Be honest : do you really believe in Kek's power?
Be honest : do you really believe in Kek's power?
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no I am over 18 years old
I don't have a reason not to.
you shall not doubt in his power, son. he acts in mysterious ways.
Remember the get
Yes there are channels of power which underlie reality and can be magnified by collective consciousness
Never doubt.
Never falter.
Follow kek into nirvana.
No. Kek, and "meme-magic" is just for lulz.
Most of these people would like to have a religion to believe in, but God doesn't exist. Sup Forums filled that void by imbuing a mythological God with properties and affections that propagate chaos.
I dont even fuckin know anymore. i thought it was a joke at first, but after everything that has happened this year, im willing to believe in almost anything
No,because in this moment, I am euphoric.Not because of some phony God's blessings but because I'm enlightened by my intelligence
First Boast Pest Boast
Well it was always a joke until now.
Our memes have affected the fabric of reality. Especially this year as we have already killed a few people and elected the president.
yes remember the
I'm terrified honestly
Kek is real
Look into collective conscience frenchiebr. We don't "believe" in Kek; we created him.
You still don't get it, Muhammad. We are Kek.
Is that why he's green? WE'Z A BUNCH A BLOOMIN' ORKZ, IZ WE?
Kek is just the name this particular place has attributed to a force that's been at hand since before man kind crawled from the cave. The Demiurge.
The Gnostics were wrong, it is not two seperate entities that govern this universe, it's a single entity that is both good, and evil. Chaos and order.
This prophet saw the truth.
Oh yee of little faith. He is here and was always here. He was the cause of his rise and if need be his fall. Do not forget this.
Yes...Yes, i believe in it
What he said, pic related
No. That's just interpreting randomness.
How the fuck else would Trump be President?
>the number of replies
That's a fluke
How does represent order? His worship has brought disorder and is an embodiment of the primordial chaos.
Has anyone else had a weird feeling this past week? Like timelines are merging or some shit.
Kek works in the same way that WH40K Orks species wide memetic magic do.
I feel it has some merit just like ghost. Weird things have happened and seem to be too closely related. Example kek is the bringer of light. Election day it was dim and cloudy then Trump won and the sun shown itself the next day.
Don't look so smug! I know what you're thinking, but 'Hilary 2016 - I'm With Her' was merely a set back. Did you honestly believe I would trust the future to some senile, half-Anglo mongrel? Hahahaha... Oh no, no, no, she was merely an instrument, a stepping stone to a much larger plan! It has all led to this...and this time, you will not interfere!
You foolishly thought that I had been destroyed? That my acolytes would cease their endeavours now that my greatest disciple has been defeated?
The Horrid King Besmear'd in Blood has reigned supreme amongst the world's elite for thousands of years - you think that this little setback would have any effect upon our operations?
My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn!
because balance you silly. when one aspect gets too strong, he tips the scales a tad. the worship of him means nothing. it happens regardless.
it's gravity vs entropy essentially. black holes exist despite the universe expanding. and when the universe expands too much, it will collapse into itself. no one side wins.
>do you really believe in Kek's power?
No. Absolutely not. All this power of Kek bullshit and believing it got trump elected is harmless make believe, much the same as anime.
I tell you what I do believe in, that the white, middle class voters who predominantly live in rural areas are fed up with corrupt politics and voted in a very non traditional candidate to hopefully make a change.