You can only post in this thread if your state is red in this map.
Kentucky reporting in, proud to have done my part in electing the God Emperor.
You can only post in this thread if your state is red in this map.
Kentucky reporting in, proud to have done my part in electing the God Emperor.
I need to move to North Dakota
Ohioan here. I voted for Bernie in the primary, and Hillary in the general. With Trump taking the White House, the GOP keeping Congress, and the SCOTUS Justices not getting any younger, the world is going to go to hell in a handbasket.
And then they grow up and vote Republican in 2020, 2024.
I've been thinking about this - this entire class of people has been told that Trump will represent the apocalypse and if they simultaneously grow the fuck up and also watch him Make America Great Again in front of their very eyes as the Democratic party falls apart - how can the Dems possibly recover? A new wave of just youth contrarianism would destroy liberalism entirely and we're already seeing it happen.
I tip my hat to you.
WV here. We liquify the red pill and vaccinate our kids against SJWism at birth.
BTW, I've heard this map is based on the same polling that had Clinton ahead by several points.
>30k sample size for a group of more than sixty million people
>during the final days of an election with unprecedentedly manipulated polls
Into the chamber with you, Chaim.
Gassing this thread, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
Can Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia just come together into a giant key shaped redpilled commonwealth pls?
Didn't know that, makes complete sense that kikes would choose fake data when the actual data is now available. MAGA.
When all eleven million illegals are gone it's over for you CTR kikes. Especially considering all of the blacks that will lose voting rights when dead wood political judges get put down and we start seeing trials in the merit of law again.
Virginia? You mean that blue state east of the mountains? We broke away for a reason, you know.
>voting republican
>growing up
wyoming here, I saw a nigger the other day in my small town while getting the boat ready, almost had a heart attack. called the sheriff and he immediately responded and had to calm a bunch of people down, said the nigger was just briefly working here for the sugar beat factory.
caught alot of fish though
>young people will grow up and vote left
Said every generation, for all of history
This is the exact line that Brexit gave.
We don't elect Presidents for the distant future, we elect them for the near future. The Middle Class folks who voted Trump still will be alive, even if he lasts eight years.
Maybe wait until Daddy has done paying for your University before telling him his vote doesn't matter
of course they have been using fake data, just like all the fucking poles showing trump being crushed everywhere and hillary with a 99% chance of victory.
We need an infograph about this phony poll. Meme it.
>This is how impressionable, uneducated, inexperienced children who base their worldview on mass media and reddit posts voted
Well thank fuck people live longer than 25 years.
it's funny because 25-26 was exactly the time I started turning from a typical liberal young guy into a conservative, been about 5 years and I have only become more conservative since then
progressive faggots don't seem to understand that process, probably because they were young and naive like I was 10 years ago
in fact at work where there are a lot of liberal faggots they brought up how the 40+ demographic was all for Trump and that they shouldn't be allowed to vote because they "don't care about the future"
they are retarded as fuck, they don't understand that a lot of those 40+ probably own property somewhere in America as well as have kids - so they absolutely care about the future. it's the rootless childless non-taxpaying youth that can pick up and move somewhere else with ease
fuck Hillary and fuck liberal people
It's a phony poll. Look at the sample size and the people that did it. (((Survey Monkey)))
I thought almost half of millenials voted Trump
What they don't realise is most people this age trend towards dumb liberal shit, I bet most people here were like that at some point. I was. But you grow up, experience shapes your views and you see how things go. Although, given the perpetual adolescence these people are clinging to these days, who knows how things might turn out.
Idaho here. Just Mormons and some whitewashed Hispanics in here, depending on where you live.
This was the same thing they were talking about in 2000.
Liberals were winning the youth vote then. So where are their voters now, 16 years later?
The truth is that the 18 year old liberal isn't automatically a 30 year old liberal.
Why are people so fucking stupid and statistically illiterate? I'm really getting headaches from this shit.
See also the "Hillary won the popular vote in an electoral system, that means she would have won if the vote system had been a popular vote one" meme. No, it really wouldn't mean that. Changing the system would completely alter the voting base and you have no fucking clue what the turnout would be. She might lose twice as hard.
>abloo how could a 30k sample size of a group of 60 million be accurate?
Read the thread
No hispanics in the north friend, just clear lakes and great white neighbors.
And how many of those people actually voted? The same happened with Brexit which in the end more old people voted for remain.
[racist kek]
This 100%.
On the behalf of Maryland, I'm sorry
Yup. Stay away from the southwest though. Ugly people and geography
Reminder that White under 30s voted for Trump. That map is only blue because there are less Whites in younger generations.
>OP is actually proud of this
The "Source" is surveymonkey
So the people with the least experience and whose knowledge of how the world works is entirely theoretical, went for Hillary. The people who are experienced and know how the world works from practical experience, voted for Trump.
