>libtards are gullible enough to believe this
Libtards are gullible enough to believe this
>mfw he/she/it forgot that he is white him self
Top fucking kek
I was the guy yelling at her. Too ugly to grab her pussy so she had to go.
so many fucking false flags all over goybook
My gf showed me her's and there were like 100 comments of girls talking about how "they've had their pussy grabbed before" and now every guy thinks he has the right to do it whenever.
Shit really blows my mind...
I think all of the obviously fake stories and insane amount of melodrama/overreaction is basically what's creating some of the more plausible stories to happen.
People are losing their goddamn minds and other people are pushing their buttons in real life because it's so easy (I think this is especially true in any of the alleged school cases).
There was a video compilations of all these alleged attacks that Trump supporters are doing. l called the video horseshit that never happened and some chick replied saying, "Didn't happen? Wow, my friend who is half Puerto Rican went to the store a few weeks ago and got told she needs to get the FUCK out of the whites America! Don't say these things didn't happen, are you white? I'm sure you are,until you are approached with racism first hand in which I doubt you ever will be because you seem to be on the side of Trump anyways I would suggest keeping your comments to yourself! These people that taunt people because of ethnicity will burn in hell!"
l'm of Spanish descent and pro Trump.
Funny, really. They say Trump supporters are racist yet they're quick to assume l'm white.
hahahahah holy fuck. Things that never happened.
Exactly! I'm Nimiipuu, born and raised on our Rez in Idaho. There's only like 2k of us left, you don't get more minority than that...
Trummp doesn't hate minorities, he just wants to stop people illegally entering the country and control immigration from warzones where the main fighters are civilian combatants who hate America.
But...you are white. Since when are Spanish considered non-white?
I think from now on The news media and late night talk show hosts should chose our presidents for us.
The same thing actually happened to my wife's son.
How comes libtards are the only ones talking about gender and race? I've never seen any trump supporter say "haha, time to hunt some negros", it's always "I'm a lesbian transgnigger muslim and I fear for my life".
Did she just assume his gender?
Fucking shitlord.
Dark enough that people can consider them non white
dunno i've met spaniards with lighter colored eyes and lighter skin than me
oh man I really hope this actually happened.
This is what I try to explain to people over and over.
Conservatives are racist because they think everyone deserves the same equal shot at life, no more no less.
Leftists aren't racist because they believe that without their help people that aren't white could never succeed as much as white people.
Shot doesn't make any sense yo.
This is why I voted for Trump.
I'm sick of this fight for racial superiority. Some people think they shouldn't have to work as hard because "whitey put me down"
>the frog that rides the unicycle
Anyone notice how there's never a video of this shit, even though liberals pull out there cameras over the silliest shit? Hmm.. coincidence?
Why doesn't Sup Forums spam superficially believable racism stories on facebook and twitter but include some sort of reference / in-joke in them?
Maybe you guys should start doing this for real. You get blamed for it anyway, so might as well do it. Take your guns and start removing unproductive elements of the society.
Sasha Grey is a porn star. I'm not saying she should be gassed, but she should probably be gassed.
they are trying to spread them across social media and convince people that trump president = increase racism.
You racist bigots laugh all you want. This is real. My wife and her son were out at Panera Bread Co having a salad. I wanted ranch but received blue cheese instead. I went up to the counter to switch out the dressing, and as I waited there, I looked over to see my wife getting her breasts and vagina fondled by a group of white men that had MAGA hats on. My wifes son tried to defend his mother but he was pushed down on the ground and raped very forcefully by these white men. I just stood there in shock, trembling with fear and anger unlike any I had known before. By the time I called the police these white men had finished on my wifes face and on her sons anus. We were so scared, that we couldn't finish our salads and had to leave. I am at home now. Yes we're safe. But this is just the beginning of Trumps America. I hope you're all so happy now.
This is funnier
Today I went to a s-word, bought a liter of m-word and a bag of b-word. As I walked back to my c-word I saw a fucking nigger begging for money. So sick of this.
2/10 should have been you getting raped and your wifes son helping
This one is my favourite so far.
(small) should be a meme
you're taking care of someone elses kid hahahah
>We were so scared, that we couldn't finish our salads
This was a nice touch
Stuff like this? (whoops)
I've been calling cunts cunts since I was 13. Don't poke your nose into other people's business if you don't want to be called a cunt.
How hard is that?!
>white woman sitting with a laptop
>man walks up to her and says "this is white america, get out"
Wait, he said "Take your retarded self and go someplace else". lul
Who writes this shit?
You know what to do.
Time to get busy folks.
And so the reign of fear begins . . .
