As a new Sup Forums user.
What is the red pill stance on Milo?
Because he drafted me into the meme war and unintentionally made me a veteran.
As a new Sup Forums user.
What is the red pill stance on Milo?
Because he drafted me into the meme war and unintentionally made me a veteran.
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hes just an attention whore and a literal whore for blacks
He just wants to suck on conservative dick
He's whatever, I'm better than him.
Fuck off, we are full!
He is a degenerate like faggot.
Fuck off to reddit.
He's an attention whore and he doesn't even say anything interesting or original. Just a very loud parrot. But, I suppose he is at least somewhat useful in some sense.
Ah, didn't really know that.
But that's all anyone wants, a good dicking.
He's useful for gaining the support of the masses since many SJWs and Libtards used him as the leader of the Alt-Right.
Normie's first redpill.
milo does good work, because hes gay libs listen to him, hes a new member of a new era hunter s thompson type characters
I like how easily he triggers the shit out of left-wingers, and he's good at debating simple points while coming across clearly. However, he's also overly smug and doesn't have much real depth to his arguments.
Personally, I couldn't give a toss that he's gay, he's far less flamboyant than most gay public figures. It's also hilarious to see him pulling the same gay card over and over, since people he's arguing against continue to fall for it.
He was a no-name writer for Breitbart for a while, until Ben Shapiro ragequit from Breitbart. Milo took center stage almost immediately after, seizing upon what the (((media))) calls the "Alt-Right" movement with stunts and shock jock bullshit. Breitbart facilitated and rewarded this degeneracy to mute leftist scrutiny against themselves and the right, basically holding him up as a kind of "HAHA WE HAVE OUR OWN GAY PEOPLE NOW!" shield. I would be wrong to say Milo and Breitbart aren't opportunists for this, but the fact is undeniable that they helped our cause by taking advantage of the situation and being martyred for it. Milo is a Jew, though, so it makes sense that he would see this coming and capitalize on it. Big deal, we won.
Sup Forums has been ungrateful and childish. Both with milo and that other jew manlet. both have been suporting the right, even tho the other dude did not like trump, he voted for him in the end. Both have been pivotal in the fight against SJW and "gib free shit" policies. For some reason i cant recall the name of the dude. Anyway. Sup Forums is a cool place but this hate against jews and gays must stop. They are not the enemys. The enemy is the Cultural marxism that exists every fucking where. In #MEGA operation i just realized that every country in the world the cultural marxism (AKA SJWism) is spreading like a plague. And they are winning. Check for instance the situation in Austria, the right almost lost the election for .6 and then they realized the election was rigged, they were giving undocumented people the right to vote, so that they could swing the election to the left. Their gommie party called Green is a total SJW that aims the creation of a united states of Europe. Can you belive this shit ? So i would say we should really focuse on what really matters. By that i mean : milos ass is his own business, and being too concerned with that only shows your deep desire for cock. Man up and try to do something else for the rest of the world.
aka what Sup Forums has been searching for all along
a gateway redpill
i personally appreciate the man despite his transgressions against Sup Forums perfection i.e. what made him ideologically approachable
This board hates almost everyone, even if they agree with you political views. However sometimes this is good because people can speak fluently without holding back any thoughts.
He knowingly lied about the origins and intentions of the alt right.
If he didnt do this shit he would be fine
Just let him be.. somewhere, not here.
>He was a no-name writer for Breitbart for a while, until Ben Shapiro ragequit from Breitbart.
Milo was already a well known new name before that, though he was a newcomer on the political scene.
I do believe he was one of the reasons the Gamergate movement and its online presence flowed so naturally into a pro-Trump movement. He did great work.
It was brilliant how he was able to manipulate everyone involved with GamerGate (whether they were for or against it) in order to take him from some random contribute on Breitbart to being essentially the most controversial political pundits of our generation.
almost machiavellian.
Neonazis are butthurt that he took their attempt to rebrand themselves as "alt right" and turned it into something successful. Otherwise enjoy at your own leisure. Personally I think he's a good first step, but gets repetitive.
