liberal
Into the garbage it goes

She literally took dicks in the military for freedom

Not bad, but where does she stand on the first amendment? This whole "anti hate speech" movement lately is a load of horseshit and if I move to the US I want to be able to say what I want.


>Implying the left will ever be relevant again after President Trump's supreme court makes voter ID laws mandatory, bans bussing, and ensures that all the illegals are deported.

>socially liberal
go away bernie shill

>When dems say anti globalist they mean cracking down on MUH EBIL CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION OF BROWN PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD

Democrats support globalism though. They become enraged when you tell them outsourcing is a bad idea. Look how they worship Steve Jobs and Cuckerbergensteinowitz. They honestly think it is great that brown people get paid 9 cents a day to make Iphones.

Anyway Gabbard will never get the support of the DNC, Corey Booker is the 2020 nominee with Julian Castro as the VP. Both are wall street insiders and Castro was one of the Section 8 guys under Obama responsible for ethnically cleansing white suburbs.

screencap this for 4 years from now.

No, he's definitely right. You just have no standards

>Sup Forums is one person, talking to himself
lol at you
go back to fucking reddit, you sad fuck

>another vagina
Lol no.

Dems learned that vaginas don't win elections. Only brown skin. And she's no where near brown enough.

That shit aint even hispanic.

2020 is either going to be Moochelle or Booker. They lost without the "obama coalition" (aka blacks) not showing up to vote this year. They won't make that same mistake back to back.

you're simply wrong, and showing your ignorance. you saw that she was attractive and are now claiming everyone likes just because of that. the only reason you say that is because you just heard about her when you came across this thread. go do some due diligence and then come back with actual reasons not to support her. The OP listed some extremely important reasons, But if you don't grasp the significance of Glass-Steagall, and I assume you must not, then you can't appreciate her.


I wouldn't mind if she sat on my face after a workout tbqhwy lads

I like the idea of Sup Forums picking the future pro-American politicians of the Democratic party. We have the power to make sure the Dems never get the power to pull an Obama/Hillary ever again.

Pull the Democrats back to the center.


cottage cheese samoan genetics


bad candidate

Former Democrat here. I kind of like her. I just don't see her getting a big push unfortunately.

>Corey Booker is the 2020 nominee

I don't think the country is ready for a homo president.

I'd vote for Tulsi as she stands right now. Really appreciated how she had the balls to go on TV and call Hillary and Obama out on the ISIS-enabling bullshit they're doing in Syria.

Unfortunately, to get the nomination she probably has to sign on to the SJW rhetoric that she doesn't seem to give a fuck about.


>when you tell the truth but everyone laughs at you


Brains and beauty. I'm liking her a lot. She's definitely more competent than Trump.

Looks like a dude

Why would she be a "democrat"? Sounds a lot more like Bernie or Trump than Hillary.

>Corey Booker is the 2020 nominee with Julian Castro as the VP.
I didn't mention Castro in my post but I should have.

He's their spic Bernie. The far left loves the guy and he's definitely on the shortlist. Way too soon for the head job, but you're right, he's perfect VP (vote for us beaners!) material.

If a Bernie style left comes to power, I'll respect it. But it still won't be enough. Trump is even far too leftwing. We are in a do-or-die moment in history, man.

Demographics in America are looking very, very bad. We can't just have politics as usual. We need, if anything, an extreme right. Anything even slightly moderate or to the left is fucking insane at a time like this.

You're the fools airing your plebbetry on here.

why in the fuck isn't she in the GOP, anyone who would even think of supporting the Democrats is deranged or brainwashed.

The Republican party is largely dogship, but the Democrat party is even worse. This kind of party politics attitude of "such and such a person is good" should be foreign to Sup Forums. Only extremely radical solutions will even make a dent at this time. I feel like I'm on some normie-tier site.

She is just "better than she could be". What she should be is for complete halt on all new immigration and mass deportation of nonwhites who entered the nation post 1965. Clearly, that's the only thing that matters. Nonwhites won't go for your Bernie-tier Democrat politics anyway, as shown by this recent election.


you write suspiciously like someone I know
your name doesn't begin with "M" does it?

> that horseface laugh

don't elect woman to lead, just don't fucking do it


nigga you attacked me for posting 4 sentences
it was barely even a paragraph
you don't know anything about me or my views so why don't you sit the fuck down, take a deep breath, and find somebody worth arguing with, because the only reason I'm still replying to you is because it bumps the thread

>Social liberal

Yes, our country is insanely boring. Very few Australians have legitimate complaints, and thus live vicariously through other country's politics.

The biggest news story in our country last week was a woman who kidnapped a koala and kept it in a backpack until it was dehydrated. I wish I was kidding.

Posting more Tulsi

>Mark Zuckerberg married that

Fuck me, I thought when you're a billionaire you can fuck literally any 10/10 woman you want? Why would he marry that ugly fishfaced cunt?

I actually like asians but she is really fucking ugly.

Ayyy I live in hawaii

the Democratic party has two faces. The corporatist, neoliberal face. And the progressive face. Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, and every other self-serving fuck belong to the former. Tulsi and Ellison belong to the latter. Bernie got 48% of pledged delegates at the convention, meaning there is a ton of popular support for progressivism, but as it stands right now, there are very few actual progressive politicians in washington. Tulsi is a Democrat, but a progressive.

>mass deportation of nonwhites who entered the nation post 1965

You get right on the constitutional amendment that would make that legal, chief.

