Dude, that penis is SWEET

Dude, that penis is SWEET

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Even though it's kinda crooked?

Captain Hero wouldn't be half as funny as he was if it weren't for Harnell's delivery

you could say that about almost all the characters/cast really. The performances are what sells this. it makes me legit sad to see how some dumb stoner comedy series had more heart and soul than the current flagship cartoons from CN or Nick

It's my new PINGAS!
Just like me, it's crooked.
Do you like it?

>Your spoiler
This a thousands times. At first glance it seems like any other Family Gore clone but you can tell with the samurai intensity has with all it's quips that everyone on this show was having a blast. Even the few bad episodes make me smile. Fuck the movie though, the movie was nothing but sour grapes

We love it.

It's large!

What was the best episode of DT? It's been a while since I've watched it but I remember the AIDS Walk, Drawn Together Babies and the one with Captain Hero's nemesis being stand outs

We love it!
It's large!


Clum Babies, Drawn Together Special or the Terminator one, don't make me choose
Do you like the vagina?

>The blood around his lips
Jesus the little things you miss watching this the first 10 times

>"you are so hetero"
>that male symbol on his chest
Is the name "Cpt. Hero" supposed to be a play on the word "he(te)ro" as a satire of fake machismo? FUCK, how did I never notice this

Definitely that episode where Xander is trying to role-play coming out to his parents and it just fucking takes off
>So, you want to be an altar boy
>No I don't, you took me from the playground


This show was so fucking ahead of its time that it would never air today.

That's exactly what I mean about the performances making the series. on the surface, that line alone is a simple shifting of the blame. But the way Wooldoor says it, you get the distinct feeling that in some weird priestly power fantasy, he really believes he is god.

which drawn together would you do kissing with?


Foxxy and Clara for me please.

What are you talking about, user? He is a priest
That's why I invited him over to straighten out my HOMO OF A SON!
Probably Foxxy

freaks and greeks might be the best episode. a very special drawn together, or lemon-aids walk, or wooldoors funny giggly episode are the top 4 definitely. a joke a second.
>the end where the greek girl baaah's and starts chewing on hair
>the wooldoor joke "now my show can entertain kids, annoy adults, and funny third thing"
>lemonaids walk for popeye, "i did it for you!" and popeye does the mufasta appearance then captain hero says "who the hell is that asshole?"

Their facebook page was trying to get fan reactions or something to potentially put together a new movie or something, but i dunno what ever became of it or if it was just some random intern.

Apparently they were also getting the cast to record voice mails and stuff for people.

>this scene is literally Jess Harnell being a dudebro with himself
I bet that he didn't even have to record the lines separately.



>and funny third thing
did he predict the era of internet shitposting?

they recognized how tired that joke is and made it meta. it's such an easy "joke" to make, you'll see it constantly now. Cracked.com relies on it. two series examples, wacky third example. they say "rule of three" in comedy but subverting that expectation is now funnier because EVERYBODY knows that formula

i blame her for all my fetishes

That's not even the first time they made that joke.
>This is nonsense! The only things I'm addicted to are fighting crime, making lists of 3s...

Xandir obviously

I love Toot, but man they went overboard with the fat/gross jokes with her as the show went on, especially since they often weren't even particularly funny

The show in general "wasn't even particularly funny" but even Xandir couldn't make it as gay as some of the shit we have on TV now.

not true, the show was often hilarious(although I won't deny that the show's quality started taking a nosedive during that Mall two-parter)

I saw it as each episode being either great or bad. each season has very good episodes and very bad episodes. inconsistent episodes/writing, but not an entirely bad season

>forgets about the elastic woman


>Why are we still doing this when Xander isn't even here?

That one line being the only reference to this all being an act(along with the ending) Is what elevates this to a god tier episode.

I liked when they switched roles without a hitch

I remember going to a twisted toonz at comic con, and Jess Harnell did Captain Hero. It wasn't very popular...I haven't seen him do it since.

Also, friendly reminder this show inspired panty and stocking


oh man... how could I ever forget something like this?

I'll be in my bunk.

>Also, friendly reminder this show inspired panty and stocking
The only thing I find more odd but fascinating about that fact is your digits

>that one video of the VA that did LingLings voice
>she's just shouting random jibberish in the mic for a few hours and laughing her ass off

the perfect job

Another friendly reminder season 2 never ever

what comes after aspyxi-seven? asphyxiate!


You know what I realized: Clara's retarded cousin looks like Anastasia because it was made by a different company than Disney and, so, the creator's opted to comment that it was "Disney's retarded cousin."