He's a kike faggot and like all kikes he's only pm choosing a side and pandering t them for shekels and like all faggots he's just an attention Whore who is controversial for more time on TV. He doesn't even believe the shit he says he's just an edgy nigger loving kike butt blaster
He's a gateway to greater things. He is focused on destroying the SJW narrative, but has also been know to use ((())) and occasionally oversteps the Kikebart narrative that the Jews are all innocent victims.
He's also surprisingly funny in those college talks of his.
Bizarrely he is loathed by the likes of Red Ice Radio who rarely seethe about anyone, but they really can't stand Milo. Such a shame, Heinrick interviewing Milo about the exact reasons why colleges fell to the marxists would be great.
He talks about that here, too, Milo and Stefan together at last:
>as a new Sup Forums user
Fuck off, we're full.
Completely irrelevant now that Trump won
Guess he did fine as a normie's first red pill though
He's just a opportunistic nihilist who figured he could make a name for himself by shilling for the alt-right. In the beginning he seemed somewhat respectable, but then the success went to his head and he proved himself to be little more than a stereotypically flamboyant, attention-whoring fag. He went from being a useful idiot of conservatism to a parasite leeching off conservative issues while undermining the image of the right wing. Fuck him.
I'll concede that much, he did manage during GG pretty well. I don't think a lot of normies know what it was at the time, or even now, but you are right. Thanks for Correcting the Record, Geert.
I think Milo's own stance on Milo is the most red pilled.
He says he's ridiculous, a degenerate and being a faggot is really wrong and a choice. But if he did he wouldn't have a career.
attention whore
coal burner
he was useful but he no longer is necessary really
the only thing he could continue to do on his own is continue triggering SJW of campuses
OR be elected to the trump cabinet to speak to the press to signal for faggot and dildo voters
Alright, back to shit posting on Sup Forums
Thanks for electing Trump, ameribro
hes a opportunist who will jump on any bandwagon that will make him money
look how he abandoned gamers when it stopped being profitable
He's outrageously gay and fucks niggers, so many on Sup Forums are unlikely to give him the credit he deserves
He keeps black dick away from white women
Glass half full
Did Milo leave breitbart for his own site?
I don't mind Milo and I think just let him do his thing. He isn't a SJW and he isn't against the Alt-Right. He has a use in swaying normies but you will not find me supporting him by buying any merch or making any donations.
We can overlook his degeneracy because he is by far our greatest weapon in the war on feminism. He can say absolutely anything he wants due to his higher ranking minority status (gays are more oppressed than women). The way to beat liberalism and identity politics is by turning their own tactics against themselves.
Milo is doing god's work, stop with this gaybashing shit, Sup Forums. He is literally furthering our cause and redpilling normies. If you want to be a neonazi, stormfront is your place, but in the face of the reality, Milo is pushing our agenda and we should be thankful to him.
a whole new gg-inspired vertical not good enough for you, or something?
Red Ice's main complaint about Milo is that he somehow drives a wegde in between men and women. They seem to think he promotes MGTOW but... he really doesn't? It's biazare.
No, the alt-right criticism of him is that he promotes the idea than alt-righters are just cultural libertarians who are tired of le sjw and oppose muslims because muslims are really biggoted.
You faggots wouldn't have had trigglypuff or many, many other SJW memes without him you ungrateful retards.
Think he does the nigger thing for currency.
He is still a faggot though
Milo for Press Secretary, sign the fucking petition.
He's triggered more cucks, and redpilled more normies than you will in your entire life.
what do you do thats even worth talking about?
I love to see optimism every once in awhile. I had not considered that, and I now agree with your point of view.
He may be a fucking faggot, but he is OUR fucking faggot.
It would be fascinating because choosing Milo as Press Secretary would be the biggest FUCK YOU to the press in American History.
May I have this petition?
he has
>late stage gay face
>late stage stinky garlic feet man disease
I don't like him because [I feel] as though he's insincere and doesn't care about is.
But then again I don't know enough to judge
Also here's a pic of my cat because I'm phone posting while out
really makes me think..
About black dick?
>He keeps black dick away from white women
wtf i like milo now.
