Heroes of all heroes. We should do this more in front of them crybabies!

Other urls found in this thread:

based white male

any links for source?

According to sources... this.

Your president is based by the way

Much thankies. The shitstorm happening in the US is pretty much similar here minus the massive butthurt, there's smaller and controllable butthurt here in comparison.

Our media is just as shitty as theirs and our based president just humiliated a reporter from that media.

That faggot needs to lift. He's a scrawny fuck

Good man.

liberals need to be put in deathcamps

you idiot. duterte is not "based" at all. he's a crackpot foul mouthed asshole who is fucking up the economy by drifting towards china. he needs to be stopped.

B-but m-muh drug dealer death squads!

He might be scrawny, but him standing there with a sign is an infinite amount more than you've ever done or will do.

Most of them are just brainwashed. A complex system of reeducation, labour, and death camps for various types of liberals/leftists would be much more worthwhile. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

How do you shitpost AND try to hide your methlab at the same time?


how do you guys feel about the nutshack

Calm down CIA

Is that like a whole building you made to jerk off in instead of restricting yourself to a sock?

no it's a TV show made by Philippine animators

absolutely fucking based.

Great picture. They know they lost

Fuck off, you filthy druggy. I hope you get purged soon!