Reminder, that gay sex/relationships is not natural and against the nature. Prove me wrong.
Reminder, that gay sex/relationships is not natural and against the nature. Prove me wrong
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There exists homosexual intercourse in other species like monkeys or niggers. Either way Gays are hedonistic degenerate pedophiles that shouldn't be tolerated to do crap that they are allowed to do nowadays
Driving cars is against nature. Using the computah is against nature. Using phones is against nature. Posting on Sup Forums is against nature.
Homosexuality has been documented in literally hundreds of other species. That's natural.
That said, something being "natural" doesn't automatically make it desirable, and something being "unnatural" doesn't automatically make it undesirable. Smallpox is natural. The vaccine for it is not.
Daily reminder that men are eager to please, and women only do it for money.
Gay is masterrace.
Homosex is fake and gay
Dolphins do gay shit; dolphins are nature. Checkmate.
nips kill dolphin
It happens in nature, its documented in many species. Plus natural =/= right. The urge to murder someone who pisses you off is natural, but doesn't mean you should do it.
Humans do a lot of shit that isn't natural.
As long as they aren't dressing themselves in women's lingerie and eating each other's faces in public or hurting anyone, or purposefully pozzing negs (jesus christ what the fuck) then I don't care what gays do with each other.
But I'm Canadajin
>prove me wrong
You haven't even proved yourself right
Toxoplasma Gondii turns vulnerable people into Homo disease vectors. Cats are an ancient Egyptian bio-weapon.
>implying nips are found in nature
Checkmate Buddhists
but it's true, tho. Japanese people kill dolphins.
w-what? are they mass produced or something?
You are dumb, sickness is natural too, but is obviously bad, but health isn't bad, and is natural too.
What OP means by natural is healthy.
Dick and Vagina are two parts of a single organ, putting your dick anywhere else is not sex, is masturbation.
Does anyone else here think about how if they were gay they could pick up sexual partners 100 percent of the time. Like you wouldn't need to be charismatic or handsome or anything. You'd just walk up and say FANCY A BUM and someone would let you. Must be so easy.
>nips live in isolation for thousands of years
>only join the rest of the world when forced
>implying they arent mass manufactured automatons that are powered by rice
Yeah I know. But the seafood here is great.
They do all that stuff, and do way more than that. The myth of the normal homosex conservative couple is that: a myth. Homosex is about finding pleasure on death and pain.
Homosexual behaviour has been documented in 250+ animal species. Also, the burden of proof lies with the one making a claim. OP is himself a huge faggot.
what about blowjobs?
and yet I'm still virgin. fucking hell.
Daily reminder that only retards appeal to nature unironically.
masturbation with the mouth
Who really gives a fuck what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms?
But gay pride parades are fucking disgusting and absolutely degenerate. That goes for all similar events, whether gay or straight.
From my gay friends I know it doesn't actually work that way, but it is a bit easier.
daily reminder germans think pooing on each other is equiparable to producing offspring
honestly as long as they dont do it in public I dont understand the problem
Gay sex has been documented in numerous species worldwide, including Catholics. It is a natural condition in a small percentage of the species population, but since they do not reproduce the numbers will remain small and manageable. Nothing to worry about.
>against the nature
So is penicillin, cars, and clothing
So long as they do it in private why should anyone care.
They're just turning themselves into people who can't donate blood when their disease riddled corpse gets pulled out of the sewer.
All of these things were created to help humanity progress, homosexuality does the exact opposite
It does and while I haven't done any research I highly doubt there are other species that are gay like humans. It doesn't make any sense. There is no species which tries to settle down with another male and fuck it till they die and get AIDs. It's isolated experimentation like playing around, not like being repulsed or entirely unattractive to all members of the opposite sex to the point you can't carry on your genes.
It's probably an effect of us shifting our goals from physical to more ideological
Staying sedentary outside of sleep is not natural and against nature.
dump qt traps
Don't be a fuckwit, gay sex is more natural than 99% of the shit you interact with in everyday life.
