Weed is for degenerates and should stay illegal.
Weed is for degenerates and should stay illegal
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It just makes bad people worse.
So alcohol should be illegal too, right? It's pretty degenerate after all.
You're an idiot. Weed, or, if you prefer, Marijuana, is harmless, and uptight hypocrites should just shut up and quit being asses about it. It kills cancer.
the practical reasons to decriminalize it far outweigh the value of the principles for not liking it or its harmless users
No, it doesn't.
This. Alcohol is BY FAR more dangerous.
Why should we not have marijuana if we can have alcohol which is much worse
Weed doesn't make people degenerates, degenerates are born that way.
It's a less harmful alternative to alcohol that could easily be a multi million dollar industry while also cutting down on drug use in younger generations and stopping unecessary imprisonment of those who sell which is actively wasting tax money.
Legalize it and let the free market decide whether it should stay relevant based on it's ability to turn a profit
We should kill you all after we rope the niggers and the kikes
Well, if you think it is bad and want fewer to use it. Legalize it
If you think it is good and want to use it
Legalize it
Want the society to suffer the least by it
Legalize it
Learn some mathematical principles and be emotionally distant from issues providing the best solutions.
Alcohol is worse, Tobacco too, yet they bring in millions in private and tax money and dont have cartels peddling them
>we should be able to ban what people do with their bodies because religion/govt says so
Truly red pilled
Or we can just shoot anyone that uses it, that's an economically viable solution.
Anything without direct damage to othters or their property must be legal.
weed is great. I miss smoking weed.
Hey guys, look! I found the hillbilly degenerate who voted for Trump!!
>legalising it will make less people use it
This is how retarded stoner advocates actually are
Fuck that, if its degenerate its b&.
id rather the harmless shit gets regulated nationwide so drug dealers have one less thing to peddle but good on you and your principles my man.
It's good in terms of being a way to imprison niggers. If we can find something else to imprison blacks for basically at will, then we can legalize it. Otherwise it should stay illegal.
Then ban alcohol too.
I'd rather weed be legal over rat-poison among a billion other cancer-chemical fucking cigarettes or whatever, but people who advocate for marijuana are libtard-tier insufferable, and until they can stop being insufferable cunts they can suffer for all I care.
Even the working taxpayers with families?
The real source of degeneracy is welfare.
Repeal all welfare programs and let people do what they want, they will get what they deserve.
Oh wow, so racist. Found another Trumpster.
>Even the working taxpayers with families?
>Smoking weed in front of your Children
Yes. Shoot them all.
have some self respect, weed is for niggers
but we should let nauseous old people smoke it if they want
spoken like a true alt retard
Based Dane gets it
Dane rhymes with Bane for a reason
You think few bitter fun-deniers would really affect the huge wave of legalization in near future? You're a salty cunt mate
>Showing your children, and educating them
>Shoot them
Why don't we just shoot you? How would you like it?
SJW-tier rhetoric. Also literally not your business.
How can you expect yourself to be tolerated then?
You just are going to be next in line.
Rights exist for a reason.
strewth, are all ye green cunts as bad as you?
I'm taking this outta yer monthly bunnings snag allowance you bloody fruit shop owner
Either we legalize it or the never ending war on drugs turns the U.S. into a police state.
pick one
Weed gave me psychosis, I was literally crazy, had to stay in the hospital for a month. I still smoke it but not everyday, and they told me alcohol could give you psychosis too. I still think they should legalize it.
How about letting people do what they want with themselves.
Weed is for degenerates and should be legal.
>Why don't we just shoot you?
You can try but I live in a different country, internet tough guy
Stoners, Gays, Trannies, Non-Whites, Cripples, Non-White Religions, all need to be eradicated.
Sleeping can cause that too in some people, also not sleep for some people.
>weed is degenerate
>alcohol is degenerate
>coffee is degenerate
>not maintaining fitness is degenerate
>weed should be illegal
reddit is a 3060 degree turn and to the left, newfag
You think people who've gotten bit drunk in front of their families should be shot as well? You're one delusional cunt, probably assburger as well
I smoke weed everyday. It expands my mind, and allows me to draw on past knowledge easy.
I'm baking food, roasting meats, working out, reading and learning on the internet for 8 hours - every single day, whilst stoned.
I just get up, smoke about a gram or so of weed per day, spread out over 10-15 bongs.