This morning I went into McDonald's to get my McCafe and Egg McMuffin before heading to the jobsite. The black girl behind the counter wouldn't look me in the eyes when she took my order. "Sure you don't want the egg WHITE delight?" she asked. This startled me, but I repeated my order and we finished up.
"Thanks. Have a good morning," I said to her.
"You too, whitey," she said.
This is what America wanted. This is what America got. God help us all.
literally talking about his 4 year old son's penis
First draft:
And so the reign of fear begins . . .
This morning I went into McDonald's to get my McCafe and Egg McMuffin before heading to the jobsite. The black girl behind the counter wouldn't look me in the eyes when she took my order. "Sure you don't want the egg WHITE delight?" she asked. This startled me, but I repeated my order and we finished up.
"Thanks. Have a good morning," I said to her.
"You too, whitey," she said.
This is what America wanted. This is what America got. God help us all.
The video wasn't viable because they were (((literally shaking))) too badly.
Guys this stuff is real sadly...
I'm a teacher and Wednesday when class started, four of my kids stood up and yelled 'grab her by the pussy' to me. I yelled at them but they just turned towards the black student in my class and started calling him a nigger. They then started making fun of the homosexual kid.
I finally had enough and grabbed all four of them and started walking them out of the class to the principal's office. On the way out they made one last remark to the Mexican student 'go build that wall, paco!' I was so shocked and shaken. I was literally on the verge of tears.
dont throw all of us libtards into the same pot. we are not all like this. i swear
Stop using us deaf people for your political gain.
Oh man I wish I could shut her down
>Since when are Spanish considered non-white?
Since they decided to throw away their genes on the injuns.
Nailed it
Rinse and repeat
Because most people are too dumb/not dank enough to understand it, so it'd just make us look even worse than now.
Especially if you post it on normiebook.
>my dick (small)
I really can't stand how pathetic, deceptive, and manipulative liberals are. Is it because they are all atheist? Is the atheism = no morality meme true?
Not necessarily, but as with every belief system, some people will embrace it just to feel "smart" and get a free fedora.
>no one is saying or doing a thing
Because it didn't happen
Cannot reason with cucks.
i was literally just about to post this
> Having face time conversation in public
> Probably talked loudly about how she hates white people in public.
Pretty got obnoxious and annoyed people passing by to starbuck just for some coffee to go to work.
kek... I totally believe that
This is as pathetic as that Croatian guy who said he got promoted for supporting trump a few days ago.
Why do people lie on the internet?
I think CTR just got rehired. There's gonna be a lot more of this bullshit.
>I think CTR just got rehired. There's gonna be a lot more of this bullshit.
Yep, the loudest voices are the ones that get heard. Obama needs to bring his ass off the golf course today and tell these fuckers to accept the results. I am not sure why Trump is being so quiet about it either. Unironically, we need to shut it down.
Hey, Sasha Grey had some cool DT and 3P videos, don't gas her, deport her to Russia, we kinda like her here.
Do you understand what deaf means?
looking for the one where the end of the assault says it was on a 4 year old
I honestly hope these are all real. Remember all those times liberals dox people durring gamer gate and harrased pleb comics guy to the point where he almost lost his job? Remember those artists on tumblr who killed themselves because they where harassed by so loving and tolerant liberals for not making their homestuck OCs fat and queer enough? Remember when Milo got his entire account deleted for literally no reason?
Now remember how everytime people pointed this out the left said "LOL NO THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN YOU ARE JUST MAKINGS SHIT UP AND FALSE FLAGGING WITH MADE UP STORIES"
I pary to god, kek or whoever is real that these stories are true. They deserve no sympathy for the pain and literal death of people.
So how do we spin this on their heads, /pol?
It's an obvious lie, but fuck that part. We can't prove it, but seeing as it's obviously a liberal, we can always prove hypocrisy.
>We were so scared, that we couldn't finish our salads
Fake, real Trump supporters would have dressed your salads and forced you to eat.
I was walking through the parking lot to return a dvd to blockbuster and about 15 white frat guys wearing MAGA hats surrounded me in a circle. I could feel the hives breaking out all over my body as they pushed me around the circle chanting build the wall! built the wall! i have some health issues due to a slow metabolizing and the medicine i take sometimes causes me to, well, leak and I let out what i thought was a fart but it was not and i fell to the ground while they all pointed and laughed at me and yelled OH MY GOD SHE SHIT HERSELF even though thats not my preferred pronouns, I couldnt stop shaking then they took turns high fiving eachother and putting their testicles all over me and i just wanted to scream but nothing would come out. I was so upset i had to go home and now i have another late fee on my rental. This is just day 2 in Trumps AmeriKKKa and I cant stop shaking you guys.
Kekd at pronouns but needs at least one literally in there.
Open your eyes, it's been posted a couple of times.