98 years ago France won the WW1

98 years ago France won the WW1

1,6 million casualties, 25% of the male population between 18 and 27 year old.

press F


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>France won the WW1
Ahem. Without Russia WW1 would be lost in 1914.

t-thanks Polan

Thanks Polska, good thing we had this little baby right here

they surrendered in 1917

just a reminder population of Germany in 1914 : 70 millions

population of France in 1914 : 40 millions

>Tfw population of Germany in 2050 will be smaller than it was in 1917
Press F

F great-grandpa !

1,6 million KIA, but also 4 WIA, many of them horribly maimed. It's was whole generation that literally went through the meat grinder.

Based Poilus.


25%...les kikes rient encore...


Also remember who swooped in to help with the cleaning

They wasn't winners, that's right, but France and UK would've never won the war without them.

Tous ça pour battre l'Allemagne qui aurait bénéficié à tous les Aryens d'Europe et servir les agents impériaux...quelle perte et quel dommage...


For my life I don't understand what happened between WWI and WWII that made France give up so fast

Fier de mon pays

You think france won?? Ever hear of a pyrric Victory? Not one bullet was shot in germany and it was you frogs who took over alsace Lorraine when the GERMANS AND THE POLISH were fighting the turks in the seige of vienna . Gentlememes please stop this shilling!

Dan Carlin made a whole Hardcore History Podcast series on WW1 that really makes you think.

It gets a little dull after a while but the first one describing the situation leading up to The Great War was very ... informative.


The world would be very different if the German had won in 1915, not necessarily for the worse.

Fuck France

But the nice user from America told me they surrendered in two weeks and America swooped in to save the day


Ne me réponds plus jamais en Anglais, Jean...


Not only for France. For Russia, Germany and Austria too. WW1 was a disaster for all of us

And it all could've been prevented if the subhuman krauts were not allowed to unite.

Hell, WW2 could've been prevented if kr*uts were balkanized after 1918.

Subhuman barbarians is what they are

No, USA, and Russia won WW1.

And what did they die fighting for?

A bunch of freeloading niggers

what a shame

Somebody please zap this roach.

France was always our favourite enemy. I hope you and us will get our shit together so we can meet in battle once again soon

>France won
You're welcome

mange dont de la marde le moron !

France won but they will lose come 98 years later.

Ah, la tu parles, en vrai Québécois...

>alsace Lorraine

it's two different region who didn't get annexed the same time
potato nigger

Whatever it was, it turned french high command into a bunch of simpering, incompotent faggots.

The country was on the brink of social breakdown anyway. If it weren't for WWII they might have had a civil war. The allies were scared they'd have one anyway after WWII.

Autre rappel...


Les chiens Muricains ont plus violé que les Allemands...

j'ai appris avec les meilleurs

>No, USA, and Russia won WW1.

Fuck off moron. WW1 fucking ended Russia by pushing it into Bolshevik revolution, civil war, and the formation of the USSR.

The US did absolutely fucking nothing in WWI beyond belatedly sending over a few troops who (through lack of familiarity with trench warfare) actually slowed down the more experienced Allied troops.

I know it's a mindboggling thing for burgers to realize but the US was not always a hyperpower. At this time it was very much junior to the British Empire and wouldn't unequivocally surpass it until the final few years of WWII.

Don't muzzle in on OUR yes AMERICAS veteran day.


Tbqhwy France wasn't worth it.

We should have stayed home this time.


F though, you were great allies anad I'm sure our grandfathers were thankful for each other. Respect to Belgium too, unsung heroes in the first few days of the war along with the dutch. Props to Serbia also.

Russia pre communism as well, and who can forget the yanks?

>1,6 million casualties, 25% of the male population between 18 and 27 year old

Must have been easy to get a girlfriend after that.

Oh fuck really?


>forcing the Prussian nationalist Protestant aristocracy to abdicate

If you cucks would just let Germany remove Serb, so many deaths could have been avoided.

Shouldn't have started the war I guess.

>25% of the male population between 18 and 27 year old

World War One really was shit wasn't it?

What were German casualties in percent wise?

Ah, les bon vieux soldats Sionistes ...


The day the west died

thread theme

According to Swedish video game makers France wasn't involved in WW1.

It doesn't matter we didn't bring the war into the german territory since the german army was destroyed, the country didn't have the means to continue the war and their politicians surrendered before we arrived

Germany truly lose the war

The USA carried the war. France did jack shit. There is a reason they are not in bf1.



