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Hi a murderer, i'm dad



What's that yellow thing?

Does anyone know what Knox is up to these days? His claymations made a big part of my childhood

>*shrugs* Uh uh-uh
>uh uh-uh
I SAID *slow, exaggerated shrug* UH UH UH

He works for Youtube and makes pure unalloyed cringe

He works for youtube now? holy cow....

loved Klay World so much. I wanna rewatch the old episodes now...

He always acts like this, both in his videos and out, even in the commentary for his fucking movie. I've never been able to tell if he's actually autistic or something, or just never breaks character. There's no way he can actually be like this and still be a functioning member of society... right?

What does he do for youtube?

make videos about losing his keys on a greenscreen. hah. jk. im curious too

Looks like one of their approved content creators. I think he's just making the same shit, just using their facilities. I wouldn't be surprised if they started pushing him once he gets more videos out.


Jason Steele ruined him imo


I saw this a while ago and I still don't know what it is.

This is what convinced me I'm old and out of touch.

He flew away.


I'm retiring.
It's just not fun anymore...

a character from the animated film Murder on the Owl Express

He tried to do a followup to "Off the Table" called Rodent, back in the day.
Had a klayman with purple hair and a knife.
I commented on the video saying he sort of lost the charm of the movie, and his mom DMs me and chews me out and says I can't comment stuff like that because her husband is a police officer and I can go to jail.

Then he removed the video and scrapped the project.

Ah, so it's your fault it got cancelled.

Hey Sup Forums, what did the robot say to the centipede?

It’s sad seeing him post his most recent videos asking for money. It says a lot when comments are disabled.

Situation was alluded to in Knoxcast, he sighs and says his mom got involved


Why you eating your hot down from the middle?