Serious talk - how much power will this Wacko have? I like Trump, but this guy... I don't think it was a good choice
Serious talk - how much power will this Wacko have? I like Trump, but this guy... I don't think it was a good choice
>Hide the pain Pence
Shut up faggot.
No one is more based than Mike "Suckers of Cock get Electric Shock" Pence.
Mike Pence is COMFY
He's a threat. It's Trump saying; Get rid of me and you'll get THIS guy.
Dudes a bit insane but I think hes just working as a puppet for the republicans so not much power really
I love pence's hate
It's actually more or less like this.
Pence himself will change his stances to be more Trump-like, but should he ever be president the left is going to be more fucked than they ever would be with Trump.
Trump isn't W, and Pence aint Dick Chaney.
Fuck off
Mike "The Electric Fence" Pence is awesome.
I like his domestic social policy but I HATE his foreign policy.
Wait, don't you mean Mike "Watts going on faggots" Pence?
>some fag kills trump
>Mike "I'll make the gay go away" Pence really pushes the concentration camps
It's like they chose Pence to assure that there won't be an assassination.
Mike "Suck a cock and you're in for a shock" Pence
The VP's only practical power is getting to say "hey Mr Pres let's do this stuff I like, hey, heeeeey, please, pretty please, VP WANT A COOKIE".
He basically only exists so that if the President gets blown up someone is ready to instantly take up the reins of power without a catching-up period.
Oh and he breaks ties in congress but that never happens.
Pence was one of the greatest governors in the country, and his economic record, integrity, and intelligence are second to none. He is, without a doubt in my mind, what put Trump over the top in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
He has an amazing record in the executive and legislative branches, and is the best pick that Trump could have possibly made from a uniting the base and appealing to Midwestern values standpoint.
You fuckers with foreign flags and isolated domestic trannies need to calm the fuck down, Mike Pence is the single greatest decision that Trump made in his campaign, and will be an incredible asset to the Trump administration.
Mike "Bag every fag" Pence
hopefully mike pence is just a "assassination insurance policy"
Why do normies hate Pence?
Is it because of "muh gays"?
I like him, America could do with some Christianity.
You mean Mike "gas the degenerates and spare no expence" pence
Pence is great
Trump is the wacko
Pence is great. I don't know why people hate him. Probably just loser atheists. The way he destroyed Kaine in the debates was one of the highlights of this whole election.
>loser atheists
is there any other kind?
It really is one of the shittiest jobs in the executive branch. Gotta be a shit secret service detail assignment.
I heard Pence was forced on Trump by the party. Is that true? Didn't ha want a someone with both a military and a political background?
Good point.
This. MSM swept it under the rug after Kaine got BTFO so hard
I'm an Atheist and I hate Mike Pence.
I hate Mike Pence more than he hates gay people.
I dare him to try to imprison one of my gay friends.
The Bible isn't real, its a myth like Harry Potter.
Nice shitpost
The Vice President's only explicit role is to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate in the event of a 50-50 split. Beyond that, the VP has whatever power the President wants to delegate to him.
Trump has gone on record as saying that he's going to foist all of the real work on him anyway. So congratulations on voting for your orange-skinned figurehead. You deserve Mike Pence as your de facto President.
Poor quality bait, try again Senpai.
I feel bad for reusing this comment from another thread, but nothing to stop Trump calling Mike in to the Oval Office one day to fire him to be replaced by Don Jr.
Me too. I was hoping that Trump was secretly a libertarian, but Pence is like a Republican caricature of the worst kind, i.e. climate change denier, warhawk, and creationist.
Highly, highly, highly doubt it. It was the wise move from a "uniting a fractured Republican base" standpoint. His appeal to Midwestern values, Christian appeal, governing experience, and legislative experience all made him the logical choice.
Apparently Kasich was the first person on his list, so when he refused, Pence very much was the closest approximation.
haha check out this cuck unironically rageposting on an Armenian glassblowing forum
Climate change is just a scheme to tax you for everything. Stop being a rube.
Considering how close to an even split the senate is, I'd say the guy that can cast the winning vote in any tie is a pretty powerful dude.
I bet he hungered for delegates
It's pretty hard to defend him. Whenever i debate about Trump, this guy has to come up along with the anti vaxer shit.
I heard he's gonna bring back fucking creationism into schools. Does he have the authority to do that as VP?
What's so bad about him?
Is it only the gay electrocution thing or is there something else?
Does he want to make the electrocution therapies mandatory or if the gay person wants it?
This guys actually a conservative whats wrong with him?
