Zizek post-election interview


What do you think Sup Forums? It's more or less what he said when he 'endorsed' Trump before the election.

Literally the only man that has managed to express how I felt about the election. I have lost respect for so many writers I used to follow because of how violently anti-Trump they were but Zizek lives on. He's the last true philosopher



Don't you mean *sniffs*

nono, he sniffs all the time, then when he drops some real shit he makes a huge snort

>Now what you have in the case of Sup Forums is a macabro expression of ideology similar to Yugoslavia in the 1980s. If you have not heard of the lasting fashion, like pepe the scatological toad in which past visions of uber and untermensch are sublated in a surreal manner, you are told to go to reddit or tumblr because you aren't part of the tribe and commune and so on and so on *sniff*. There is an old East German joke in which an engineer gets sent to Siberia and he tells his friend beforehand that in his letters all that is true will be written in blue ink and all that is not with red and so in the first letter what is written on red is that how great the Gulag is and how they get new clothes and women and so on - in red ink. Only thing that is missing is blue ink. If we see this in the case of Sup Forums *sniff*, this is precisely the case. We have all the red ink we want - memes, endless jokes and freudian ironies which go a long way to show us a creative and modern men. But there are no memes to show true pain, the true nature of Sup Forums, which is that it does not hate the other, but rather, itself to the point that it is unable to consider crippling solitude without turning it to a joke of having "no gf" or drawing a comic of two fellows you have here in the illustration. These men eat up ideology, shit ideology and make nonsensical machines out of ideology so that they don't see ideology, but an entertaining process of alienation and so on and so on.

stop giving attention to this stalinist retard

he is a charlatan who wants to sell shitty books

If you want a sane journalist to follow have you considered Peter Hitchens. He wasn't 'pro-Trump' but he was definitely 'anti-Clinton' and generally has a sane point of view and, what's more, a practical solution to every problem facing the world. He predicted that Brexit would be supported and he also predicted that the government would stifle it.

He's a smart guy.

For me Chomsky, albeit silent and old, has been the most exposed intellectual in this whole process.
I mean he always talks about mainstream-media control, "manufacturing consent", and this time pretty much the whole media was against Trump. The media is dead, same happened in brexit and FARC peace agreement referendum.

He's not bad the left need more people like him if they want to win in a populist right wing world.

Unfortunately, Peter Hitchens is also a massive bellend and a dullard.

I like Zizek. I don't necessarily agree with him all the time, but fuck me if he's not fantastic to listen to.

I think he's usually on point.



ideology is cancer, based philosopher

fuck you

This and the Louis Theroux one are the best pastas

>Listen 21 min

yeah nah. read a transcript in 5 minutes or listen to 21 minutes is a no-brainer choice.

how smart can he be if he talks with a bunch of spit in his mouth? wouldn't a smart man just spit?

ever think of that?

I think he has some kind of nasal problem.

He's an autist

lol youre joking right?

he's a legend