

How's Merkel's management of your society working for you?

Silly German boy, you just wait and see what what the government has stored for you.

>Libertarians are the same as anarcho-capitalist.
When will this meme end?

>recognize and respect my unique, special brand of autism!

your thread and response

What if I don't agree that the terms you've set are fair?

oy vey, little goy, guve us your shekels and we will make everything alright. gib gib gib!

we will maintain society for you, not a chance you could do it yourself
you don't own anything goyim!

Good that you replied with the image of an anarcho-capitalist then who had to jump the Trump train, because noone was gonna by his autism.

Whats the matter Hans? Did Ahmed sell your sister to Somali's again?

clearly the government is the entity best suited to determine what the fair share is.

>Ancaps want literally no government
>Libertarians want a smaller government
How do people confuse these ideologies?

You can make anything an argument on Sup Forums if you make it sound like a Jew is saying it

It's not that we don't recognise the obvious difference, it's just that we don't give a shit to be definitive about it because they're both autistic as fuck.

Having a good economy through less government involvement is autistic as fuck?

Okay then, enjoy your socialism and your healthcare budget going up 7% a year :). So sustainable.

So the guy in the picture has the option to NOT pay his "fair share"? Didn't think so..

I don't understand though, whats so wrong about wanting a smaller government?

There isn't any. They just masturbate to Hitler all day wishing for a 4th Reich.

I'm not a socialist faggot, being against libertardian economics doesn't make you a socialist. Capitalism needs regulating not only to prevent inevitable corporatism but to restrict the new "left wing capitalism" that's emerged throughout the past couple decades--what I mean is it takes the worst bits of the free market and the worst bits of social interaction and blends together to create things like fucking Tinder--it leads to degeneracy.

There's not much wrong with civil liberties and being left alone; I'm not completely anti-libertarian and I in fact own a small business myself. But to basically say that "the free market solves all" is fucking retarded because sometimes it leads to massive drug use and promiscuity and a life led by immediate gratification. I got over my libertarian phase a long time ago.

if smaller government leads to better outcomes then we agree, in many cases this is true and laudable

but in others it is not and simply arguing for smaller government is naively ideological

Have you considered that your own experience of rejecting 'degeneracy' might be extendable to the general population? Perhaps it is natural to embrace hedonism in one's younger days but reject it when one finds it wanting? Perhaps it is immoral for the state to imprison those that have not yet had the same revelation as you?

(((Fair))) (((maintain)))

Libertarianism is strange because while minarchism is a top tier political philosophy, ancapism is utopian bullshit made by and for antisocial people

I never really dabbled too much in hedonism, honestly. I felt disgusted by what I saw going on around me too much to involve myself. This sort of thing didn't always happen, or at least not the rates of today. It's wild today, it truly is a new realm of nihilistic behaviour.

"maintain society" is exactly what libertarians want the government to do. What we don't want is heavy-handed and unnecessary interference.

>en francais

improved version for extra ancap asshurt

Because ancap is the final form of libertarianism.

>it's a "OP is proud to be a cuck" episode again

I understand that it can lead to problems, everything government has problems. I don't think drugs should be legal however, and I'm sure many libertarians can agree. I also think that so as long as it doesn't do harm to yourself or others than the government has no right to interfere.
But isn't arguing for change in government better than doing nothing?


That's a very peculiar form of libertarianism user, one that I haven't heard before. If that's the case, I don't think you or people that think like you are libertarians; I think you're just regular conservatives.

>I don't think drugs should be legal however
>I also think that so as long as it doesn't do harm to yourself or others than the government has no right to interfere

Could you explain this apparent contradiction please?

As an An Cap, i kek'ed at this.

>But to basically say that "the free market solves all" is fucking retarded because sometimes it leads to massive drug use and promiscuity and a life led by immediate gratification. I got over my libertarian phase a long time ago.

hmm, let me guess: You actually think that you know what's best for people of a whole country and wants to force whatever this is through violence? You must think very highly of yourself.

Why are libertarians just a smug and strawmanning as leftists?

It's not about one man ruling the other. It is about the freedom of the people to collectively decide what that could not as an individual. Remember, the people used their freedom to vote. People genuinely believe a government is a good way to make decisions.

>through violence

Stefan, are you on holiday in Rio or something?

