You broke them. You broke liberals. I hope you're happy
You broke them. You broke liberals. I hope you're happy
Other urls found in this thread:
>Prevent another Clinton
>Somehow this was pro-momarchy
This is Olympic-Levels of mental gymnastics
> Liberals now want monarchy
Have we broke their minds?
>we memed so hard that libtards turn into monarchists
>Making inbred families your head of state
>Giving their spawn power and wealth based on inbred blood
>the people in the guardian comment section are finally turning on the liberals
>liberals want monarchy
>trump gets crowned emperor
It's all part of the plan
>get one really liberal person in office forever
Sounds typical rather than crazy.
They have proven they don't even care about democracy and just want everything to go their way, I can see why they'd gladly give up their constitutional rights to forever keep their degeneracy.
I'm not happy.
I'm ecstatic.
Libs were already fans of hereditary rule
Good, good they're turning neoreactionary.
at this trajectory they'll form a new Anti-Corn Law League
does this mean they *literally* want to have KING Nigger as their eternal ruler?
it's been that way for months mate, the most liked comments on almost everything they allow comments on are anti liberal
As long as they are white act with class and dignity then I see no problem.
It gives the children something to strive for other then their hillbilly ass parents and the TV
>US election result is great argument for monarchy
>but only if we can have a democratic leader this time
>im not sure if i can survive 4 years of MAGA
Guardian is funnier than the Onion
Implying he's wrong, or that this is a bad thing?
Obviously it would be structured after UK
Well, communism and fascism are just a higher level of liberalism and both end up with a monarch in power.
They were never liberal. They're collectivist authoritarians. They're fools whose only talent is twisting words to appear smart.
Based Hungary gets it
24D backgammon is being played
>Liberals defending monarchy
what a fucking time to be alive guys, best timeline.
I hate that liberal culture makes her hate that she misses catcalling due to our culture
You know, in Russia we have saying 'The art of changing shoes jumping', meaning a person who changes opinion once it becomes profitable.
Do you have English analogue?
This can't be real, shit
They're going to be tearing themselves asunder over the next two years when he starts to bring jobs back in this country.
Liberals don't care about policy, liberals don't care about law liberals don't care about other Americans, the only thing liberals care about is liberals winning and pushing a liberal agenda.
>Breath 2: Sexual Harassment Doesn't Exist
I love how libfuckers try to have it both ways.
Maybe they should move to canada.
>giving power and wealth to some degenerates who will sell their fucking soul just to amass more
>not giving power to a rightful, god-chosen King raised from birth to be patriotic, educated by the best of the best, and given the power to do what he must to secure the best possible future for his country and his people
he means better to have another clinton (monarchy) than Trumpmeister
"free world"
Yes, and freedom means choice. Sometimes you won't like the choice.
Deal with it.
All according to keikaku
TN: Keikaku means plan
Jumping on the bandwagon (bandwaggoning)
Glory supporter
Make it so
>meaning a person who changes opinion once it becomes profitable
>Do you have English analogue?
We call her Hilary Clinton
>anything good I do is me
>anything bad I do is culture
wish olympic mental gymnastics was a thing, we would win gold every time.
Fucking bandwagon
If they want monarchs they should go back to bongland we had a war for a reason.
Buaahahahhahaha! How can this loser be alive?
I'm very happy. I hope we end up with a constitutional monarchy and a conservative king to piss them off even more.
Thanks, that's it.
Yeah I'm cool with King Trump. Don Jr. And Eric are great guys.
There're the same people who would have been puritans a few centuries ago. They're not liberals due to the ideology so much as they're liberals because that's what appeals to their egos.
A monarchy makes great sense to them, because it means that once and for all they'll be in a position where they can be held sacrosanct, at least until their leader commits the latest micro-aggression and they do their equivalent of chucking them off the Tarpeian Rock.
It worked so well for the British royal family. No cases of degeneracy or cucking
>tfw the left lost the White house, the senate, the congress--EVERYTHING
>They lost fucking everything
>For PRECISELY this behavior being pushed in the media, academics, online, in marketing, every wretched fucking corner you can think of
>And now they're switched it to MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and doubling down on the same fucking shit that made them fall monumentally, the largest fall of the Liberal left in possible decades.
>They will expect to be voted in 2020
I'm a britbong. And I'm sure you Americans have heard how hauntingly similar this movement is to Brexit, I have the good news (or bad news if you're a classical leftist and also despise the regressive left) that you will not see another democrat in the white house for at LEAST 12 years.
When our liberal democrat party waxed the plight of the minorities and the working classes, only to spit on them and commit the same bureaucracy and shaming rhetorics that the USA's left employed, no one would go fucking near them.
