To me, one of the most satisfying unintended outcomes of the election cycle is seeing the msm with egg All over its face.
Listen to morning Joe red pill the fuck out of liberals.
To me, one of the most satisfying unintended outcomes of the election cycle is seeing the msm with egg All over its face.
Listen to morning Joe red pill the fuck out of liberals.
Morning Joe? More like Morning (((Jew))).
Don't even give these people a second of your attention.
Bump cause I believe this video is worth watching
Did you even listen to the point that he was making? The fact that he's a media shill makes it all the more satisfying
we're sorry we are a bunch of fucking liars, please don't stop watching us and buying are shitty propaganda because we still need to make a living
fuck this fucking slimebag
>Don't even give these people a second of your attention.
Did you even watch? This is exactly why liberals/msm are where they are now. They ignored the othersides ideas and discourse. Labeling it without listening.
You cant win a war if you dont know your enemy. We knew them and their tactics and planned strategy accordingly. They just called us names.
Basically yes.trying to save face
It was hilarious when he mentioned the pols being wrong and how there were many hillary supporters that believed the pols so they didn't bother voting because the pols were so ridiculously high that they thought she would win anyway.
so that over representation and pol rigging that was designed to deter trumps camp from voting only because he was 'going to lose anyway, just look at the pols' completely backfired and only hurt the left.
>Did you even watch? This is exactly why liberals/msm are where they are now. They ignored the othersides ideas and discourse. Labeling it without listening.
>You cant win a war if you dont know your enemy. We knew them and their tactics and planned strategy accordingly. They just called us names.
this is exactly what joe says in the video
Despite the salt on facebook, there's been a handful of Hillary supporters who seem to be waking up. It's beautiful, we should welcome anyone being an adult about this with open arms.
Joe is Joe
HahA yep! And who would ever have thought that Micheal Moore was actually right.
This is definitely part of it. If Hillary were actually inspiring, people would've voted regardless of the polls. Instead, they were demoralized and lazy.
If you absolutely hated Donald Trump but still disliked Hillary, you took one look at her insurmountable lead and her blue wall, and you said, "fuck it, [third party] has my vote" or "I'm going to stay home this year".
Michael Moore was 100% right.
>while the average Bernie backer will drag him/herself to the polls that day to somewhat reluctantly vote for Hillary, it will be what’s called a “depressed vote
Hubris plain and simple...
Im aware of this. Simply summerized.
You're such a Morning Joe newfag.
He's been saying this for months.
I don't typically follow him, no
Joe is pissed as fuck that he's been shit on for months by everyone
We owe Joe an apology
But giving him one is gay so no
kek. my sides!!
Yeah, fuck that
>tfw he spent half of what Clinton spent
>still won
> the look in the eyes of the woman
> the dead silence from the other anchors
Oh, this is good, this so good.
That blonde is one fine ass milf. Damn.
>the image that started it all
He spent most of it in OCTOBER while Shillary spent it over several months
That's what's really impressive- the bitch bitched for ages against the Trump and he only fired back at the last minute and stumped her
The battle is won but the war rages on
“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.
You know what to do faggots
fucking kek. liberals are such fucking closet racists
>Le 5 stages of grief face
Fucking kek!
Based video. Love seeing people waking up. The visible and audible discomfort of that bitch. But Jesus Christ, let the little manlet speak.
Black man laughs at Trump-haters
So satisfying
Under budget
Ahead of schedule
>stopped being journalists over the past month
The past month?
don't forget all the money that Jeb! and the Republican candidates spent against Trump
I mean all told I would estimate more than $2 billion was spent fighting Trump
>I mean all told I would estimate more than $2 billion was spent fighting Trump
That's about the estimate of his free media advertising.
Some of them are. Is it a crime to bump my own thread cause I believe the video is important to watch? Fuck you faggot
I like how they slowly coming to terms with it.
we got this, the US will slowly red pill itself.
God bless the united states of America. You guys did it!
Glorious. These last couple of days have been heaven
Grubhub employs a bunch of white men without a college degree. Are they telling their entire labor force to resign so the board of directors can make deliveries in their place?
Am I the only one distracted by how flawless Scarborough's hair is?
Hillary Clinton spent 1.3 Billion, Associated unrelated funding for about 800 Million.
In the united states, during prime time. You pay roughly 500,000 dollars for 30 seconds of TV time during primetime news.
That means that if a single news channel for 30 days spends only 30 minutes talking about trump a day you're talking about roughly 1 Billion Dollars in advertising a month per channel.
But they didn't just talk for 30 minutes. There was on average THREE HOURS (out of a 6 hour news cycle in a day) PER CHANNEL devoted to talking about donald trump for the last 7 months.
You are looking at roughly 400 BILLION DOLLARS in free advertising.
Then include newspapers, pundit sites, and reporters, and fuck everything you're probably looking real close to them spending nearly 1 trillion dollars trying to defeat this fucking man.
Yeah but keep your eye on this smooth-talkin shill. He blows in the wind whatever direction it's headed.
The start of a redpill
Yup we fucking did.
This should not be understated we defeated the main media and both parties. The shock waves will continue and propel America into uncucked status.
Faggot's not going to have a job for much longer anyway
>tfw this cunt frittered away 7.3 billion dollars in the last 8 years
Jesus fucking Christ and she was almost president too.
Dodged a fucking bullet there burgers I'll tell you hwat
Seriously fucking this.
Listening as I read down this thread.