You think your iPhone is natural? Or your laptop? Or styrofoam cups, your cars dashboard, your shoes, your deodorant, your soft drink, your hamburgers?
Get fucked, gays aren't going anywhere, we're mainstream and accepted especially in your shitty immigrant filled country.
it would if you had no standards.
Working out at a gym - unnatural.
Sleeping 8 hours straight at night - unnatural.
Wearing clothes - unnatural.
See where I'm going with this? Call it depraved, call it immoral, call it even disgusting. But calling it unnatural in 2016 is completely pointless.
I never said anything about it being a problem, even though i believe its a mental illness, i don't care enough about it to even want to fix peopel who suffer it, my only issue here is with the way we are forced to speak about it by the media guilt-tripping us by lying to us.
I don't care if someone wants to have poo-sex, i care that my taxes go in a propaganda program to convince kids that poo-sex and real sex are two sides of a same coin.
perhaps its natures way of cleansing the gene pool?
It's been documented they have more satisfying and better sex than heteros too.
Oh, and if you think being gay is a "mental illness then I have bad news for you...
Heterosexuality is a disease whose symptoms include abortion, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, child abuse, divorce, nagging, denial of sex, and incest. The only reason why heterosexuality is still around is to propogate homosexuals, since gays have evolved past the necessity of reproduction.
Look back through history and you'll see every notable scientist, philosopher and engineer was homosexual. Leonardo Di Vinci, Isaac Newton, Alan Turing. I could go on and on. I'm sick to death of you heterosexuals acting like you own this fucking planet. I'm sick of your prolonged mating-rituals and bratty, ugly children fucking up the place.
Get it through your thick skulls, heteros are nothing more than human incubators who happen to randomly spit out the odd gay baby every so often. It's you're only fucking purpose in life, nothing more and nothing less. And once we figure out how to grow people in vats you might be surprised with how little you're all needed.
Sage because mad.
If people do it then it is natural. Putting faggotry on a pedestal and denigrating normal relationships as primitive and barbaric will likely contribute to our downfall.
As natural as fucking a old goat.
Probably best not publicise it.
>See OP flag
>hello achmed
>they give you people internet these days?
well, not really, since gay people are born from straight couples.
Lol i hope this is pasta
thats why they think recruiting is so important
Interesting view, I've never heard that one before. While I'm not convinced I'm glad to have heard it
Neither is medicine or cars. Or the internet. Or computers.
*tips tinfoil*
It has been found in animals which in turn they adopt abandoned cubs, chicks, etc, which I think should be mandatory for all gay couples, if they want to be gay, then they need to at least adopt one or two children, if they don't want to adopt then theu should not legally marry. We do have a lot of foster children that need homes, making gay couples adopt would help.
That applies to heterosexual sex then too. You just need the capacity to talk with a desperate old, ugly and quite possibly fat woman for 10 minutes and you're in.
I cannot understand how come you guys don't find men sexually appealing.
They are absolutely wonderful.
Manual labor is not unnatural, don't be a retard.
Also, you could argue wearing clothes is natural because we evolved to get use to them, making it a natural part of life. I don't know enough about the sleeping thing and I doubt anyone does to argue one way or another.
How does it regress humanity's progress? Genuinely curious of your explanation.
If it's not natural why is it so ridiculously common among animals? And why was it even comman among humans before the Abrahamic religions showed up?
What's bad about masturbation?
name one thing we do that is not against nature lol
>appealing to nature
>the human race
Its different than sex
how many non goat species fuck goats in nature then?
OP is just shitposting, everyone knows that homosexuality exist in nature.
Same as pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, etc.
What are you smoking?
As civilized human beings we are above nature, almost everything we do is not 'natural', this argument is retarded.
Australia at the top of its game, never change
I don't find men sexually appealing but I've always found it weird how women can call other women beautiful, hot and all that stuff without raising suspicion but if a man says that another man is handsome then he's immediately a fag.
lol do you think that we're progressing through biology anymore? The human organism develops through ideas and its interactionswith its technology. G\\\
leaf leave
>The myth of the normal homosex conservative couple is that: a myth.
