World War Thread

World War Thread

It is fucking remembernce day and there isn't a single world war thread,
What the fuck is wrong with you lads?

Our only duty is to educate the world on the pasts mistakes.

Other urls found in this thread:








Both grandfathers served, both navy medics, both in the pacific theater.


Very proud of both also.

Great granddad on my dad's side fought in WW2, stormed Normandy, My great great granddad and uncles on my moms side fought in WW1


So proud of you leaf cuck even though no leaf ever contributed in any war. Today I remmeber my grandfather who fought against the Japs in PNG in WW2 and my other grandfather (god bless him) who was a pilot during WW1



Imagine encountering this for the first time?

>Impliying the british were not the bad guys

Well the funny thing is no leaf could imagine it because leafs did fuck all in both wars except for minor background support.

>never contributed in any war.

Damn Aussie, you're just so knowledgeable, i bet you spend your afternoons researching everything you can about nazi germany.

Implying the fucking banking giants and societal and political frontmen werent the bad guys.


Wow Canada. So knowledgeable. I bet you spent all your day looking to migrate to the US and leech off there welfare.

Yep nothing but support roles,

It's almost like your upset that Daddy England didn't want to see Canada slaughtered so he sent you into Gallipoli instead , eh?

>Impliying that the germans woudnt of made the world a better place

Well considering i have dual citizenship, why wouldn't i want to immigrate there?

Damn, you're actually CTR tier shitposting, just kys.

>tfw daddy england sends us to turkey
>tfw we rock turkey so hard their government collapses
>tfw turkey creates the first post-islamist state and prospers.

Shit we fucked up BIG TIME

Just a bunch of kids being sent to die.

> anyone who blames canada for anything is a CTR shitposter

well maybe people just hate canadians?


Implying that the germans wouldnt of stopped after they defeated russia and england.

>impliying the germans could of mobilized a war weary and hungry population.
>Impliyinh that would be bad

>i hate Canadians.
>Never met one, but i talk to them on the internet.



Educate the world on past mistakes? Yeah, here are a few for ya:

-every nation needs a state (like France, Germany, etc. If France becomes a Muslim country, it will end badly for the French)

-don't appease military aggressors (Hitler/Putin)

-the pattern throughout all of history is major wars whenever a hegemon's status is threatened (such as with the US today vs China/Russia)

expect a shutdown of the global economy soon, like in the 30's, and then expect a major war soon after that.


Sad truth :(




I made three threads and none of them got a single reply.

NEVER FORGET the young innocent Anglos of Albion who were brutally destroyed.

NEVER FORGET the plumes of mustard gas that stole thousands of innocent Anglo lives.


I will be pushing six ARYANS off of the ramparts today at the Blood Celebration.

Who will be there?


NEVER FORGET those millions of germans that starved to death
NEVER FORGET the betrayl of russia to the communists in 1920
NEVER FORGET the eternal anglo his war crimes


Amen brother

Reminder this war in Europe could have been avoided if the ARYANS did not have ambitions of Empire.

How many times must the ARYAN WORM attempt to destroy the peoples of Europe?





Reminder the eternal anglo had an empire that spanned 1/3 of the world's landmass, yet accused germany of imperialisim


Leafs kicked more ass in WW1/2 than any of you burgers combined. There was a reason why Nazi generals were scared of us, and took Americans as a joke.

Looks like one poor bastard is being roasted alive there.

There can only be one Empire.

The Germans were 200 years late to the show and like petulant little children they threw their toys out of the pram and plunged Europe into an apocalypse the world had never seen before when told 'No'.

You take that back you literal emu fucking cunt. Thousands of soldiers died.


Personally, I will play Battlefield one with an American nigger, to celebrate the 11th November.

tfw all WW1 vets are dead

so the Germans are the SJWs/leftists of the 20th century?

Pic:Germans surrendering to Canadians at Vimy Ridge.

My great, great grandfather was a war vet and his funeral a decade and a half ago was one of the most powerful things I've ever experienced



Such an iconic photo.

The war ended long before anyone here was born. None of your understand what it was really like and how it affected everyone. Most people on tihs board don't have a real idea of what started it and why it happened. You're just a bunch of edgy retards who believe in propaganda and you believe it just because Hitler killed some jews.


Kill yourself.

You kill yourself. Just like Hitler, because you are a loser just like him.

>hurrr durrr making a post aboot wehaboos in a remembrance thread about WW1.

Burgers didn't even do anything significant in WW1 so fuck faggot.

And you do? You weren't there either, so obviously you don't have a say in it as well.


At lot of the stuff posted here is already about ww2. Read the thread.


Sure but at least I know the difference between right and wrong and I realize who lost.

No i've mostly been posting WW1 photos, did YOU look at it? or are you just dumb.


Omfg. I looked at them. most of the picture YOU have been posting are from ww2. You're retarded mate.

Those are all WW2 not WW1



If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England's, breathing English air,
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,
A pulse in the eternal mind, no less
Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrow we gave our today.

Proud to serve in the British Army, God save Great Britain, God save the Queen, remember the fallen.

This is obviously WW2 dude, nothing to do in a november 11 thread.

So this is the plaque that my Scottish uncle gave to me, it has been passed down the family through several generations now, and none have been able to actually trace as to which branch Alexander fought under. I have spent 2 years attempting to find him, any chance pol can help?
Only info I know is:
>Name is Alexander Cruickshank
>Died approx 1915-16
>Possibly cavalry


I'm not sure how you do it in Europe, but Remembrance Day in leafland evolved from remembering WW1 to remembering veterans in general. Remembrance Day over here is celebrated on Nov 11 but it's a celebration of all the soldiers who fought in any war.



this is a remembrance day thread. fuck off. It's about WW1

42 out of 48 people who got drafted from my village died including my great grandfather.

my thoughts and prayers are with all families who were effected by the wars, regardless of nation.

God bless.

You can't even kill emus and we took a beach during D-day on our own and advanced further and faster than anyone else.


In France and UK november 11 is strictly the celebration of the end of WW1, due to its huge impact on our societies.


>WWII veterans
>Be called heroes
>Korean War veterans
>Be called lost and confused
>Vietnam War veterans
>Be called rapist and child murderers
>Gulf War 1 veterans
>Be called liberators and heroes
>War on Terrorism veterans
>Be called murderers

Veteran's Day is truly the worst Murrican holiday ever.

That's terrible, the community must have been destroyed, similar things happened to the Newfoundlanders.

this tank is somehow timeless and majestic. That mechanical monster that became the symbol of 20th century warfare.

In leafland it's still a celebration of WW1, but it also evolved into a celebration of WW2 and other wars we were involved in.

Because all WW1 vets are now dead, a lot of our official ceremonies have WW2 vets speaking.

There's still a lot of WW1 being brought up but there's much more emphasis on any war where we were majorly involved in.

Look up any leaf memorial day ceremony and half of them will be WW2 vets talking about their experiences, and maybe 10 minutes of people talking about their great grandfathers/great great grandfathers in WW1.


>similar things happened to the Newfoundlanders
Definitely. It was a fucking slaughter in WW1.
Most Newfies were between the ages of 15-20 when they enlisted and they never had any real formal training beyond jogging. Most Newfies enlisted solely because they were eager to go on an adventure and even told their families they'd be back in a few weeks, they were singing happily and merrily songs and most british soldiers described the Newfies as patriotic, but naive, almost like they thought it was a game. 90% of our soldiers died.

NFLD's involvement in WW1 literally cost us our political independence and democracy.