French cuck in chief will have President Trump on the phone today.
Can Sup Forums predict what Donald will say to him?
French cuck in chief will have President Trump on the phone today.
Can Sup Forums predict what Donald will say to him?
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"fuck off you're gone in 5 months flamby"
Stop sending weapons to Islamic rebels/terrorists/ Saudi Arabia to overthrow Assad you dipshit
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Oui oui je suis baguette
> This
Probably something like this
I still don't get that episode.
Broken french 101 tape brainwashed him
Dexter had to study for a test, but skipped studying and used a Sleep-aid invention he made to help him subconsciously study as he slept, problem was that it used records that skipped and the record itself skipped and looped on a portion where it only said Omelette du Fromage (Cheese Omelet). Well it did work, however at the end, he couldn't get back into his own lab because the passcode required english words and it self-destructed after several failed attempts.
>ah oui, congratulations mr. trump
>now barrack and I had an agreement that I was hoping to continue?
> wife, would that be too difficult?
>no, no, while melania lacks the same equipment as Michelle she wouldn't need to buy anything, I already have quite an impressive collection of strap-ons that i'm well acquainted with
You're Fired!
"How's the first lady?"
Actually "Cheese Omelet" is Omelette de Fromage , not "du" , they always get that part wrong
Dude... it's omelette AU fromage, not DE fromage...
I'd Omelette de Fromage your buttholes if you know what I mean
No no, I mean I never understood why he got so popular because of that phrase.
"Bend the knee"
"Listen here you little cuck..."
I guarantee it.
Oh god I feel embarrassed already. Please Trump don't judge us based on this.
White pride worldwide
Trump : "Congratz on grabbing Julie by the pussy bro"
In America, French has a reputation as "the language of love," and the country itself is romanticized and idealized to the point where it's a cliche to set romance movies in France. Europeans have a strange ability to capture the American public's attention simply due to being exotic and having a silly accent.
It's a combination of playing on that silly romanticization, as well as the silliness of him accruing massive success from a simple nonsense phrase that nobody understands. Also, keep in mind it's a cartoon, so the LOLRANDOM aspect is there, as well.
FN presidency when.
Meanwhile in reality the French are the douchiest douches to ever douche and Paris, while quite lovely, is inundated with kebab. Don't believe everything you see on (((tv))).
really quiet, an almost whisper The Don says...
>It's Coming
#MFGA frogbros
Honestly, French to me, personally, sounds like somebody drank a bunch of Tabasco sauce, then stuffed their mouths with peanut butter and are now trying to speak English backwards.
I don't understand the appeal, but hey, the appeal and perception exists, for whatever reason.
bonjour monseur baguette oh ho hi ho hi hooo.