Mike "Turn it up to 11" Pence is gonna get some good work done.
what if the assassin is one of those right-wing Christian fundamentalist extremists the media's always talking about?
When is he going to lower the smoking age?
>Diet Coke
That's the first thin person I've seen drinking one.
this is exactly what i was thinking. trump has been so fucking demonized, people think he's l i t e r a l l y hitler, and when you have weakling liberals who think you want to genocide entire races and also have an absolute need to virtue signal and look like a "hero", there's no doubt there will be someone who wants to assassinate you.
what would any intelligent person do in that situation?
pick the most dangerous person to the liberals that you can as vice president. :3
He's a science denier
Fuck off Sup Forums you liberal scum
This tbqh
VPs don't do anything
This denier nonsense has to stop... The guy is religious. Get over it.
That shit eating grin says:
>hahaha just go ahead and assassinate Trump, faggots.
Mike "Homoshima and Fagasaki" Pence
what the fug, since when is trump thin
>we could do with MOAR JUDAISM
gas yourself, christcuck
cuckold detected
citation needed
Well, I don't know if that wise move was his or the party's. In hindsight it does seem like a good choice. I remember Trump being somewhat dejected after choosing Pence so I was always confused about this.
Pence also felt a lot like Romney with being a religious wacko and acting like a shill, the complete opposite of Trump's aims with the presidency.
Pence was a good governor of Indiana, even after ACLU Jews tried to ruin the state.
>Not american
>Not american
I thought you meant Mike "take it in the ass your getting gassed" Pence?
He's great because he's the only politician who isn't buying into the liberal mindset that faggotry isn't genetic.
There are hundreds of documented cases of people being cured from their degeneracy and have become decent people.
If you accept faggots feel free to fuck off back to plebbit.
>that flag
really made me think
He's amazing. I'd suck his cock probably
Fuck yeah, especially after MY MAN MITCH.
and this was some fine faggot trolling.
i like how GENCON said they would stop coming to Indy if we didn't get rid of the law. Fuck them, I didn't wana go anymore anyway. Too many fat people and the whole convention center smells like hotdog grease by Friday.
>Muh evolution
Shut the fuck up please.
Kids should be faced with conflicting ideas so that they can figure shit out for themselves. The smart will find the truth anyways, and the dumb will never be in a position where their ideas matter.
Did you mean Mike "If you touch my ass, you're eating grass" Pence
Get the fuck out of my country you fucking idiot.
He's the guy who'll be running the country. Trump doesn't know anything about politics.
I've made this comparrison repeatedly actually.
Yea, definitely this.
5d chess as always
no, progress requires the knowledge to be built upon knowledge
You mean Mike "Ride the Lightning isn't just a Metallica album" Pence?
So, yal got any opinons on Franz Ferdinand?
No bitch, it is MY country.
And you don't make better offspring by not allowing them to hear religious bullshit.
I'm an atheist and I love Mike Pence.
Mike 'electrocute the Untermensch' pence detected
The assassination meme needs to stop. His entire cabinet is filled with people like Pence. These are the guys that Trump wants to have run the country.
He'll be President soon
I always thought there was something uncanny familiar about him
Pence is perfect life insurance VP.
Personally, I'm a big fan of Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence.
Mike 'If you like men, the dial goes up to ten' Pence. In all seriousness though, I doubt that agenda would be pushed. I like that he sticks to his guns about his religion, and believes in morality and family values.
>Chose him to appease the rest of the conservatives
>It's also a constant reminder that if they try to kill Trump they'll end up with him
He's literally the perfect choice
They are going to play good cop, bad cop, with Trump being in position of the good cop.
Pence will put forward outrageous plans and Trump will pretend to "settle" for a compromise that benefits everyone. In relative terms, people will be more accepting because they'll always be looking at a more extreme alternative, and believe that Trump's recommendation is tame by comparison.
The story goes that Trump had to pick Pence because his plane was grounded once, but it seems that it was probably in his advantage anyway, this is 5D chess at its finest, folks.
>libs get rid of trump
>pence gets the most right leaning Supreme court picks
>undoes fag marriage
Power is the presidents ear. That's about it. Pence is a great choice it secured the christian voters and as others have said people would think twice about getting rid of trump with Pence as an alternative pres. Hillarys VP was a clown and Pence ran rings around him.
Faggots are just drama whores that have to make everything about them.
Nah I guarantee most liberals would be happier with Pence than Trump, at least he was a governor and knows how to keep his mouth shut. If something were to happen to Trump the violence would calm down
Mike "fruits to vegetables" Pence is my husbando