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Honhonfuckinhon !


Yeah i just saw it too. The 6th tip was to grab someone by the pussy.

>Published on Mar 26, 2016


>tfw on post election honeymoon

it's so good to be truth
It's like Sup Forums became a national anthem




If they are white, statistically speaking there mom probably did vote for Trump.


Omg imma write and sing a spoof to ABBA's Dancing Queen:



>Unbiased Media™

I can confirm all this shit.

It is hilarious, and already backfiring where I am. Many undecided are flipping to Trump support because they are tired of their teachers bitching about Trump and don't like the riots.

I hope the Dems keep this up.

Wow... Australia is slowly turning this way along with the u.s. Thank fuck for trump and farage.

The left is literally on suicide watch


I love how there's just a picture of Trump right there

>plz don't chimp out lefties we have keep manipulating for over a year :(

t. MSM

>How to cope with post erection depression
pic related

Praise Kek

Good god, it's like I'm looking at things more suited for a kindergarten. Initially the SJW fallout from this Trump victory was amusing, but now it's just plain retarded. Why can't these people understand that the sky will not fall?

y'know i dont watch cnn but nothing wrong here. Just (rightfully) telling libtards to grow the fuck up and be an adult.

Good news is apathetic people and undecided at my College also think this is retarded.

Never interrupt your enemy when they make a mistake.

Can I lie to my doctor I'm an ugly ftm, so he gives me some testosterone?

well i guess it had to be said

way to make us look tough in the eyes of the world





Everyone should read Trump's first 100 days list, its great.

James Woods... Definitely our guy

This, time for kids to learn about the fucking electoral college again.


Pretty Happy with it.

What is Trump's end game with Term Limits?

Just a threat for the conservatives?

Will he somehow get is passed immediately?

Or could he just wait 2 years for everyone who opposed him to get primaired?

Based Bill Shatner handing out the bantz also

they sing about a swedish king

>Model good behavior

>when you realize Trump's win has drained the swamp of all your bad feelings and filled it with goodness
>the swamps have drained into the liberal psyche, depressing the shit out of them

No it's not you shut-in faggot

No way this is real

The battle is won but the war rages on
look at this faggot

“I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can,” Maloney wrote about Trump’s supporters.

You know what to do faggots

College student here.

It's real.

Literal children.

I doubted it as well. It is.

Dude, college kids are going into therapy over being name-called, being prescribed coloring books and hugs... That one Melody chick has PTSD over twitter comments..It's legit

a college near me has a uni-funded therapy session for the election
a polisci teacher here couldn't teach class all morning after the election because she was crying so much

For my senior project (I'm an engineering major) we have to take a weekly creativity class taught by a theater professor. The Engineering school isn't very liberal, but this fucking professor was so melodramatic on Wednesday. She gave this speech about safe spaces then asked if everyone was feeling ok. I didn't even mean to reveal my power level but when she was panning around the room and made eye contact with me I had a huge grin and said "Why wouldn't I be?"

College Student here, IT IS!

But it is actually Redpilling people about how much pussies Liberals is so I'm happy this is happening.


Liberals are a MESS

How to cope with pre-election depression: Elect Trump

You sure you're not an english major? coz that's a beautiful piece of fiction you just wrote

It is fucking Hilarious.

Many students around me are getting angry teachers have only been talking about Politics too.

I am so happy this is JUST like what happened during my High School where the Admin OD'ed on Globalism and the Students became Trump supporters.

How the fuck, these people are old enough to enter the military, and they need therapy and FUCKING PLAY-DOH for election results.

We seriously need a purge.



The shift is already happening leaf, these are the last gasps of Liberals after they were delt a critical blow

I was going to finally let my despair consume me if Hillary won.

can't wait for all the crazy doctors to diagnoses all the libatrds with PED and all this idots gona gobble it up giving shitloads of money to this scamers

I honestly dont know what we're gonna do with all this lefty salt.

>play doh

top kek

Wtf. Don't these people have better things to do.

I'll just leave this here
Enjoy the salt :)


I'm noticing this, too. Mostly because it happened to me.

Liberals don't have principles. They're nothing but children pretending to be adults.

Best captain confirmed

They are breaking down and chimping out. Meanwhile apathetic people are getting tired of this shit.

Just as planned.


Separate out the Chlorine and make gas.
Then use the remaining sodium to make totally rad explosions by throwing it into buckets of water!

>Literally children

Why are these retards allowed in colleges anyways?

I don't know what kind of proof you want but here's a """"prototype"""" of our design we had to make with arts and crafts supplies as a """"creativity exercise"""" that day.


I want them to keep doing it at this point; Trump has a good Chance of winning the undecided and apathetic Americans over time if it does.

Diversity Programs that will now be defunded to pay for useful shit.

why the fuck is this even allowed?

>Arts and Craft


I've been deeply depressed since we re-elected Obama in 2012.

Trump freed me of my depression.

How come the media wasn't running any stories like this when people on my side were down and out?

As always

This is what happens when you coddle your children for 20 years

Man millennials are such pussies. I'm ashamed to be a part of this generation.

Captain Kirk would definitely have voted Trump

You are seeing the Panic of Liberal Administrators as they realize they're screwed.

these people are such fucking pussies hahahah

Good news is you are not the only one thinking this and I have overheard many Undecided people laughing at this.

dude i love it so much

the only thing i did these past 2 days is drink tears and laugh my ass off. what a wonderful week

Mass lefty suicide pact when?

same here. i've felt terrible for so long. everything seemed to go wrong, the west seemed in a death spiral that couldn't be stopped. the worst was that nobody seemed to care. i got depressed as fuck.

but then he won. ive felt so fucking good since then and am starting to improve my situation already. hope has returned. so fucking pumped to start fixing things now.

I believe he's got dual citizenship, he most likely did, unless there's some dumb rule where dual citizenship people can't vote... Which I've never heard of.

Our group already has our design modelled and 3D printed, but the theater professor said we had to make the arts and crafts version or we wouldn't get credit on the assignment.


this is better than i could have hoped

who would have thought all this would happen after what a miserable dirge of leftist degeneracy 2015 was

the left and their entire worldview has been comprehensively BTFO this year


I'm sorry user

Ironic Shatner and Nimoy are both the Chosen

That kid is smart.

The mom is a cunt for only thinking about herself dragging her kid into it.



On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star, like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are, how fragile we are