No, because everyone is an individual and I'm not a totalitarian. But I do know this, is that some gay guys are chopping their bollocks off and masquerading as a woman because they have a mental illness, and in a live-and-let-live society, that mindset now has the authority to dictate what fucking language you can speak! Pronouns, bathrooms, etc. etc. it has opened up the doorway to a whole range of different bullshit and unnatural bollocks like "queer" and "gender-fluid". Never mind the high suicide rates of trannies, never mind that they're going against their biology and harming themselves in order to placate their mental illness, it's what they wanna do with their lives! Let them get on with it!
It's not socialism to want to provide them with the correct STATE-funded treatment to alleviate their illness rather than paying taxes to split some confused fag's dick in two.

How does it feel when mama Merkel puts tens of billions into refugee business?


its always a shame as someone watching fellow libertarians get so triggered over such shitty bait. I can't help but laugh not only at them, but at the an cap memes.

wrongarchy dump ayy

>It's not about one man ruling the other. It is about the freedom of the people to collectively decide what that could not as an individual.

There's no collective. Someone will make a decision. Not that thinking that the "colective" should make any decisions that harm the individual isn't completely retarded...

>Remember, the people used their freedom to vote. People genuinely believe a government is a good way to make decisions.

yeah, and that's what is wrong with people. They are offered options but not the option to Opt-out.

Dude, i get the idea, i'm always between minarchism and anarcho capitalism. but defending anything beyond national security is just sad.

But people voluntarily chose them though.

Opting out doesn't work. It just leaves statists voting anyway. It's like these leftists moving to Canada because of Trump. It just leaves a greater chance of Trump staying in power.

oh boy

theres literally nothing wrong with being a libertarian zionist jew

I'm not a libertarian. I'm a fascist (not nazi). I'm just using terminology they understand.

>They are offered options but not the option to Opt-out.

because that would allow you to receive the benefits of society without contributing, free rider problem

the social contract is all in or all out, ya'll niggas be trying some just the tip bullshit





I'm a classical liberal / minarchist, but this picture doesn't cover the fact that you're born into the system and then forced to go along with it.

yes goy give us your money and everything will be taken care of

Government is inherently inefficient and corruptible, making low tax and low levels of government intervention objectively morally superior

Ancap is libertarian's super sayain.

Some Ancaps believe in Borders, usually on a community level.

>pay me to make decisions that may or may not benefit you
>good system
Kek, enjoy both paying taxes and getting buttfucked the moment a person who doesn't like you enters office.


>wanting to pay others to boss you around
>not autism

>being your own man who is responsible for his own mistakes and achievements, ruling no one and being ruled by no one

Why hasn't anyone nuked Germ-any already? It's not like you faggots never gave us a reason.

>You can make anything an argument on Sup Forums if you make it sound like a Jew is saying it
Oy vey, hate those jews you dumb goy, it will only give us more opportunities to get gibs from your government after we win

>incompatible with wanting a country where you actually have a chance of not being blue as fuck for the rest of eternity, and not wanting criminals and subhumans crossing the borders

Well I still believe shit like gay marriage, marijuana, and prostitution should be legal. But there should still be laws none the less.
I know many libertarians will agree with me but most drugs can cause harm to others and not just the users. A drug addict will steal for his next fix.

Isn't libertarianism just AnCap plus military, police, and judiciary?

Really, as long as there is no welfare for degenerates to latch onto, the problem takes care of itself rather quickly - either they sober up and get a job, or they turn to crime and get obliterated by an armed, conservative, and not-too-tolerant society, or they die. End of story.
Besides, it's not like it's my business what degenerates do. I don't care about them as long as they are degenerates in private.

Pretty much.

>wanting to own huge amounts of property with no military or police force to protect you in case of attack
>therefore having to rely on neighbours who are often even more snobnosed than you
>wanting open borders so that shitskins can overrun your property
Ancaps who think like this are quite a bit delusional. It might work, but if you want to function in a country, closed borders are a must.

>mfw autists don't understand role of state investment in stabilizing demand or providing mass education and infrastructure which paves way for advanced capitalism


>fair share*
>* "fair share" is defined as 80% of your gross income including a special 99% surcharge on capital gains because it's immoral to invest your earnings and a 52% solidarity annual net worth tax because you stole that money by going to law school or medical school you terrible person you