It's an epidemic
How do we solve the nu-male problem?
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m8 that guy is just a teenager. Calm the fuck down
It'll solve itself since they don't pass their genes.
Remove balls.
If they can find a woman who is more manly than they are and she's happy with it, they are fine.
As long as both traditional gender roles are filled, by any of the TWO sexes in the partnership where they wish to form a family, it's fine. They just have to have sex anyway to make children. Doesn't matter if he fucks her or she fucks him.
by stopping to blame men about everything wrong in the world
kids are little fags these days because you get arrested if you give them an ass whipping
Put 'em in stockings and dresses and plant them on their knees.
Might as well, they're not good for much else?
This. Most nu-males are cucks who will raise other people's children since women are cheating whores.
>If they can find a woman who is more manly than they are and she's happy with it, they are fine.
> traditional gender roles are filled,
> Doesn't matter if he fucks her or she fucks him.
Gas yourself
No, Brazilman, no
Fucking their girlfriends
This unfortunately
Are you guys trying to increase the supply of trannies or something?
It'll solve itself.
The cycle of good times/bad times is eternal. When things are good, what incentive is there to be strong, or make the tough choices? That's how so many people coast through life quite happily. It's only when we're faced with an uncertain future or hardship that a man is called upon to rise to the challenge. When those times arrive, the strong men reveal themselves.
I'm pretty sure this is not a genetic thing but a social thing. If it's socially acceptable to be a pussy shit male there'll always be pussies.
That's exactly the kind of thinking that would destroy traditional family values and men's respect within society.
Cleanse the water from all the oestrogens that infect it since women have been taking the pill and pissing the hormons into the water
I guess numale for you means an attractive, slim guy who is not a social retard, doesn't have a disgusting crumbled neckbeard, and is not a virgin.
No, Turkman, no
Time to stop this.
Men have worked hard to keep family together for centuries.
It's time to rest, time we become walking testicle gods, we should just be put on a padestal for having sperm and better looks than most women if we are fit.
A marrige is a partnership, time for women to do their part now in maintaining a good family harmony.
If they can't do that, we take away vote and put them in chains. If they rebel, we kill them until they behave.
Problem solve.
But men need to go back to being admired.
There are no more big scale wars that actually directly affect western countries. This is why strong men are decreasing in both strength and numbers. This wouldn't be happening if another world war broke out after WW2. Between there being no wars and women getting equal rights as men, women started thinking "Why should I submit to a man? We are exactly the same now!"
As much as I dislike pointless war, I think we need one now.
Extremely underrated
Relentless bullying.
Hmmm. I'm gonna go with "free market will fix it."
Either war, or a lifestyle and culture that doesnt encourage lazyness and validates their will to complain.
When people become comfortable, shit goes south. Work will actually, set you free.
Also OP you used a picture of a teenager, leave him be you faggot.
As arrogant as it sounds, a large-scale war would quickly put people's priorities back in order.
Take them to the vet and get fixed.
Since these "nu-males" (which I assume is either a bastardization of the word 'new' or neutered') are sackless anyway you might get a discount on the operation.
Mandatory testosterone injections.
You don't seem to understand that men don't need looks to be admired. It's always been like this, since humankind first existed. A man's job was to go out and hunt and bring resources and food for the family as well as lead the family. A man doesn't walk around and wait for the opportunity to come to him, he goes out and claims it.
I know why you are thinking this way, you probably think "Oh, that would be so comfortable, if women did everything for us! What a great life women are leading.". But that is just plain wrong, Feeling "used" or "dominated" is a terrible feeling. I used to be a weak ass beta shit too, but when you taste power you want to keep it. It's ALWAYS better to dominate.
Making women work hard and sweat while you are watching from your balcony and do nothing but supervise them is power too
Leave hims have his pride and heart crush when his strong independent wyminz ditch him for Chad or Tyrone the douchebag after having emptied his bank account.
Maybe he 'll be salveageable then.
Free market is for Jews only, where goys works for free, chases to afford basic things like house, wife, food and car, instead of living life.
Free market = Jew market.
ban fast food, highly processed food, etc.
tightly regulate media, no more glorification of faggotry.
mandatory military service at age 18, no exemptions.
massive government run fitness program, monetary incentives to lift.
No faggots, just teach traditional gender roles.
Also the internet killed the west.
destroy them.
crush them under foot.
remove them from the genepool (they actually breed. like fucking roaches)
Totally. Get registered and go get blown up for no reason, because you're such a man.
>Leave hims have his pride and heart crush when his strong independent wyminz ditch him
I think i've recovered though.
No it is not. Since I grew up in a household where the woman was "wearing the pants", I can tell you first hand. Yes my father was sitting on his ass drinking beer while my mom worked her ass off, but he also had to listen to all the bullshit mom was saying and had to take it. He literally would do whatever she told him to do. It was sad really, I never want to be dominated by a woman like that. In a relationship like that you're not supervising, you're being supervised. And scolded.
8 year olds have fought world wars. Age is a rock to hide behind. The younger they are, the sooner they can be shocked into reality.
Incorrect, how do you think gays or ultra altruistic people still exist? Their siblings that share half their genes will pass on nu male alleles
>8 year olds have fought in world wars
On the losing side.
Look what has happened to those losing nations.
It is the duty of the MAN to go out and fight to protect his wife and children.
How exactly do you teach traditional gender roles, when there are no "gender roles" left in the modern society? There's nothing to teach, there are no real life examples you can give. Our point is that this peaceful, "modern", monotonous life destroyed gender roles.
Are some people genetically numales.