Fuck off moron you're ridiculous, no one won this war this was a fucking bloodshed

>The USA carried the war.

Vous avez surtout carrier les viols, grosse pute sioniste...

The USA didn't do anything particular during WW1


No, the day when the Rothschilds fooled Britain was the day the West died.

this. Without us germany would have won in about a week. You're welcome. fucking ungrateful


Does France still have a strong sense of patriotism regarding the first world war?

Patriotism is the wrong word actually I'd say somber reflection.

Thank god we still do.

And yet BF1 chose to have a nigger as a posterboy
rl made me think

>France and the UK were genociding niggers, Poos, and Arabs and taking their land

>however, when Germany wants to have an empire, they's bad bois

>there are still a few French men left who remember WW2
>they will die seeing their nation be overrun and overtaxed by third world savages with an average IQ that registers as "high-end retard"
>they will see their slut millennial women breeding with them like rabbits

Grats for destroying Europe France.

>however, when Germany wants to have an empire, they's bad bois

Who said this?

Kaiser was a cuck in terms of foreign lands, he literally tried to start the war 2-4 years earlier over Morocco I think it was

Didn't France recently have a WWI anniversary ceremony where they literally let a bunch of degenerate numales and feminists dance on the graces of WWI soldiers?

We are in bf1 (a historical game about ww1) France is not.

There's no patriot left in this shitty country

Ah yes, Verdun anniversary

I didn't want to remember that holy shit.


>25% of the male population between 18 and 27 year old.

Is there a source for this?

What percentage of these were fully voluntary? Were any conscripted?


I'm sorry.

I only see the AMERICAN FLAG


where do you think you are ?
only rich and influents could avoid the draft

Russia lose its identity during this war


It's really sad

this. god bless

The cuck was saying the German Empire shouldn't be able to form, and that they were barbarians, etc.

Meanwhile, the UK and France were colonizing like 1/3rd of the globe and conscripting nigs to fight for them, and grabbing-up all the oil. If I was a Junker, I'd want to unite Germany too, to keep German culture from getting divided and cucked by you.


It must have been great living in Australia..

WTF are you trying to say, Liberia won WW1 you idiot

See BF1, every american soldiers were from Liberia

Yep they did run between the grave and dance then imitate fighting then a weird big guy executed them with his finger one by one and there was music and shit, this was ridiculous. It's a fucking cemetrey not a theater

I think Hollande wanted to invite a nigger rapper at first I don't remember

>France winning WWl
>25% of young males dead

Well I guess it was it worth to reclaim Alsace, a region that looks nothing like the rest of France

Tbqhwyfamalam I think we all agree that this was the most pointless war in history and caused the destruction of Europe as we know it

>historical game
There is no kek image large enough to display my level of amusement at you thinking it is in any way historical.

Dont worry France.

You helped us win our independence with ships and goods and arms.

We'll help you win yours by shitposting frogs on your internets.


Yep. He wanted to invite the nigger rapper who actually said fuck white people and WWI etc in his raps,

>Canadian education


So there was a draft at the time?



Rendons à la France sa grandeur

Here's a question you French guys might be able to answer.

Are there any records/videos of French WWI and WWII veteran interviews? I haven't seen one in my entire life

every man over 18 was sent to fight (few exeptions though)

Fuck off with your memes you fat fuck

It did

Between the first and second world wars an absolutely gigantic number of western men died, and were unable to pass their knowledge and values directly onto their sons.

And so the decline began

Sorry mate but WW1 was our doom we lost all the brave men and patriots in the war there is nothing left to save....


Seems like the white empires got a little too smug, and thought they could have more major wars with each-other without any drastic consequences.

I wish they could have learned the lesson from the Boxer Rebellion, and united to keep the nonwhites under control.

>Boxer Rebellion
>literally the US, UK, France, Italy, Austro-Hungary. and Germany all team-up to kick chink ass

>a historical game
The turks are the whitest in that game and France and Russia aren't in it.

The old powers being broken from WW1 is what allowed US to become a super power. It only ran into WW1 to show it wasn't just farmers and lumber jacks anymore, that it was now all grown up and ready to be treated like a real equal to any European power.

Fucking krauts ruin everything

It's Armistice Day in many parts of the world.