DERAY is suggesting BLM should abandon the Democratic Party. For anons in earlier threads about #WhiteFeminism this could be much bigger than splitting up feminist. We can potentially fire up another movement and split the Democrats.

Other urls found in this thread:

bump dis. start the blm political party. lol

the same way he abandoned being a heterosexual?

also, is that the grill from the wire? (sonja sohn)

It depends.

Do you want to expose BLM and the like as dumb cunts, or continue to allow the democrats to shoot themselves in the foot.

I don't get it. The democrats lost because they called everyone racists. How is that white feminists fault? That blame is more on BLM.

>starting a race war among the left
I fucking love you glorious bastards

Dems have been fucking blacks for generations.

It'd be the first reasonable thing BLM did.

Do it, divite democratic party into two parties and they will never win again

Blacks leave the DNC and it's dead FOREVER

The black vote is what gives them a hope in all those middle states. If they were to make a party like the Libs or Greens and siphon 3-4% of the vote (1/3 of the black vote) then the Dems never win again.

Let's start a POC party to split the vote and show the moderates how retarded their ideology is.

Check my digits, kek wills it

The whole #WhiteFeminism thing was to split feminist up among themselves more less to see what happened. But then Kek gave us the opurtunity to do split the Dem party. Splitting the dem party will be the death of them and anything that follows. We can keep God Emperor Trump in office forever.

don't expect any rational thoughts from them, they are blaming anybody they can but themselves

I don't understand how they're of any value to the Democrats anyway. It's not like they vote. They seem like more of a liability at this stage, considering all the BLM bullshit seemed to just solidify white middle America behind Trump.

can blacks start naming their children real names?

most nigger voters are not black lives matter operatives. this is literally nothing.


>We can keep Trump in office forever.
I don't know where you came from, but you've got to go back

>Mass immigration is bad for blacks
>Outsourcing is bad for blacks
>Abortion is bad for blacks
>Feminism is bad for black men and children
>Blacks dont like fags or trannies

Why the fuck are they Democrats again?

Keep pointing out that even so called 'white allies' can't be trusted, because statistics show most of them secretly voted Trump.

>you live in a reality where darren seals died in a burning car and not deray
really CERN?

If Trump was smart, he would call up Deray in office & try to bring BLM & the Police together & get something done, just like JFK called up MLK & forever switched Blacks to Democrat

Just getting 10% more of the Black vote for something like that = Republican landslide

Democrats are totaly okay with this.

Thanks for unveiling this brilliant new knowledge Deray.

We've been telling everyone that the Democratic party is a god damn sham that doesn't care about the people this whole fucking time.

>Pic related
More based basis for more based magician.
Fuckin' shoop it up, comrades!

>critical thought/foresight

They just can't comprehend that their anarchy and their racism made Killary lose the election.

Holy moly


As a Baltopolack... So happy that someone else knows that he is not Heterosexual...

>Come home black man


Except this prank will lead to a great future.

i bet by 2020 wu tang financial will actually be a thing

Do it! JUST, DO IT!!


>appeal to blacks
>blacks cant vote because prison sentences

Wew lad

Yeah, the minute he does that Soros will have him bounced from his home.

BLM will be shut down.

Good luck with that.

You guys need to make fake posters like the Hillary ones. Those were amazing.

Do some BLM ones with pictures of the Trump protests and say "Democrats failed us... It's time to take it into our own hands"

the same DEEEERAY who was speechless and awkward when asked "what do you want?" on tv

and yes fuck the dnc

That would require for BLM to swallow their pride and talk with President Trump but if it is actually possible this would be a amazing thing.

Best ID I've ever had.


America will never be good enough for BLM until all the white people in it give up their votes and opinions so that the Real People can Speak Up and Be Heard

Like MLK and Rosa Parks, right? They're all slaves and something like that so white people are bad and should feel ashamed for existing and stuff like that

>after this election the GOP is DEAD FOREVER
>they will never have a chance to win another presidential election when hillary opens the boarders

Instead its the dems who are imploding


My life goal right now is to get married and have kids in the era of president trump

i second this motion

>Bernie woulda won in a landslide

He lost the popular vote to Hillary by MILLIONS in the primary.