>Tulsi fully embraced Hinduism as a teenager.

Well Obama is a muslim, maybe its time for a Hindu.

>Gabbard was married to Eduardo Tamayo in 2002; they divorced on June 5, 2006. She cites "the stresses war places on military spouses and families" as a reason for their divorce.

She values family life below her own ambition, probably not a good wife.

She has no realistic chance.

But not really. She's pretty anti-refugee for a Democrat.


I don't agree with her on a lot but I do like her and she seems very sincere. However, she will NEVER be president and the Dems will NEVER even let her be the nominee. She's openly Hindu. While I personally have no problem with that, America would never elect a non-Christian that's open about their disbelief.


Corey Booker is all but confirmed for 2020

He can get the black turnout that Shillary couldn't and he's a globalist/wall street pawn

He's perfect just like Obama was

There's no way in hell the Democrat Party is ever going back to its old pre Clinton days. It's the party of diversity, globalism, and neoliberalism now.

And with the superdelegate system there's simply no way to enact a coup

It's the perfect time for a gay candidate and black people will vote for him because he is black.

Yeah Castro is clearly being groomed for a future as Mexican Obama

He just needed to marry a Chinese to have a Chinese-Jew hybrid baby. It didn't have to be any particular Chinese.

Although realistically he said something like, "I'll marry you as long as you don't expect me not to fuck around."

He's a spirit cooking pedo who probably never saw this fuggo naked once
All VIP bearding wives are ugly af to appeal to the female supporters

So she's basically Trump but with combat experience.

Fine by me.

The DNC will not learn from its mistakes, though.

kys faggot

Hot damn those pockmarks are bad. Only upside is that they creates more surface area for my jizz.

>they lost without the "obama coalition" (aka blacks) not showing up to vote this year. They won't make that same mistake back to back.

What this guys said.

Supporting a Democrat is fucking repulsive to me. Sometimes people have to take a stand. I can't just be nonchalant about this. America is legitimately dying and here you are weighing the virtues and vices of supporting such and such a candidate.

Also for fuck's sake she's a social liberal and like this guy said this is her on immigration. For fuck's sake I can see right through her, she's just another politician, you can tell that, so easily. This is contrary to the spirit of Sup Forums which only supports candidates in extreme situations, like Trump. And me objecting to your views and your statements is legitimate. There's no reason Sup Forums has to just be a free for all in which every view is present and in which no hard stands are taken.

Holy hell. You get right on the universe in which not doing that wouldn't be disastrous and fatal for the country. Pathetic.

Maybe people in Alabama or Mississippi won't, but she doesn't need those states to win.

Hawaiifag here... She won't survive the primaries.
Her family is part of a Hare Krishna offshoot cult that covets political power, with a long history of anti-gay rights.

>You get right on the universe in which not doing that wouldn't be disastrous and fatal for the country

Any more impossible political fantasies you'd like to share with Sup Forums today?

I've explained myself once already
so have a bump, you fucking wanker
Sup Forums are going to appreciate Tulsi Gabbard whether you like or or not, m80

so you had no arguments against Tulsi. You saw she was a democrat and decided she must be shit. quit calling people moronic plebs when YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE. The Democratic Party is at war with itself right now, and you had better hope the Tulsi Gabbards and Keith Ellisons of the Party win out, or else the party will continue being neoliberal establishment shit.

please shut the fuck up and go do your homework. saying a party is shit is not an argument. it's a smug middle schooler's talking point. there are dynamics at work right now that you clearly don't perceive, but don't worry. Me and a lot of other Bernie supporters are fighting to make sure the democratic party becomes a party for the people. not for corporations.

and the republican party is straight up corporatist dogshit. and I can say that because there isn't even the slightest semblance of a populist movement within the party. Trump is an ideological outlier. Republicans need to do their homework and get their politicians to back the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall also.

Anyone this cute can win over a dem voting base

If a guy with as much personal baggage as Trump can win the general, Tulsi should be fine.

>why did zuck form a marriage merger with a chink
>why did he spread his cheeks and ask the chink pres to name his baby
>why is he trying 100% to open chink doors to jewish businessmen
Think for second.

He would have married a panda if he had to.

Maybe delay until 2024 and I can evaluate it more fairly. But as is it I'm still a bit bitter about Obama. "Hey, check out this trendy, vaguely ethnic progressive with a short voting record" Whoops, turns out he loves the corporate cock and won't stop government surveillance!

No dude. No dude. You look like a dude.

Her cheeks looks like light burn scars.

Redpill me on her iraq service, was she a field medic? If yes, she's pretty redpilled.

haha, no. starts with a D

>she's pretty redpilled.
>social liberal globalist democrat
I don't think you even know what that word means.

>democrats still think the democrat party cares about being "progressive"
>democrats think they will be allowed to choose their nominee this time

Enjoy your generic center left candidate that won't be this woman

I dont know her but i like her.

>anti foreign intervention

I don't think you know what the word globalist means.

Do you really think the DNC will allow her to become the nominee?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz just got reelected you know.

oh thank god, I was about to get really mad and tell you to get out of my top secret politics club

you seem much smarter than she is anyway but she blocks of text almost exactly like you do, I had to ask

I don't think you know just how Christian this nation really is. EIGHTY PERCENT of America is Christian, it's not just in the South. You get sworn in with a Holy Bible, there's no way they are going to let someone be President who worships Brahman.

>Openly opposed America's support of FSA
Speaking of misunderstood words.