Cool, me and SO are like unicorns or something.
glasses are not natural and against nature
and yet here we are
because for some people, not all, it makes their life better
OP you are supreme fuck. i think i understand the 'Germans are all muslims' meme now. fuck off Achmed
Heterosexual rates of domestic abuse are dwarfed by the homosex rates, mostly because of dykes. Lesbians are grotesque psychpaths.
Daily reminder that I agree with you
you are
>inb4 conservative mumbo-jumbo
Foucault is like the Nietzsche of the Queer movement
>According to Foucault, in the 18th and 19th centuries society took an increasing interest in sexualities that did not fit within the marital bond: the "world of perversion" that includes the sexuality of children, the mentally ill, the criminal and the homosexual, while by the 19th century, sexuality was being readily explored both through confession and scientific enquiry.
> Firstly, there was increasing categorization of these "perverts"; where previously a man who engaged in same-sex activities would be labeled as an individual who succumbed to the sin of sodomy, now they would be categorised into a new "species," that of homosexual. Secondly, Foucault argues that the labeling of perverts conveyed a sense of "pleasure and power" on to both those studying sexuality and the perverts themselves.
This. Newfaw redditros saying stuff like
>Jews/gays/blacks/muslims/ are based bro
Must leave.
Personally, I think it's good in the fact that population growth will be slowed. The Earth is quickly becoming full.
>gay sex/relationships is not natural and against the nature
Shit argument for your side. It's irrelevant whether something is "natural" (as most of our modern technology and practices could be deemed unnatural)
What really should be asked is, is promotion of homosexuality and other forms of deviancy healthy for society? And the answer, both in historical context and in modern times, seems to be a resounding "No"
Definitely not true. Look up same sex attraction in dolphins, goats, sheep, and apes.
>same sex attraction
My dog fucks legs, is that leg-sex attraction?
Or maybe my dog is just a little pervert who masturbates himself with everything he founds?
>le anal sex meme
animals have gay sex. point proven
however its not natural to be a flaming faggot and show everyone how proud you are about your degeneracy
its not gay sex, is masturbation, its only gays sex for us, gay is a word, the act is literal masturbation, think a bit about it, dick and vagina are the same thing, men and women are not different species with different genital, the genitals are part of a single reproductive organ of the species
Dolphins are the literal personification of Satan.
Not inherently bad.
There are animals who refuse the opposite sex? Yes homosexuality is rampant across the animal kingdom but I think it's different from homosexuality in humans.
The first computer was invented by a homosexual. You wouldn't be typing this if he was killed or traumatized into insanity earlier in his life.
Animals rape and paedophilia is mainstream in the animal kingdom.
Conversely, there is not a single other animal that engages exclusively in homosexual acts.
then basically every intercourse you have which isnt creating or for the sake of creating offspring masturbation
however i still dont really care. i mean i find it absolutely disgusting to even think about 2 guys fucking each other in the ass, but as long as im not forced to participate or watch why should i care? the only thing it harms is their own assholes and who am i to keep them from it?
Gay sex happens in nature, but unlike faggots, sex is not exclusively bound to one gender.
This is a good explenation.
Not evidence that it's some sort of death cult.
you can have anal sex with women too
i know, find it disgusting as well. not as disgusting as 2 guys, but still
Homosexuality has to be the worst thing that has ever existed. It goes completely against biology and is un-natural. It just doesn't make any sense. It's a mental illness to want to have sex with the same gender or be with the same gender as there is no biological reward. If you are a homosexual you are not a normal human. Thats the end of the discussion.
Attraction to the opposite sex isn't some sort of noble selfless act with no base in pleasure. Motivations for sex aren't really that different across orientation.
I hate new Sup Forums
How so?
murder happens in nature, doesn't make it right
we have minds for a reason