>Hello, it's Valdimir
>Hello Vlad, what time is it?
>Almost midnight, but I couldn't wait congratulating you for your success
>*our* success, you mean?
>haha, kinda. I was sipping vodka and thinking of it... after all, we didn't do much at all
>yeah, but all those memes; they worked fine. I even had a chance to condemn the Internet and yet the memesters supported me.
>of course they did. Why do you think I pay them for?
>Your instruction have been invaluable, President Putin. I owe you so much
>it is time, my friend, that people like us take the lead.
[phone ringing] Hello? President Trump speaking
Other urls found in this thread:
>When you came up with the idea of the Internet memes, I was wondering: doesn't the CIA knows already?
>Of course they do, Don, but they haven't yet managed to come up with a professional bureau of people who know their shit, whereas we, in fact...
>You're right, Vlad. Even when CIA find good shills, it's like hiring hackers to do your job. You cannot expect them to be loyal unless you ask them exactly what they expect from you.
>And that's what I did. Our memesters used to be unemployed underdogs. I found them, I interviewed them personally, gave them a job, gave them hope, gave them a chance...
>...to Make the World Great Again
>Exactly. They were already advocating the advancement of the white race way before I found them lurking from their vodka-ridden studios. I didn't indoctrinate them. Not at all. I have just given them means to succeed.
>And I'm part of your plan, I assume.
>Come on, Don, you're pulling my leg! We all know Russia doesn't have time and strength to become the puppet-master of Western countries. We have our own agenda. The only thing I wanted to assure, by supporting you, was that we could deal with a friendly American leadership.
>That Clinton bitch thought she could have it her way in the years to come.
>Look, Don: Democracy is a great idea. Wise people in the past have devised systems to make it possible. However, democracy was invented as means for peers to interact with each other. People with education, discipline, and commitment to the common good.
>I am following you with interest...
>However, as far as masses go, democracy is a flawed thing. Let me make a comparison: certain foods are excellent when cooked for few people, but as soon as you try to provide everyone with the same luxury food we have at our table, it turns out it doesn't stand the challenge. Mass-cooking kinda ruins it. It would have been better to try a completely different food with the masses: something that could succeed despite mass production. On the contrary, our own food (democracy) has always been meant for small symposia... as soon as you try to distribute it, it miserably fails and becomes but a surrogate.
>It sounds like you have an Italian chef, Vlad.
>Indeed, I have many. Jokes aside, I hope you understand why socialism failed in Russia. The same goes with Clinton's social-democracy. First of all, it is not feasible. You cannot "export" democracy to illiterate peoples who do not have a culture of consensus and education. Such people will not become virtuous just because you put them in a church. Their mindset is alien to the very idea of virtue...
>...and what about Russia?
>Here lies the wisdom of my current system. In order to govern Russia and do what is best for it, you need to deeply understand its spirit and culture. People are different, you know? Americans can go on and declare themselves proud of their system -- because their system was suitable to their culture in the past, and, so to speak, evolved with them. But could you imagine something analogous working in Russia? Not any time soon. We don't share with you the same kind of fabric. We're made of a different materials. You cannot sew a piece of iron: you have to pierce it, nail it, screw it, weld it, or solder it.
>To each according to their own needs!
>Good quote, Don. That's exactly what I thought. So I hope you understand Clinton is ridiculous in thinking that one system will do for everyone in the world and produce the same results. It would be the case if the world were a blank slate like America or Australia... after native peoples were slaughtered. But our old continents have a legacy, and such legacy affects the way people think, and that's a whole different matter.
>So you didn't want to change us, after all?
>Definitely not, Don. We just wanted an American leaders who could understand people need to be left to their own devices most of the times. You cannot dictate rules and set conditions. Clinton managed a charity foundation: this tells you a lot about her paternalism and her attitude as patronizer in foreign relations. This is utterly despicable, and myopic at best.
That's not fiction, m8.
>But I think the bitch also had her own interests.
>Indeed. My former argument was assuming she was acting bona fide. But of course she's not. She wanted to become, together with her cucking husband, a shaper of worlds, a demigod (demiurge).
>Shaper of worlds, huh?
>Yet since matter doesn't come out of nothing, shaper of world inevitably end up becoming EATERS OF WORLDS. They have to chew something in order to spit something else out.
>That harpy. She couldn't stop her fagocitosis. She kept swallowing up stuff.
>But now it's over.
>Vlad, can I tell you something?
>Yes, Don. Pleas, go on.
>People think I will be a dictator. They think I will force things on them.
>Which people? The ones who haven't voted for you?
>I see your point. It is just that, sometimes, when you read something all over the place and when all news outlets keep repeating you're a bad person... I mean... sometimes I feel like all the world is against me.
>Don't say so. You know that is not the case.
>Bless you, Vlad. Cannot wait to do a State visit in Russia.
>All the best, and please be wary of backstabbers.
Spend more time not being a faggot.Also, didn't read that shit.
Keep the thread up, fagets!
Illiterate Amerifags never read anything.
This should be screencapped. Printed. And hung on Your Trump wall.
Thank you, samefag. It's extremely hard to keep up a thread these days, because all faggots think they have something to say about the general elections.
Cool pic
gay shit, didn't read
Wasn't it against the rules to declare you are saging a post?
wtf I hate memes now.
btw Putin still hasn't paid me.
This is why nobody says good things about the people of Sup Forums. Rampant autism.
It was for your own good.
The fact some memesters were paid by Putin doesn't mean their work was bad!
I am not posting this to make you feel guilty or something.
Actually, Mario sounds very educated here.
>Rampant autism.
Implying my posts exemplify it more than other ones.
Just give me the (you) already!
You must embrace autism and burn it as fuel for our journey
$0.05 shekels have been deposited into your acc..... oh I'm sorry there seems to be a problem with the host bank account.
Thankyou for the correcting the record.