Interesting style of VPN shilling going on here. You can flood the thread all you want, kikes. We know it's bullshit.
Ohioan here, I liked Sanders as a person and for being anti-establishment but then he got fucked by Hillary and sold out and endorsed the very thing he opposed. Respect. Fucking. GONE.
That said, Trump train all the way baby. I'm not voting for some old fuck with no integrity or a lying, cheating bitch.
I voted for someone who I genuinely believes in this country and wants to put our own interests and the people first again. I can happily say for the first time in quite a while that I'm fucking proud to be an American.
Flo-rida, turning the tide since 2000
Unless the GOP collectively and publicly shits itself now that they have full control of the federal government for the first time since 1928.
1929 was the year the Great Depression hit, by the way. The old saying was true after all. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
>implying Gen Z won't bring the fourth reich
Sanders is a HRC plant to try to shift votes to her from insane far-left young liberals. It was planned he would cuck out from the start.
>This is how stupid idealistic college kids with zero grip on reality voted
Read the whole thread. CTR is back.
So you're saying the Federal Reserve will intentionally tank the economy to """"""prove""""" socialism is better than capitalism?
Fuck Atlanta, fuck black people
What was the turnout in the 18 - 25 age range?
They pulled this shit with Brexit too, and it turned out the turnout in that age range was something pathetic like 30% so it is in fact a total red herring and not concrete proof of the views of the 18-25 age range.
Fuck off were full.
Think again, woman.
I love how they always brought up that white, college educated women voted for Hillary like that would be news.
>Gender studies major votes for Hillary!
I saw something like 40% for Trump with 60% for HRC. That may not have been including the ones that didn't vote, but that's certainly way better than what this phony poll shows.
CTR is shilling this, among other things, on MSM and social media right now.
Wow, impressionable young people voted texactly the same way their snowflake peers voted, what a shock. Give them a few years of Trump and maybe they'll grow out of it
>This is how kids with no real life experience voted
Not surprising. They all want their mothers so they voted for a "mother" figure that would "take care of them" instead of a strong father figure.
The god emperor? You know trump is an isolationist, hell bent on dismantling the American empire...right? Stupid fucks.
This is now a bull moose party thread
West Virginia looks like the most based state in US. I should move there
just fyi
they don't know this, these stats are based on exit polling
More College educated women voted for Trump.
PR says college grads preferred Trump, and that makes sense.
>Kentucky looks like chicken.
Is that by design?
Ignore thread.
Move on.
>let kikes kike
Make an inforgraph about this bullshit (((poll))) to help gas these fucking kikes
Wasn't the same bullshit posted about all of the Obama voters in 2008?
Voters between the ages of 18-25 do not typically pay for their own shit. They are not directly impacted by tax increases. They've never had to debate between paying for overpriced Obamacare or paying the fine for not having health insurance. Once they realize that they would be fucked under a Democrat, voters typically flip Republican and stay there.
Look at the actual results of Virginia. Its just NoVa and Norfolk that out voted the entire rest of the state i say we hang them all and make virginia great again
im not a US citizen and thus couldnt vote.
I make memes instead.
I did my part.
And does anyone believe this bullshit map after all the deceit delivered by the media outlets this season?
I do not for a second.
>The parties switched in the sixties
>unless the republicans did something bad before the sixties
>people over 25 don't have a future
>i say we hang them all and make virginia great again
If we nuke the libs and add VA to WV as a county named "East Virginia" then I'm okay with this.
This. My wife and I did our part; there are just too many in northern Virginia who suck at the government teat.
haha good luck with that
Maybe the lazy fucks should have voted, not just complain on tumblr
CTR pedo nerds btfo
is Polan doing it right?
What did 18-25 vote for 10/15/20 years ago? The youth has always been rebellious and against the status quo. A decade ago the status quo was very different from today, which brought us(you) the Obama administration. Many of those voters decided that Obama didn't deliver the change they were voting for so the whole identity politics = change idea went out the window as evident with the vote against Clinton. Trump didn't win, Hillary lost.
Let try me explain this so you can understand; He (Trump) wants to shut down all US military installations, abandon NATO and all of our allies (if they DONT/REFUSE to pay the property bill), as well as the transfer of American leadership, not only to our allies (abandoning them) but to our ENEMIES (empowering them) ... all so he can focus more on domestic nationalism and his over-inflated ego.
Does that make sense?
people typically mature when they age. its why republicans aren't going anywhere. ever.
>$0.01 has been deposited into your account
No. Poland is semi-democratic...a conservative-authoritarian state, where religion is law and starting this inauguration day, America will be as well. We are now two of the same.
What if you live in a grey state
same with me, and with pretty much everyone that i know...
Half of that is just bullshit. Rest is fear mongering.
Yes, your standpoint is very clear, shill.
>people with little to none life experience have a say in the matter