Fuck the jew fag, hes using us just as much as we used him
He shouldn't be praised at all
Are you the same Brit faggot who posted Aurini yesterday? Are you trying to force the Aurini meme now?
You are not black, there are no blacks
And it feels good man
m8, I'm sorry, but you have to go back.
wasn't me. I saw the butthurt and saved the images for the guaranteed you's
He's a faggot who loves nigger cock. So sodomite scum
>m8, I'm sorry, but you have to go back.
Fuck reddit, full of fucking libtards.
He did his part in getting Trump elected.
I used to like him more before, but now he's really milking this celebrity status as much as possible which is kinda gross
To repeat what a great user once said.
Anytime, my dude.
I really got that with his recent ventures, don't really care much for him.
Hope he keeps triggering SJWs, Muslims and libs
He's not on our side, just using the altright like we use him
Take the Golden ones views of him
Especially now that he has a logo and he plasters it over every video and picture he posts trying to create a brand for himself and ultimately profit from it.
Such a jew.
>Hope he keeps triggering SJWs, Muslims and libs
As long as he keeps doing this, he's alright
>As a new Sup Forums user.
>What is the red pill stance on Milo?
>Because he drafted me into the meme war and unintentionally made me a veteran
Everything about your post made me cringe, please leave this board and never return.
Did anyone post any good screenshots from his movie of him wearing a fedora and fighting some dudes with daggers?
Those niggers are faggots already so how exactly is he keeping them from women? Damn, you're stupid.
He's the Platonic ideal of a degenerate, attention seeking faggot.
Could be bisexuals or he could be a very persuasive faggot.
no but that movie is ripe for screenshots. So much cheese and cringe I think he did it on purpose.
>What is the red pill stance on Milo?
he is associated with the fiction that is called alt right
he's in the news, he's scum
if you want to share your ideas write them down and mail them
this media bullshit needs to go, let's becomes known as a nation of people who read instead of a nation of people who view moving images
we will be reading a lot of legislation coming up guys
Not going back after all the fucking libs.
You can't make me.
he's definitely not insincere. he tours colleges with based mum and i've witnessed how much he cares in many of his interviews (even the ones where he's clearly snorted a line of coke beforehand)
He also sells tshirts that say "BBC" and activately tells supporters to have black boyfriends. I doubt the he's all that sincere and not just jewing it up, almost hijacking the alt right for himself.
welcome to Sup Forums
Mike "A Silo Just For Milo" Pence
hes a gateway redpill
he doesn't force people to buy shit or suck cock. if you blindly follow someone like that then you deserve to be robbed and raped by a nigger
he is basically babies first redpill when it comes to cenverting normies and liberals
we love, adore and share his fetish for the mighty BBC.
>he's definitely not insincere
He literally in actuality created a fake grant to steal money and the stole it.
He is most definitely insincere and is looking at a 3-5 year stretch in Federal Prison
No, he doesn't, but it's part of his message is all I'm saying. I don't care for the guy and I feel this was a mutual using each other kind of deal. White nationalism is the alt-right, and that's that.
A lovable fag yet a little too promiscuous for my liking.
>new Sup Forums user
>meme war
>made me a veteran
G-guys? Am I f-fitting in yet, guys? Haha, shill! CTR nigger gas kikes, haha!
He's pretty much the same as every other redpilled new media outlet. Except he also cops a ton of penis so that's all you'll hear here.
He's a drama faggot like most faggots in that he loves and has to be the center of attention, but this is a forgivable quality. He's not outright nasty or evil, he's a jokester and a bantster and wants to be loved and cared about, whilst also being a little bit towards the front of the stage. I don't mind this.
what is a red pill in the context that everyone uses here?
Attention whore, but make sure to praise him just too piss of natsocs
>Federal Prison
that true?
can't find citation for that?
yeah, fair enough. in terms of supporting young, struggling men in colleges and universities, i think he's mostly got his heart in the right place. otherwise, i don't know/care.
>new /pol user
Back when goobergate wasn't as laughable he was actually pretty cool for reaching out to the other side of the fight that the mainstream media vilified and created a decent argument towards it for normies but it's pretty obvious now that he's just doing everything he does for the attention and to get people to suck his cock