Thoughts on how to bring this network down? Last night they were airing cancer. Michael Moore interview. Framing the protesters as heroes. Kazir Kahn wagging his fucking finger at America and scolding us for electing Trump.

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stop giving them (you)'s

buy time warner than dissolve CNN

Right to free speech and right to protest, dude.

Even if the speech and protest is fucking retarded.

I like CNN

>Kazir Kahn wagging his fucking finger at America and scolding us for electing Trump
This asshole really triggers me. His son signed up for Hillary's war. The US is a nation founded on Western European values for people of Western European origin. You must conform to us; not the other way around.

Investigate them for their crimes, jail them all, fine them billions for each count, etc, etc.

And what´s wrong with Michael Moore i thought he is pretty redpilled Jew

Trump's "opening up of libel laws" will take care of them.

Tell the protestors that it's CNNs fault Trump won.

So Cancer News Network.

Doesn't mean others can't use free speech to fight them.

maybe you should stop watching it and block it in your google news feed

There's a way actually. One Sup Forums hasn't thought about.

What is CNN guilty of? Collusion, Nepotism, bribes, smearing, etc.

Does this remind you of anything?

2 years ago marks Gamergate. When a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins went against media monster Gawker and bled them for millions of dollars.

I'm sure people are looking at CNN and wondering "how do we fight this?".

The answer is we already know how. Mass bombing their funding and advertisers letting them know you refuse to buy their products. And giving a concise list of the exact wrongdoings CNN has done.

Yeah, CNN is bigger than Gawker. But the difference is this time instead of just Sup Forums, every media hating right winger in the country would jump on board. It would become real and not just empty threats (which worked anyways).

If Sup Forums made a CNN general outlining a solid plan I have no doubt this could work. It would take off.


CNN is no worse than any other MSM outlet, if you don't use independent news already please kill yourself

Take a look into CNN's rating. You are giving them way too much credit.

Normies don't see through their bullshit though. That's a problem.

Stop being so triggered, you people are worse than SJWs I swear.

Double digits of truth.


yeah, just go full concerned mothers and hit them in their wallets. that is in fact a sure fire way to impact corruption.

Start boycotts of time warner products. If you can get traction among republicans and Trump supporters world wide it will hurt. You must tie CNNs tainted name to all time warner products somehow.

Secondly meme the time warner CEO and board into infamy like soros. Trying to overthrow the government isn't so fun when everyone knows who you are and hates the shit out of you.

Except it's still the "default" news channel. I see it on at school and in waiting rooms all the time

CNN should be shut down. They're poison for the mind.

What this guy said

Let's meme CNN into oblivion. They will not renew their aging viewers.


>CNN general
Yes. Yessssss...

Just don't watch them. They have a right to exist just as Fox News does.You need to learn how to hear opposing viewpoints without getting all triggered. You're such an SJW old-male.

Meme it into submission.

Cmon guys the blueprint is already there.

>just don't watch them
>you need to learn how to hear opposing viewpoints

K bud

woe, that color combo is aesthetically pleasing.

Should see his tweets about how white America is done, taunting like every other Muslim that they would take over our shit and thered be one Democrat party running America forever.

Fuck that fucking faggot I'd look the other way if someone lynched him.

CNN has the blood of the 5 Dallas lolice officers on their hands for pushing the "white supremacy" narrative. They incited the violence knowing full well the lies they were telling and I will not rest until they are destroyed. They don't have the right to slander and take lives.

>You're such an SJW old-male.

the only way

Anti white and anti American propaganda is not a valid point of view.

MSM don't represent real viewpoints, they all chase after sensationalized bullshit together and make stories out of nothing.
They all need to go, independent journalism is getting a revival on the internet, stop supporting the trash.

Always nice to see a good contribution receive repeated digits.

Some kind of brief copy pasta explaining how GG was attacked - what to look out for - is needed. Learn from last time so we don't get any more fucking Milos.

>right to protest
You mean the right to disrupt daily life and destroy other people's property?


who are the advertisers doe

Fox is presented as a right-leaning news network. they don't pretend to be anything else.

CNN presents itself as the BBC of America, i.e. meant to be neutral.

I love it, i want to see everyone in the left MSM crying, angry, bitter and terrified.

