Merkel wins election

>Merkel wins election
>CDU/CSU don't have enough votes for having a majority in Bundestag
>They need to form a coalition
>They do it with Greens (Die Grunen) and Leftists (Die Linke)
>Germany turns far-left
>More multiculturalism
>More immigrants
>More diversity
>More white guilt

Is this possible?

It's not just possible, it's what will most likely happen.

AfD will get strong enough to force CDU or SPD into a coalition with Greens and Leftists.

Unless some miracle-like thing happens (Less likely than Brexit and President Trump) we will be fucked even more than before.

Well... At least until the Wutbürger has had enough... But don't worry, Polanball. You are based and will be great ally this time.

>It's not just possible, it's what will most likely happen.
Holy fuck, even meme magic will not save Germany, as it seems

> You are based and will be great ally this time.
Sure, we will gladly accept white and educated - actual - refugees

most desirable outcome:

> AFD gets over 30 % takes away votes mostly from CDU
> CDU too small to go into coalition with SPD
> SPD wants to rule anyway
> SPD / Greens / Leftists form coalition
> Merkels reign over CDU ends
> Suddenly strong conservative AFD lead Opposition AFD / CDU / CSU
> Leftist coalition can't pass laws, make clowns off themselves even more
> Leftist BTFO
> Next election AFD majority will rule and get the Chancellor

the end.

A leftist coalition is the best what can happen. After their period nobody ever wants to vote left again. It has to get worse before it gets better. But on the flipside even when we are at our low, we are still way above shitty poland.

>AFD gets over 30%
I don't think it is possible at this point. As long as arabs don't do more attacks and economy doesn't start to fail (the whole refugee thing costs you about 50-60 billions of euros/year) it will be very hard to achieve that

>But on the flipside even when we are at our low, we are still way above shitty poland.
You wish. Your youth doesn't even know what Prussia is.

We sure would have to go into full memetic offense for it to happen…

around comfortable 20-25 % would be more doable, worse though but still workable

Cdu wil never coalition with linke.

Red red green might happen tho



I think you underestimate Merkel's greed for power. You could said "CDU will never agree to accept 2-3mln sand-niggers from africa" 5-6 years ago

AFD will just issue confidence and supply for a CDU SPD government. The Grune will go into the gas chamber once they see this and chimp out.

we need to destroy the CDU

First of all its a little bit under a million, 2nd this will not happen again, 3rd many will get deported and 4th, even sandniggers are better than filthy and thieving poles.

true, Merkel´s greed for power is endless, but she could never openly coalesce with the Linke (Leftists), maybe the Greens…

thats why CDU must be damaged enough so that her base will finally feel comfortable to revolt

I am certain there are enough lower rank people in CDU / CSU who would be willing to go into a strong opposition together with AFD



> First of all its a little bit under a million
this fucking delusion

> 2nd this will not happen again
this happens every year for last few years

> 3rd many will get deported
not if Merkel gives them citizenship

literally, fuck off and die already

we'll see next year what will happen. is CDU/CSU/SPD coalition possible?

Die Linke will never, ever form a coalition with CDU/CSU, they're an anti-establishment party and hate Merkel as much as the AfD

>we'll see next year what will happen. is CDU/CSU/SPD coalition possible?

not if AFD becomes strong enough…

maybe Merkel would be desperate enough to try CDU / SPD / Greens … but I doubt SPD would be willing to do that, they would be demolished for all eternity …

k, good to know

>is CDU/CSU/SPD coalition possible.

It's the most likely outcome by far. They are also the coalition that is currently in power. It's possible that we get a different chancellor though. SPD and CSU do not really like Merkel.

Trying a little bit too hard there buddy. Is your country so shitty?

To me it just seems like krauts enjoy the eternal suffering.
You can tell by the german posters on this board defending alot of the madness going on in their country.Not sweden or leaf tier yet but getting close.
Stay strong german autists.

>posting photos from past

this is Wrocław

We're just fine. Update your pictures, Hans.

>even when we are at our low, we are still way above shitty poland.
lel. Poland will still be Polish by the end of the Century, whereas your granddaughters will be wearing burkas. A nation of spiritless people.

Of course it's possible. Autobahn niggers are gonna fuck it up again.

t. Mohammed

>tfw Germany
>most industrial and disciplined nation on the earth
>lose every single world war

fuck off germany

That ain't happening, bruv.
Not only will the AfD get over 20% for the next Bundestag elections, they'll be the strongest party also.
You have no idea how many Germans are fed up with this political correct ``love everybody'' bullshit. I can feel it all around me. People are sick of this shit, even though they won't straight out admit it due to peer pressure mostly from a minority of vocal women ane beta men. They won't admit it, but where they put their little X is a completely different question.
Now, with the glorious victory of president Trump, these people are even more emboldened. AfD will no longer be opposition in 2017. Mark my words.

come on Gerard, John has a good point. Your people literally hate Germany, because of jewish brain-washing.

True, Trump and Brexit might start domino effect. Tbh right-wing parties won every single election in Europe and America since the beginning of 2015 (except Scotland, Greece and Estonia)

Kill yourself nigger. This is none of your business.


I believe in my German brethren. Friendly reminder Trump had "2% chance" of winning. Media is obviously shilling for Merkel and rapefugees. I think Germans will wake the fuck up.

Is this divine punishment for the destruction of Europe and the white race?

Poland, YOU were part of Prussia.

>Germany destroyed the white race
>not the rest of the world fighting against us