Is this the most perfect Europe?

Is this the most perfect Europe?

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2/10 shit

those borders are trash


If every European country was fascist things would go south pretty quickly.

0/10, Sweden still exists.


Proud and based Bohemia is just absorbed?

Hey now.

why would you want to live in a shit tier continent weather wise?

Why is denmark the only one unchanged?


I can see it was made by a clueless American.

No. There is this huge ugly country sitting in the middle there. "Greater Deutschland" or some shit. Such a country should never be allowed to exist.
>t. Eternal Anglo

cause I didnt have a good symbol for it

There can be only one. Europe reduce to ashes in just one year.

Or a Fake-Greek.

>only one

le groSS preuSSen deutSSchland xd

why do you think this?

How about you stop trying to combine countries into bullshit unions etc.? We already have EU. It's a fucking shamble.

crimea is russia clay tho

>no Switzerland
kill yourself

Give Sweden to us or nuke it to oblivion so there is nothing left but water


played dota2
russian team
fuck why did'nt hitlery won?
nuke this waste

Switzerland is meme just like belgium

Imagine if every country had a Hitler. All the Hitler's would fight each other.

Pretty good.

>Italy conquered by Mexico.

oh shit.

Has the Great Britain been taken over by the flash?

Poland always ended up with access to the Baltic, so your map would render invalid eventually.

Many of these nations have historical claims on each others territory; what makes you think that won't erupt in conflict?

That seems pretty bullshit to me. When spain and portugal were both fascists we had the best relationship in our history.

>French anything
>dutch "people"


Get over it Turk.

Because facists wuz gud bois. never hurt a fly. dindu nuffin. never start any wars.

I actually have swedish ancestry

Also, good luck keeping Brač and Hvar Italian. What where you thinking while creating this garbage.

Don't yell at me for that, yell at Mussolini

>Not Russian Empire

>"narodowcy" subhumans ruling in Poland

very realistic borders in such scenario.

Switzerland and Belgium existed as independent nations for longer than Germany.

do you have a better symbol for natsoc poland?


memes nonetheless

American education, everyone

British Union of Fascists used that flag, Oswald Mosley was the leader of that party

>Slovakia exists
>Austria and Hungary not one nation
kys desu

> not giving Romania all of Transylvania
> Ukraine existing
> Germany owning land it doesn't have any claims on
> Baltic unified

> american education

>Sweden exists
>Poland exists
>Ukraine exists

This is a terrible map. Give Sweden to Finland, give Poland to Germany, and give Ukraine to Russia.

t. Romanian Diaspora


this is some stupid joke

>bullshit unions
top kek

>Give back Slovenia and Vojvodina back to Hungary but not Croatia
>Make Republika Srpska a part of Crotia instead of it also being a part Hungary or Serbia
>Italy in Albania?!
>Russian Non-Country bigger than Poland
>Unified Baltic
Are you uneducated or was this map biased as fuck?

You are a Turk, you Fake-Greek.

>shitty poo2loo symbols
>greece taking over turkey (KEK)
>russia abandoning pan slavic colors
>croatia bigger than serbia

kill fucking yourself

not even a game of HoI4 could produce such ugly borders.

nice thumbnail

brittany should be cornwalls clay. but this is the best version

No he actually split belgium in half perfectly

A real clueless american wouldn't have bothered with belgium or gives everything to the sub human netherland

>no nordic union

autistic beyond belief. This Europe, if not destroyed by revanchist wars, will plummet into poverty.

Reinstate Kalmar Union

you'd better give us back our territories you kraut lover

Fingolia got back Karelia

yeah pooland does still exist

How does it feel to be a traitor?

the fuck was this based on? the mountains? the swedes owe us land, not the other way

something like this would be better

You're upset because you lost Transylvania
Go back to Asia bozgor

Please bump this.
Must be kept up for others to view and read.
It's not fiction.

Make this shitty peninsula more yellow.

oi lets calm down a bit here

Forgot link:

Give serbia to croatia and we have a deal

>Grey Emptiness

Such is life in the ass of europe..

Think your forgetting one part of the British empire.

Do nations still exist? I thought this gentleman already created the World state.

And Petsamo and Salla + some Russian clay


Greater Deutschland needs to be bigger.
And what the fuck is that swedish flag?
And why the fuck does Norway have a Skåne flag?
And why the doesn't Baltic Union have a cross flag?
Romania needs Iron Guard flag.
What country is in the middle of Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Croatia?

no need to abandon pieces of our planet just because of some apes. We genocide them.

Make this Portugal's flag

It's november 11 today, you couldn't have chosen a worst date to show this map.
L'Alsace et la Lorraine sont françaises pour toujours et à jamais.

And why the fuck Slovakia?

>giving us belgium
Sorry we do not want radical terrorists give them to france our government can't handle them

Portugal it is full of niggers so it's cool to me.

What about Ireland?
It should go to the UK.




Ireland is rightful British clay

Would nuke

>It's a germany reclaim Alsace episode

we have an objection to that map :^)

Sure. Because Mosley totally wanted war with the Third Reich... fucking dumbshit lib.

>sub human netherland
butthurt walloon detected

>not demanding territorial claims

1/10 no Unitary Canada