Aussie pride thread.
Aussie pride thread
>Born: April 7, 1964 (age 52), Wellington, New Zealand
Yeah nah
Watch the film you dumb sheepfucker.
Foytin' round da world.
These pictures make me happy. I mean it.
my nigger!
Whats the General opinion of backpackers in Straya ?
Any cities i should visit or avoid?
Come to Surfers Paradise. You can sleep on my couch
I reckon we could set you up a spot in Perth.
As long as your white and not orange like 90% of German women, you'll be fine.
Protip: don't speak german in front of us. This is Australia. We speak english here.
These Cronulla "riots" still echo around the world as proof of Australia's bloodthirsty, racist nature. Just look at the fucking photo's. Everyone is holding beer, half the Aussies are kind of lazily putting their hands out to stop the other half of the Aussie's giving the wogs a slap around the ear. "Steady on boyz, relaxxx".
Nobody got killed. I don't think anyone even got seriously injured. After all, Aussie's aren't fucking Lebbo's who bash people to death in gangs. It was all fucking tame as hell, and heaven forbid the Aussie's stand up to those groups of Lebbo's who started it all.
The media just leaps on any excuse, any chink in the armour to spin it a certain way, get events to support a narrative.
Read any article on the BBC news website even to this day and in the closing paragraphs they still love to say "Race riots erupted in Australia in Cronulla in 2004". They love making sure no body forgets how racist the terrible Aussie's are.
checked and keked
one of my favourite nations desu
Im White as fuck so Thats good.
I was planning to fly to cairns in august and travel down the east cost and work Wherever i find work.
Is it true that your country is overrun with Germans in comparison to backpackers from other countries?
Sounds like heavy shit. Never really got into politics and philosophy myself. I just want white people to thrive and foreigners gone.
I will be honest with you mate - most people like backpackers but because we have so many of them, the people that backpackers have to deal with see you as a resource to exploit. I mean, staff in backpackers hostels, farmers on whose farms you may have to work to get your visa, people in the rural areas where backpackers work.
It's not the end of the world, it's not like you're second class citizens, but just watch out for those cunts. Other than that, you should be fine.
Meanwhile these left cunts spilling lies and left judges like Jane Patrick are letting criminal black cunts do whatever they want will cause another "Cronulla Riot" down Melbourne
If people knew how much shit she was responsible for covering up and dismissing she'd be lynched in the street.
New movie coming out about Cronulla
We will have to dig up all her shit and meme it out there on kikebook and twitter
Shit yea.
Sausage suckers everywhere!
especially in summer.
At least your not a slant-eye.
Just the poster makes me fucking angry. This is obviously SJW, cuck bullshit which will make the Aussie's out to be the irrational, unustified, stupid party, the Leb's the poor, innocent victims. Fuck it to hell.
Doing it now. Shit's unbelievable. Apparently she's the genius behind pic related
It's your turn, cousin. Time to Make Australia Even Greater (Again).
i love it. I LOVE IT!
I'll share it with all my like-minded friends.
haha no way that pic awesome, I know it's a replica of that one aussie outlaw that armored him self up and took on the law by himself. Rampage via 19 century
I don't feel like doing shit now, tired. Save up whatever you get. Make a thread about it whenever and get some cunts to dig. Maybe even do FOIA if we can get case numbers and shit
Will do mate. I'm sick of this shit.
Put how.... how do we change public opinion?
All i know is violence.
Avoid Melbourne if you want beaches and tropics. It's like a shitty Aussie version of new York.
Thanks Aussies, you gloriously deplorable cunts. Home you guys decuck once Trump leads the way here. If not, then come here, LEGALLY.
At least the Ska is good.
Op pic looks like 1980's action figure box art.
You never see Mad Max 2?
Very patriotic film.
Fun song for you aryan brothers!
Come to Melbourne and stay in Dandenong if you are home sick.
kek i know a guy near there.
He's a dairy farmer.