The MSM is so butthurt over this
I'm still wallowing in liberal tears...
A free thinking well informed individual
looks at every side of an argument.
An idiot seeks out an echoplex of their own ideas.
An excellent and correct argument.
I've been redpilling a my leftist friends on FB as well.
The salt is disinfecting the wounds IMO.
On a board that moves this fast
there's often no other way to keep a thread alive.
I personally never look past the first page,
I just reload it.
The NYT is one giant editorial rag.
We know it, liberals do not.
holy keks
All the polls had Clinton ahead. The media thought Clinton was going to win. The Clinton campaign thought Clinton was going to win. The *Trump* campaign thought Clinton was going to win.
(go watch the Trump campaign during the election day. this was a campaign putting on a brave face but internally dispondant. when the EVs started swinging you could actually watch the surprise across both campaigns' reps)
There was no "blindspot" other than the pollsters, everyone else followed their lead. Polling needs to be the focus of this post-mortem but not bashing absolutely everyone who followed the polls. If you wanna bash the media for believing the polls, bash the Trump campaign for believing it too.
I will say Michael Moore was right, the more the media mocked Trump the more Americans become enraged. But he did the same thing, talked down to Trump supporters. Another progressive hypocrite pretending he knew all along.
>The time for incrimination of the news media is over.
Well, he was dead fucking wrong about that.
Ooh, you know what Bill’s doing now? He’s going for the righteous indignation dollar. That’s a big dollar. A lot of people are feeling that indignation. We’ve done research – huge market. He’s doing a good thing.
Yeah, NOW they are
fuck (((news))) and fuck Jewish people
all I could think of watching that idiot
anyone know the total vote count yet?
did the bernie or bust, blm ppl come out to vote for clinton or did they stay home?
trump was always gonna get that 20-25 % of the population that wants a dictator
Underrated post
I really wonder what he would have thought about all this.
I mean, he'd probably have killed himself during Bush II, Iraq War boogaloo.
u never forget your first red pill and this commie just got it!
not even close boy
>all them green bars wasted on overpaid meek drones
And they say we own her? We would never be this wasteful.
>Jeb missing
Good post.
I love this guy
looks like trump got 1/2 of the 1/3 of the country that voted
>To me, one of the most satisfying unintended outcomes of the election cycle is seeing the msm with egg All over its face.
More broadly, I think the best part of this entire thing was about 3:00-4:00 a.m. the morning after the election. Right after Clinton called Trump. The major news networks had no idea what to do. They had no graphics. They had no reporters ready to go. They had no commentators. They had nothing. It was like watching the worst high school news production imaginable.
this victory has been so satisfying beyond my wildest dreams, so much salt and tears and disbelief it will take me weeks to take it all in
>that moment the camera pans and zooms in on Joe's face because that cunt next to him is about to lose her shit
trump was always gonna get that 20-25 % of the population that wants a dictator
The media jumped on his friend that was sitting right next to him when he said Trump simply had a "path" to winning. Of course Scarborough is going to come at them now that Trump has won.
That's what you get when the media focuses on slander campaigns instead of providing an alternative. All they've said was that Trump is bad and couldn't refute that Hillary was bad, so for a lot of people the choice was between two evils and they decided to not vote for either.
>if you still believe that, i take pity on you
My God. I love it.
>We all need to do as Americans that live more and more in our clu--our cult--our clusters
That glorious Freudian slip-up.
Stop being sensible, this is Sup Forums.
This shit happened in the UK too. The media was sure remain would win, the remainiacs thought it was won, the leavers even thought remain had won. And then it they all got it wrong.
The reason they couldn't refute why Hillary was bad, was because in a real and honest discussion, with all points truly examined, somehow Trump was still the better alternative.
It's like she got shoah'd again.
To say that the pollsters are just an isolated issue is to miss the big picture of how it all fits together. The pollsters were wrong not because of some technical, statistical issue. They were wrong because they live inside this giant echo chamber where they are fed by the media, who is fed off the pollsters, who is fed by the media, who is fed off the pollsters.
The reason the polls are wrong is because they ignore a large chunk of the country, Plain and simple. They go into their polls with a pre-conceived set of individuals and types of voters and then they chose the winning candidate based upon their pre-selection data set. They can't even comprehend the fact that the data set they sought was fucked from conception. The people who actually voted for Trump never even existed in their world. They weren't people they consciously chose to ignore. They were people who didn't even exist.
The pollsters are only as good as the people they poll. If they didn't know these people existed, they had no way to poll them. The whole thing is systematic of their entire elite culture.
>they were wrong
>we were wrong
>nate silver was wrong
No one was wrong, asshole, they were in on it. It was a scam/rig from DAY FUCKING ONE.
It just didn't work.
>clinton lost because media lied telling everyone she was going to win
And these political elites will still continue to mock the concept of the silent majority. In an age where political discourse has devolved into 'if you disagree with my liberal opinions I will ruin your fucking life' it's no wonder people keep shit to themselves until they get to the voting booth.
And Hillary still couldn't beat him. What a ridiculously terrible candidate she was
It's a pretty major thing for the media and political establishments of two of the oldest democracies in the world to have both shit the bed inside a 6 month gap.
>white journo with glasses explains shit
>sjw watching this must think
you know it's real.
Oh please. Who believes this hack?
the idiots are having a field day with the trump protesters.
The battle is won but the war rages on
“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.
rev up those socks
You know what to do faggots
I hope grubhub isn't DDoSed into the stone age