Am I the only one who actually saw the interview? He said yeah, he was disappointed, but he had faith in the American constitution and the peaceful transfer of power from president to president elect.

Talked a bit about constitutional rights, etc.

As to you fuckers saying you have a right to protest. You dont. You have a right to peacefully assemble.

Daily reminder Khizr Khan WILL be president of a muslim USA.

You're right. This got glossed over with no accounting from msm. Glass em.


no you don't Tero

lol nobody watches cnn bro
even less will do so now
more people watch the dude on pmslsd than on that network

let them waste their money on satellite feeds across the same parking lot while pushing their pravda it will only accelerate their irrelevancy

Find a cache of any and all emails sent to and from CNN employees. There's always dirt and people always think the Internet is safe.

dear Sup Forums plz direct me to the news network I can rely on when I am not getting news from Sup Forums

>Fox news actually carries reporters with integrity like Chris Wallace
>CNN plays Jewish tricks and suppresses all relevant information throughout the general election
>guise, respect differing opinions

Fuck you

everything except luegenpresse. i think we should plan that out a little bit more. if your not retarded you understand its not a nazi word, but the fact that its german unfortunately makes it easy for "journalists" to spin as a white supremacist meme. we need to use something digestible to get people to join in outside of Sup Forums.

Anti-trust. Spin CNN off from Time-Warner


There's so many examples of msm abuse that every demographic can have a tailored example given for appeal to emotion. For example: Attract libertarians and use how msm treated Ron Paul in 2012.

Kek wills it

>Thoughts on how to bring this network down?

Highlighting the racism and sexism of CNN when they let Wolf Blitzer keep his job.
African-american woman, Donna Brazile, was terminated immediately for colluding with democrats ie. giving them debate questions in advance.
Wolf Blitzer did the exact same thing, but because of his white male privilege, caused by CNN's systemic racism and sexism, he is allowed to keep his job.


the problem is we need to DISCREDIT EVERYTHING THEY DO

trump set it up perfectly, every speech of his included how nasty, vile and corrupt the press is and because he programmed us this into our minds with the help of conformations bias that's all his supporters see now

so my opinion is that we shoudlnt even try to convince liberals that their news organizations ly but more we should convince the trumo supporters to get vocal about their disgust/mistrust so the ad revenue would decline drastically for these cunts



We need threads every day to counter their narrative dead in its tracks. We counter-meme with redpills and drive them back.

Beyond counter-narrative ATOMIC MEMES, we will also attack them directly. Media shills are arrogant hacks by nature. Pointing this out destroys their phony credibility.



>gamergate prepared a bunch of neets how to bring down a news empire

If this were to get big, I bet CNN's competitors would be eager to report on it to encourage it.


What are we waiting for?

What's the gameplan boiz?

The site that got brought down wasn't even the gaming site and it got bought up by a liberal Mexican media empire looking for a foothold in the English market.

Lots of ethics in reporting there.

>just accept it brah, they"ll go away
that has never worked once.

Good thread lads, we've just won a massive victory that will go down in world history, the momentum is with us to start toppling the cuck institutions. Anything is possible now if we work together and use our heads, high energy and meme magic.

wasn't talking about Hannity. The problem is that on CNN everyone is a left-wing Hannity

Haven't been able to follow up on my long post earlier since I'm in the middle of a 12 hour shift at work.

If you guys are really this motivated about it then the first couple threads should focus on having some anons comb through wikileaks listing all of CNNs wrongdoings. Others should focus on finding all of CNNs active advertisers and charting their money flow. Others could find instances of CNN biased or false reporting (there's a lot during liberal riots).

Once there's some solid compiled info some writefags could work on some good hard hitting email compositions we could review.

Some good hashtags, images, and concern trolling could make it pick up momentum.

Agreed. Plus the normies would join in once they "get it". To somewhat quote Trump, they don't know how to fight, let's teach them.

Wish I could help more right now. I'll check back later.

Now that Trump has won, wouldn't it be a good time to now go nuclear on and expose Kazir Kahn (kinkylicks) for the golden shower, pervert sharia shill that he is?

By telling people to turn that shit off. That's the best way to make them change. It's the consumers that have all the power. Stop watching shitty news.