I've been hearing the left saying this for the past few days now.
What exactly do they mean
I don't think they know what Fascism means
How is Trump a 'Fascist'?
They don't. These people are stupid. They are also evil, trying to paint him as something he's not.
He's a populist, and most fascists started out as populists. To say that you have to be careful with populists is certainly right, they however go a step farther and equate them to one another, which is just nonsense.
Sjw definition of fascism:
Someone better than me
Faggots don't know the meaning of the word fascist. They don't know the meaning of any of the words they use.
They are just brainwashed to think they are intelligent if they use them or if they believe what a facebook page says (occupy demofags).
And here you have a perfect example of a faggot who uses words he has no idea the meaning of.
He committed the crime of doing racist, and his favorite friends is Hitler and Osama Bin Laden
They are stupid. That is all.
He's a "fascist" because he's going to put an end to Liberal self-serving rights. All Liberals are going to do is cry and scream, play pretend victim, and then go back to the closet to hide from non-existent enemies.
>How is Trump a 'Fascist'?
Fascist = someone I don't like
Hillary is closer to a fascist to be frank family.
He's white. Do you really have any doubts?
>most fascists started out as populists.
Uhhh... They're not exclusive titles.
Repealing 2 laws for every lone enacted is not fascist, being against the TPP is not fascist, yet they dont understand this, trump is much more of a liberitarian than a fascist
Clinton helped support Osama and ISIS with funds.
How is Trump a populist but Obama and Hillary aren't? Their whole argument literally was 'look, Beyonce is voting for us'.
That's all it takes OP
By the textbook definition, the Left are the fascists, if you remove the single word 'nationalist'.
> “Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a massed-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.” (Paxton, op. cit., p. 218)
If that doesn't describe SJWs and the victimhood culture, then the moon is made of cheese.
The definition usually includes an ethnic group as scapegoat for the country's problems, which would be Whites in America.
Libertarians are facist and the gadson is racist
He's not careful about being pro-minority, therefore he is Hitler.
That description more accurately describes Trump's movement tbqh
Trump is the opposite of populist. Won't blame you though, only the media.