To this day, no one wants to touch them with a 10 ft barge pole. They not only died a death, but ANY shred of credulity or trust is completely burned to charred ashes, there's nothing left.
You saw Gary fucking Johnson outshined her in certain districts in albeit smaller states, receiving 12% nationwide. When the third party starts costing you an election, that's when you know that the prevalent system of government has been rotted from the inside out and buried like the dead husk that it is.
Do you guys need monarchy? No. But if you somehow fuck it up within these 4 years, only for the people to go back to regressive left SJW shite, then yes, you may need to adopt a monarch.
Accept Elizabeth as your rightful sovereign.
If I told you 5 years ago the media would be calling for a monarchy, you wouldn't believe it.
That's how far things have gone.
Soros and the Jews running the media are seriously trying to start a civil war.
Shut it Italy, just because you got rid of your based caesars, and got fucked into irrelavance by Napoleon doesn't mean that every country had that, Sweden had elective monarchy up until 1544, there is nothing wrong with that.
No wait. WAIT.
>USA + Bongland
Make it happen. For the memes!
Brexit all over again
>pic related
No wonder people lost confidence in MSM.
It is literally this bullshit that makes people realize all MSM are just cash-grabbing machines that thrive on triggering people to no end by spreading only words that stir emotions, with little to no argument supporting them (I read the whole article following this and it's pure crap).
I mean, how long did MSM think they could get away with this? It worked amazingly in the early 20th Century, but now people are growing increasingly wary of (((journalists'))) tricks -- thank literacy rates for that.
Now all journalists are playing "amazed" at the election results.
>muh duh, they didn't vote following the instructions I published
>muh duh have we lost credibility?
Too fucking late.
Emperor Donald of the House Trump
Fuck that cunt. She needs to die already.
Of all the hate they spew, shitting on third party voters is the one thing that manages to get under my skin.
>when you take so many blue pills you OD and become redpilled
im all for reunification IF trump becomes the heir post Elizabeth II and we get guns
I just hate her for the vapid moron she is
We call that politics.
Nice trips. You win.
>election didn't go our way so lets scrap the republic
There is no one who can deny that libralism is a mental illness
>Trump as our monarch
No, I'd rather have the Duke of Bavaria than that cunt.
fuck that, reignite the British Empire and regain all the former colonies
Barron Trump planned this from the very beginning. He will become the future king without even trying.
>Canadia is already a monarchy
Fuck off potato nigger, the Brits treated you subhumans exactly the way you deserved to be treated.
Baron. It's in his fucking name.
Let them suffer psychological trauma as their paradigm completely collapses. They have nothing else to blame than themselves.
we've shattered them, but its still only just beginning the fun has only started, its going to be a long 8 years of the god emperor.
Shame on everyone for not checking this user's trips.
The funniest thing to me is the that the lefts reaction is the best argument FOR fascism I have ever seen.
They didn't have much of one to begin with. I hope they try to attack us. The cucked gunless fags versus heavily armed conservative people.
Speaking as a die-hard liberal, we may well get an effective monarchy if Herr Drumpf's Congress repeals Presidential term limits. And since they've finally taken the entire federal government for the first time in over 80 years, nearly 20 years before the term limits were enacted.
Regressing back into monarchy would be a terrible idea all-around.
Uhh... does anybody find it weird that the strongest advocates of democracy, the supporters of the DEMOCRATIC party, are the ones who advocate tyrannical authoritarianism when they don't get what they want?
Fuck yeah you guys will get guns under our rule. We'll be passing them out on your streets like candy. We'll collapse the Channel Tunnel too.
I would rather die than live under German rule.
They already ruined Europe 4 times.
I fucking hate when liberals say this
>Isn't our culture horrible for making me do this?
Makes me want to kill myself
my sides, can't fucking wait until Trump meets Prince Phillip
Kings are chosen by God.
liberals are okay with that?
Well, the House of Hanover and Windsor oversaw the rise and fall of the Empire, and 30% of Brits are Saxons anyway.
Leftists will believe anything as long as it's useful to them.
Now, they have been shown that democracy might not be useful to them, so they grasp elsewhere.
I would actually be in favour of the queen taking charge for a few years until we managed to get corporatism out of politics
But the American republic system and constitutional monarchy aren't even significantly different besides the executive being replaced every few years?
When Charles gets in, he won't be quiet about his beliefs.
>constitutional monarchy
Fuck that
>When Charles gets in
Isn't he fucking a negress tho?
No, that was Diana. She got what she deserved.
No. they've always been confused. Of course, we don't have any actual civics courses here. The fact that America has no "right wing", but Denmark does, would probably kill them were they to understand it.
Why did she deserve to be assassinated?
She wasn't assassinated and she was a coalburner.
Egyptians aren't niggers you fucking kang
There's no way they'll actually repeal term limits, right?