Bernie would have been utterly demolished by Trump in the general.

>divide and conquer

Is that Greek Jew faggot still paying his rent?

>tfw ywn be a millionaire who OD'd on the redpill

Based James Woods living the dream.

Trump would have branded him as an old communist kook and the elderly who turned out for HRC would have stayed home. and his young college fags hardly ever turn out.

They don't need them anymore. They have more diverse brown shirt squads right now running amok on the West Coast. Better optics.

I'm just not a computer or meme wiz by any means otherwise I would lead the charge. I could certainly write the copy.

Anyone else interested in starting this?

he's too based

I don't think the FSB cares about BLM tbqh senpai.

i love how lefties are eating themselves but still dont realize that their anti white attitude and sjw radicals they created are the main reason everyone is jumping ship

Should democrats feel the Bern? One more time?

Inb4 new party with kang ape mascot

Its bretty gud friend

Have a (you)

>BLM leaves democrats
>BLM are no longer funded by Soros, die in an instant that happens
>Black community will never trust a democrat anymore
Why not both?

Fire up those twitter accounts lads

Trump gives the niggers reparations for slavery with money that formerly went to foreign aid and funding NATO.

Watch it happen. He'll be the Monarch of the Moolies

I mean I hate to defend Hillary, and I do think the Dems use blacks as stooges, getting a secure vote and doing nothing for them.. but..

What the fuck did they mean by this?

It sounds like they're saying she intentionally lost. Like it would have been fine, and they should have supported Dems forever if she'd just won.
Of course she wanted to win, so that's not a very good argument.

You should have dumped her after you got "played", but that was back when Bernie got fucked by the DNC and you stood by and did nothing.

I really don't get the logic here.

>diamond and silk will have led the blacks coming home to the party of Lincoln
>niggers will become civilized
>nuclear families will be restored
>faggots and mudslimes heathens will be stomped underthe boot of energetic black pastors



Make niggers create their nigger political party, so they won't vote Dem anymore.

1. The Democratic party is a HUWITE party who only pretends to care about kangz n qweenz just to get they votes
2. The Dems, being filthy honkeys, won't even gib reparashuns for fo' hunned years of slavery
3. Therefore we bee needin a nashanul blaq party to represent the interests of our kangz n qweenz
4. The ultimate goal is getting dat dere Republic of New Afrika so we can be kangz again

meme it

>Women seeking man HAVOC

Lets see paul allens id

Split the Democrats, but do it in such a way as to alienate blacks from it. They will have no home base. We can encourage a black nationalist party to form. Then blacks and whites will both want to separate from each other.

Is that the faggot that lives in a house paid by Soros?

>woman 4 man havoc
what did he mean by this?


>>BLM are no longer funded by Soros, die in an instant that happens

didnt that happen with the naked femnazis who wanted to pull a stunt in israel?

>, getting a secure vote and doing nothing for them.

They do worse than that. They destroy the black communities with all the feminist BS about how single motherhood is amazing and should be encouraged.

>starting a racial based party and yet somehow the people voting for Trump get called a rayciss
It boggles my mind how half of the burgers are retarded. Why the fuck would anyone not vote to Make America Great Again? How I fucking wish my country would elect someone to make the whole country great again instead of just enriching a single race/class.

Yeah, actually, FEMEN died a while ago and it was right after some bitch screamed at the Wall there.

It's not bad. Maybe then they would be able to refelct of what they really need to get out of the crabs buckets instead of being the slaves of retarded sjw ideology.

So not only we split away the illegal votes, but we half the opposition?
Trump rule for 1000 years!

He's not being literal.
We can push whatever Republican we want, though, and now that we've broken our own party to favor populism, we can practically push another Trump whenever we want.

Deray is a neoliberal identitarian. He wants the Democrats turn the diversity shit up to 11.

all the rioters are mexican

have soros dumped blm?

You should look at whats happened in New Zealand. They have 2 race based parties and a pretty big green party and that's meant that the major left party (Labor) has been getting it's shit rektd by the major right party