Im 171 cm and have glasses which is standard for numales but i dont really identify with anything they believe in.
Ive been told that manlets etc can only be numales as they have failed genetically
>On the losing side
It's a fair point but my statement still stands.
I can agree that in a modern society, people need to reach adulthood before engaging in life altering situations such as war. But our ancestors did not have that luxury. If you weren't useful, you were expendable. This is the evolutionary drive that has determined characteristics of "strength" in humans.
Civilization and modernization of society ie: work, bills to pay, family life. Strengthen to an extent but they have the tax of weakening at the same time.
Young people of tomorrow need to be stronger than the majority of adults today.
We are doomed.
am i numale for being pretty?
Yeah the hard part is installing those past values. There is no conflict anymore, no bloodshed and no hardship.
Nuclear bombs insured that any conflict is either a proxy or fighting only to come home to people that HATE you.
I honestly don't know if we can even salvage this now. I hope each of us tries to bring up our sons the best we can.
>T. Schlomo Dicksuckinflogstein
These nu-males and feminine men will end up surviving by surrendering in mass or ending up being some officers girlfriend.
The brave men, the courageous man, are the ones who die.
ahahahahahhahahuehuehuejejejejej Ya
so funny amirite? trollololololol
the hats are'nt manly, no.
but having so much testosterone that it starts bursting out of your face?
kinda manly, no?
bearded ladies don't count as the reason that they're seen as oddities is because they ate exactly that. oddities.
Pretty much a full proof way to make it happen. However, it's pretty much not possible nowadays... Sowhat2doanon
Slap them if they bitchy
Haven't you seen? These guys give hormonal therapy to men suffering from erectile dysfunction and hairloss and all. Send them here!
It is fucking real. Absolutely real
>Discover the Nu in you
Every nu-male should be forced to either become a trap or kill himself. I used to be a low test nu-male too, but two years ago I started taking hormones and began living as a woman and needless to say my life quality and social life has improved.
Agreed. The world is more connected than ever before. Your child can denounce your advice because of an article they read online.
There is going to be a tremendously tough balance on maintaining traditional values and equal rights (lets not fuck about, we do wish for all humans to be on the same field, were just a rock floating through space)
People forget we're animals. We actually do have gender roles that evolution has molded over millions of years, being on the cusp of a new, modern and highly connected world is going to be rough as guts if we want to survive without division.
It's solved by making life hard. Look at aggressive boneheaded and non-compromise muslim immigrants. Or russians. Or most of CIS.
Is that what you want?
Just make the life shit and you will get them.
Otherwise your nu-male amount grows the comfier your country gets.
Nothing much else to it.
was meant for I'm not an egomaniac, honest!
If she's the dominant one in the relationship she'll just leave you if you hit her. Why do you think all these domestically abused women stay silent? It's because they either respect, love or fear their husband's dominance so much that they don't mind being hit once in a while.
Slap them some more until you beat the idea of them leaving you out of their heads
As I told you, that's not how it works if you're not dominant.(Physically, mentally AND financially.)
> Your child can denounce your advice because of an article they read online.
and because of algorithms, mob mentality and media control the child will most likely only read what the system wants it to
where the fuck did you get this?
I swear to god I go to school with a couple that looks just like this
comeback faggot
>le nu male meme
Still legal to do that in schools in much of this country. It's legal at home in basically every state.
Nice meme.
Yes and fembois too.
Nothing that a big black cock won't cure
>massive war
>men who aren't afraid to fight die off
>nu males skip out and are the only ones left to pass their genes
Yeah, great plan
I mean just look at how manly the men of Europe are now
edgy XD
>literally supporting the use of child soldiers
Rothbard pls
The only cure for zombies is a bullet.
Found the numale in the photo
Chill bro. There always have been faggots willing to do anything for the remote chance of obtaining some pussy, which they don't because girls like men, not complacent crybaby best-friends.
By changing what we call them. Nu-Males -> Pussies.
What the fuck
>Actually outside
i see now why Sup Forums is so mad at these people
is that the Chad that stole your oneitis you're getting back at by making a meme on here?
say that to my face not online c what hapns
I don't know what "nu-males" means but if you mean effeminate males then they just need to be teached to never apologize, don't be a pushover, don't be afraid to be an asshole. War won't fix shit, traditional gender roles will.
If I was the nu male in the photo, why would I be asking for my location to be revealed?
Id already know where the picture was from and I wouldn't draw attention to it in hopes that it would fade away fast.
You're not very good with this whole strategy thing.. maybe thats why you don't empire anymore.
>It's an epidemic
Family courts and child support will be a lesson for them.
as if numales will fight in ww3.
it'll just kill off all the non-cucked males and there will be nothing but numales left.
>all of their eyes darting around, looking for the fresh, wet pussy that they're about to receive for their righteousness and bravery
Trump election is a step in the right direction
>as if numales will fight in ww3.
>it'll just kill off all the non-cucked males and there will be nothing but numales left.
They are concentrated in urban areas. First to go in ww3
I might be late but serious question:
what would SJWs/Nu-males DO if US went to war and trump/congress passed a mandatory army draft?
Make passive aggressive marks on twitter
and after that, isn't it "go to war or get jailed"?
Would they all self-injure themselves to get out of it?
These are the people who whine when they find a made-up story on the internet
Pretty much this
If everything goes allright, he should man the fuck up, teen years are for goofing and all
but If that shit persists
>Also the internet killed the west.
Nah, just the faggots lurking it and that didn't understood you don't have to constantly shove your ideals in everyone's throat
Like Feminists, SJWs or Sup Forums
holy shit he has a point