We must Meme FrP into Norwegian Government

We must Meme FrP into Norwegian Government

Americans please return the favor and shill for
AfD in Germany
National Front in France
SD in Sweden
FrP in Norway

Other urls found in this thread:



Would love to! You guys need to get some general threads with relevant info, otherwise it would be really hard to get that movement going.

will be more threads in the future

Currently Hoyre and Frp are in Government but Hoyre has majority. I voted for Hoyre last time
Would like a even more right wing party in majority next time desu

pic related



More right wing? Trips?!

I would love to make my Fatherland great again. I really need to visit.


based siv

Thoughts on Listhaug?

I want to snuggle and call her mommy

Nice trips

I appreciate you guys helping us and anything I can do in return to help restore Western civilization on your side of the Atlantic I'm willing to do. I'll screencap this thread so I remember it and do some googling, meanwhile get some generals going like suggested.

We're going to have another meme war, Kek be praised...




norgays needs to be nuked and raped
repeat until theres nothing left in there

best som har skjedd i politikk siden Per Sandberg


>Hungary is the cancer of the middle of europe

Thank you.
The second meme war will save Europe from the dark forces of globalism.

Kan vi få en Norge eller Scandi generell tråd opp?

we can do it lads
we can do this

#MNGA ("manga", wow you fucking weebs)

And ultimately #MEGA



Don't worry, i'm a meme vereran and will fight by your side. (Also, are we even able to save Sweden at this point, or have they gone so far off the edge that not even meme magic can save them?)

AfD is trash nigga. I'm gonna wait for the german Trump

SD is rising in Sweden
I think if they dont get elected next time, sweden will become irredemeable

Make Norway Great Again

jeg elsker deg

Liberation war from norsk and dansk side maybe.
Though part of me just wants to see them burn.


Mottoet vårt er faktisk "MNGI(f)" "Mekk Norge Greit Igjen (fåvæ)" dette har vi allerede avgjort i Norgetråden for flere måneder siden.

>nyliberal eu-kjerring
>vår kar



Saved, I'll shop a Pepe onto it later

MNGA doesn't have the same ring to it

Skal inn i Forsvaret aug. neste år.

Tips for å cope med å beskytte Kong "alle er nordmenn" Harald?

Annet enn det så gleder jeg meg masse!


Er dette et tegn fra KEK?
Er han med oss?

Han er med oss for alt vi har. og alt vi er.

praise kek

>SD in Sweden
No, the Nordic Resistance Movement.

SD have become way too cucked the past years and now they even expell people from the party simply for saying that immigrants rape people.

Nordic Resistane Movement is over reaching. We couldn't meme them into popularity even if we had daily terror attacks now up until the election.

please be my EU gf

Of course we can. They have been growing a lot latley and there are already a bunch of meme pictures made.


>digits confirm

thx senpai

North Dakota here. We're full of Norwegians and red pulled as fuck. Saw a sons of Odin shirt yesterday.
Minnesota on the other hand is full of Swedish and well you see how that's going for them. Even the whole importing Somali stick.


Vi vil ikke lenger overgi dette landet eller dets folk til den falske sangen av globalisme.