>being an anti-fascist weak willed cuck
>calling me a newfag
Kekd desu
As long as niggers can get locked up by smoking weed im fine with this
Its pretty fucking hard to blow alcohol into your kids face isnt it?
that's how Rome fell desu
eveyrone was too high on opium so they invited barbarians to do work for them
t. shut-in aussie who was never offered any and hates the kids who were
Sup Forums has matured with Donald Trump's election and sperging, cringe-inducing retards like yourself are not wanted anymore. Sorry cunt
I smoked for 2 years. Then I found Uncle Adolf.
Generally I don't give a fuck. If you take away their LMAO DUDE WEED these people will just start sniffing glue or whatever.
But I would definitely enjoy those sweet, sweet stoner tears if they ban it entirely.
Ban marijuana and alcohol so that these stoners stop complaining.
Get the fuck off my board right now
Don is not your candidate reddit
I doubt many weed using family men do that either, they probably sneak somewhere to smoke it. You wouldn't know though, because you're fun-hating asperger with zero family memories
>Non-white religions
Not sure if retard or Odinist LARPfag.
real question, why cant you smoke weed and still be conservative just use it at night to reflect on all your well though out conservative ideals
No. Fuck off.
I used it a lot while going through intense chemotherapy to treat my cancer.
>But I would definitely enjoy those sweet, sweet stoner tears if they ban it entirely.
Tbh thats the main reason why I want it banned.
Stoners, like the ones in this thread, get triggered easier than liberals.
Supporting marijuana legalisation IS liberal
Pagan was the original European religion you uneducated scum. If you are a Christian you are a Jewish cuck.
Have to say once it got legalized around here and we were allowed to grow it, I was impressed at the depth and complexity of the art.
Having your own personal collection, customized through research and hard work, is actually very rewarding for something like weed.
Jack Herer best all over four counties
it also kills active brain cells.
and manipulates brain chemistry.
Lolbertarians want it too for """""'economic""""" reasons.
What they don't understand is that killing stoners is a perfectly economically viable option. That way they dont fill up prisons and aren't repeat offenders.
You can. An entire room went full JEWS AND WOMEN ARE BORN NATION WRECKERS last week after getting high as balls. It's about the person.
Not to mention that the weed ban was an entirely Jewish fabrication to begin with.
No, you should kill drug dealers and smugglers for what they do, but all you need for takers is long prison sentences. Once you actually enforce the law, they'll stop.
Shame it didn't kill you really
so closed mindet, i smoke and I havent ever take another drug, I have stopped drinking, after I begun smoking. Weed made me chill so I take easily my exams and activated my brain to think and concerted on task.
Yes I am not a non stop smoker, but I saw only benefits of it.
Why not both?
Having the death penalty for any infraction would be silly
Alcohol is objectively worse, prove me wrong.
Weed helps acute lymophoblastic Leukemia. It's why I'm alive. Most people around me died.
I'm Zoroastrian but nice try.
obligatory hitchens
Been drinking my whole life, perfectly normal.
Friend starts smoking, turns into complete mongoloid.
You literally cannot argue against this.
Existence is for degenerates and should be illegal.
Weed should be legal so the degenerates out themselves
>he is Zoroastrian
>proto bulgarian Zoroastrians used weed for rituals
>he is against weed
it is illegal here and still it doesn't stop me using it, arthritis on you, it's better than medicaments full of chemical shit
Again I repeat, its a shame you lived.
Mate... it is already banned...
We should throw you n to the emu pit for that non-argument
If you retards had half a brain you'd know that legalizing pot will decimate the gangs and crime and save shit fuck ton of money to tax payers.
Even Trump is positive about that.
But you are fucking children.
You and the leaf who keeps making the "Hillary won the election." threads should breed
It's a religion built around a kike on a stick, fuck that shit.
I know, but I'm advocating taking it a step further. Kill the niggers so they are too scared to sell it here anymore. A little fine and slap on the wrist isnt enough.
>it also kills active brain cells
hurr de durrr
literally no evidence ever of that and only to the contrary
Edge harder, kid.
I'm more of a Trump supporter than you are faggot. I wear my MAGA hat in public in the cuckiest state of Australia.
LITERALLY get on my level
Gross. You are even worse than Evangelicals
I rather have Muslim rule than savage barbaric Pagan "religions"
this tho
>VC drops knowledge bomb
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Thing is, I had lymphoma myself. So I am free to talk shit, you aren't superior to me just because you're trying to guilt trip me, faggot.
I think it should be legal on a basis i of freedom, no person should allowed to tell me what I can do with my body/actions unless it directly causes harm or detriment to others
You're high right now, aren't you?
High on victory desu
Congratulations, you're retarded
No, it gives you cancer
God damn it I love you cheeky cunts
carry on you princess of penis