What about the episode where they look at the season as a whole, and it's mentioned to Woldorf that he's been broadcasted all over the world by cameras ever since the show started, and Woldorf just starts screaming
and comes back five minutes later with a fake beard.
Fuck I wish Hulu still had this show

>I guess it goes without saying, I wasn't about to sling some yogurt on an unconscious woman's feet.
As much shit as the creators got for focusing way too much on Hero in the last season, Hero was still the best character of the bunch.

Season 2 finale, "The Drawn Together Clipshow"

You could just go to Kimcartoon for your cartoon fix.

I could, but it was super convenient while I'm working on classwork/grading papers to just turn the ps4 on and play whatever for background noise.

Xandir is very fuckable.

I've never seen this show besides clips on youtube.
Is it still online somewhere?

Kametsu used to have DL links for it, but it looks like they got taken down.


Super Nanny and NRA Ray

No, but they predicted the gay future caused by tv. And disneywars "fighting" racist stereotypes

The Lost in parking space episodes had me laughing so hard I couldn't breath. Especially at the "who did I give my dry cleaning to" joke.

>It 50 degrees out there!
>We’ll be dead in hours!!

With Clara of course. She may be a caricature for others but for me she is perfect.

I can't believe how much funny shit they managed to squeeze in such a short time frame. Jesus Christ.

AIDS Walk, Woldor gay future one, the Special, and the retard son one.

I should really try and remember the titles better.

Anyways, it's hard to choose.

>We're just that desperate!

>the fucking carrot

I regret watching the movie. It was bad and it hurt me.

Is it weird I don't remember this show airing? I would have been in middle school and high school while it was airing, and was definitely watching CC, but I don't remember it at all. It wasn't until I saw threads about it here that I started watching it.

it was while SOuth Park was "super awesome" and doing stupid episodes like woodland christmas critters

Toot, and I won't regret it


Hey Foxxy, are you doing much acting since the show ended?

I think I fell asleep when I watched it. Or just turned if off. The art style was absolutely horrendous.

I'm gonna be on TV
I'm gonna be a TV Star!

toot and clara 2bh

It's seriously one of the most brilliant shows CC's ever seen. There was no reason for it to be this good.

I wish we had a twelve-year-old girl and a donkey!


let's pants him!

>Charlotte’s Web of Lies
>they killed Boba Fett

Because the creators haven't done anything worthwhile since the show ended. Nobody cares about Golan the Insatiable or that one sitcom with Josh Peck and Uncle Jesse, so they're trying to grab what they had back in the glory days.

Doubt it'll work since I don't hear anybody outside of Sup Forums talk about DT. And even if it did, we'd probably get something as bad as the last movie.

>you will never Tim Tomerson

>Nobody cares about Golan the Insatiable

I care.

I liked DT a lot. should I watch this Golan? i've never heard of it

I love this joke, mostly because I’ve witnessed something very similar irl.

It's good because they treat gay as funny but also serious. They can poke fun at it but also treat it with respect at the same time. The more flamboyantly gay they make the joke, the clearer it is they know it's nothing wrong.

"A well-intentioned but ludicrous tale." says Rita Kempley of the Washington Post

>Woodland Critter Christmas
>stupid episode
You bite your tongue, sir!

i'll bite yours
it's okay, but i dunno why people love it

get over here and put my tongue where your mouth is

"what do you call the vagina?"
"I call it a taxi so I can roll over and get some sleep"

Xandir and Foxy, they are pretty freaky in the right kinda way.

Ling Ling and Clara

There are so many quick jokes in the show that are hard to miss but when you catch them it is amazing.

It's spelled "Herós"!

The S is silent you hithead!


I notice that they actually behave like cartoons, and it does really well for comedy. I remember one episode where Captain Hero finds Toot (pretending to be his father) and the Princess in bed together and he picks the princess up by the heel and swings her through the wall and out the house. It happens so quick and it always killed me.

Serious intellectual question here: How exactly do you guys think Clara's octopuswa work? are the tentacles kinda just around the vagina, in place of labia flaps? Are they actually inside her vagina? Is there even a vagina at all or is it just a wad of tentacles? And what was with that one tentacle that could Talk?

im asking for a friend.

I always assumed there was just no vagina there and it was all tentacles. And I bought the DVDs, so I'm practically a writer.

yeah i thought the same tentacles all the way down nothing but tentacles and if you get the tentacle with a mouth to give you blow job and swallow the sperm travels down it's throat and into her womb and gets her pregnant


greatest fucking adult cartoon series ive seen, god I love tara strong

So how much longer until Strong shows up to a con as toot?