never bet against pol
Never bet against pol
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>those shitty returns
deserved it desu
deserved, pol is run by cia , we have all the real polls and data
Did anyone screencap the one where some faggot bet his entire live savings?
This is the election that just keeps on delivering
This fucking guy...
Did he make 21,863.64k on top of the bet?
For a total of 40,363.64?
One of these was free.
When the fuck are they going to declare Michigan?? I need my money.
Lol thats me
oooh no that sucks
Michigan's Secretary of State's office has called it for Trump, actually. Governor Snyder even congratulated Trump on the win already.
The AP is the one delaying the call for no real reason at this point. Should happen today, honestly.
you still alive?
What moron bets that much with such a little return.
made 9k on tuesday, makes the libshit tears all that much more sweet
After losing all that money, are you going Hungary?
You ok?
this so much... who ever did that is beyond retarded.
Fucking rekt famalampam
Im doing alright
Havent been eating the past 3 days but thats because of depression
Yes i fully welcome trump and realise my mistake
>mfw shoud've put that spare 100€ on Trump
Oh well, at least that knife and the mess kit will come in handy.
This bet was made by a Turkroach hahahahahahaha
>even called the bookie crying
NO! All he would've got returned IF she won was 21,863, meaning he lost 18500 trying to make a crappy quick profit. Dude deserves to lose. #LOWENERGY
Please explain what's going on here. How much did he win/lose?
I wanted to buy a car :/
He made a bet of 33k to win a mere 7k and now his 33k is deleted, top kek.
You made a retarded bet. Unless you have a fuckton of money to blow you shouldn't ever make bets like these.
I'm convinced part of the reason trump won was the universe giving a nice big middle finger to dumbasses who bet their life savings on a shillary win.
you had one fucking job gábor
No way is this you, post a pic of your account history or KYS
why anyone would bet on the democratic candidate is beyond me. the only two times in recent history that a party won three elections in a row was roosevelt and reagan. two of the most popular and liked presidents ever.
democrats were never gonna win this election no matter who they picked.
Always bet on the Don
ITT people who have never placed a bet before
With those odds I wouldn't have even bothered holy shit
worry not, we'll make hungary great again so the sin of your shitty bet will be negated
I got nice 3 to 1 odds on Trump
you'd now be as rich as trump if you bet on him
why wouldn't you just save for it then you fucking retard
Dude stay save and dont remain depressed.
Guys what Happing with Irish paddy power.
Lol thats my name
Thank you President Trump.
underrated post
I shot these posts from a trump betting thread.
>tfw missed the chance to cash in on trump, trump for repub nominee and brexit because you didn't know it was possible to bet on foreign elections in straya
Literally found how today, fuck me I could have been rich.
>also mfw 101 on Hilary clinton becoming Trumps sec of state.
I almost want to put 10 dollary doos on it and start trying to spam gets.
You're a poet and a saint user.
What do you think of these odds, boys?
Prison and the wall are pretty likely wouldn't you say?
>pol is run by cia
bold and without evidence, but few things surprise me anymore.. and if it is, atleast it's nice to be on the good side of things for once with trump being brought in charge.
Made 6.8k total from Trump (500 on another account).
I'm tempted to put on for the wall and Hillary being arrested as well, but I've been looking at the Trump Cabinet more.
Put 50 for Trey Gowdy to be AG and considering SG for Ben Carson.
No. The top left thing is a trick -- there are natural barriers (mountains etc) that will likely not require wall and there is a wall in place in some areas.
>those fees
jesus christ
7:1 on Hillary for prison seems pretty sweet
Stop degenerate betting. Trash your VISA card and live off of paper money instead.
>Before end of 2020
For sure, but the 2020 part is the only thing I'm questioning.
The engineering and building process are going to take a little while, unfortunately.
Highly doubt that Clinton will be imprisoned for the same reason that Ford pardoned Nixon. It would tear the country apart, to a large extent.
I'm sure he'd like to do it, but barring the pay for play aspect being proven beyond a doubt, it's not going to happen, unfortunately.
I was thinking about that one.
How long can they drag out court hearings etc?
That was a great time to make that bet
Made 2k on predictit which was the only place I could find to bet as an amerilard. Pretty good but the fees are ridiculous
I'm too nervous for cabinet picks desu.
I thought the wording could be fucked. Thanks brah.
There's still 5 wikileaks releases. Might as well put a small bet on I suppose.
Well, it says arrested. But again, their definition might be screwy. They won't be just arresting her if they aren't guaranteed a conviction, right?
>didn't bet for brexit leave
>didn't bet for Trump
I regret every single minute of my life.
Absolutely not. An arrest without a conviction is a MASSIVE failure and embarrassment on the part of the Trump administration.
If they arrest her, without a doubt, she's getting convicted.
It really depends on what they actually have, but if it's not 100% concrete, they're not going to pursue charges. The optics would be extremely bad, as much as we'd all like to see it.
Same.Could get so much money out of those
but user, I didn't :)
I also bet on Brexit despite polling being against me when both bets were made, the whole thing just stank and the horse shit the polls and media peddling did not reconcile with the what I was seeing on ground zero in both cases , could feel it in my gut
>Well, it says arrested.
Yeah, you're right. Surely if memetics can get Trump elected it can get Hillary arrested?
Haha get fucked. I placed a bet on trump and got a 10,000 return on it
cia is run by pol
why is the german language so ugly? its like arabic
Did you legit put 18,500 Euros on Hillary? Are you retarded?
Because krauts are subhuman animals that still use specific sounds to communicate with their mates.
They're barely human.
calm down achmed
Id love to see the total amount pol won off a trump win ay. I personally got 30k aud
>Busy day planned in New York. Will soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government!
Sounds like he might be announcing soon.
I'm tossing up Jeff Sessions or Jim Talent for Defense Secretary.
That's what happens when you take such an easy bet, 2:11 odds.
>Ted Gowdy
i got 9k atm
once he gets over 300 electoral votes it will be 11.5k
if he wins the popular vote 14.3k
>john cena
You're a mess!
>Donald Trump bets all his money on the 67 one
>Takes out a loan
>makes White House gold
>cashes in bet
>pays off loan and profits, now has a gold whitehouse and even more dosh for free
I wish that I would have made this bet. I asked Sup Forums about this and two numale cucks from UK replied and said that Trump has no chanches to win.
Nice one man, if we all pool our money together can we finally create our Outer Heaven
>not having the conviction to back trump on your own regardless of others "opinions"
you don't deserve that money then
i heard on the news the biggesr bet on trump in russia was 1 mill. rubles (15k $) lucky guy will get 2.5 mill. rubles, but only in january when trump will be inagurated
wait, let me catch my breath here...
this norwegian won about 45k usd
I got pretty lucky. When the votes first started coming in Hillary got a big surge and Trumps odds shot up to 10:1.
Managed to sneak a cheeky $500 in
nice. post screenshot.