How do you report these people Sup Forums??
How do you report these people Sup Forums??
Tip local police, fbi
REport him to his local police, an Egyptian was deported for joking about killing Trump
You just tell him "reported to the FBI :^) " and watch him backpedal and shit on his big liberal babby diaper.
Report it to the FBI lol
Seriously? God that makes me so happy.
why would you report him? Get your AR-15 ready and give him a lead salad.
>Report to FBI
>Sit back and laugh when you realize that all of these people complaining about "muh trump" and protesting live in areas that, by their own hands, have cucked away all of the gun rights.
>Watch as they kick and scream when they're forced to buy firearms with ammo capacity limits then try to stand against groups who don't.
Yeah good luck with that.
Reply to his comment by saying "Reported to the FBI" if you are a real patriot, OP. Don't let anybody talk shit like that.
id show him how to buyba gun and take him to the range to teach im to shoot. not because i like hime, but because we have enough dumb gun owners already, might as well educate one about safety and the laws regarding firearms and shit.
and then watch him brought up on serious pound me in federal jail gun charges when he tries something dumb
I thought these cucks were fervently in favour of gun control?
As an Egyptian it's sad to see my country go through full scale cuckening. It's like we're 40 years behind the social cycle of the US
they are, the irony is delicious
Only when it suits them. Of course this guy won't ever touch one, he wants you to do it instead.
>Inbred assholes acting like this hasn't happened before
What for?
Exercising their rights?
Shall not be infringed faggot.
No, they are going to start shooting people.
They are only echoing what they hear on TV.
Don't worry about it. By the time these wussies even figure out how to shoot a gun 1/2 of them will be /suicided/.
>liberals become pro gun
sounds like a win to me
We didn't riot when we had every reason to, when we found out who Hillary really was through her emails.
We saw the bigger picture.
All that they see is what they are told.
The media echo chamber yells, Trump is bad!
The Hollywood directors yell, Trump is bad!
The ones making the money off of Hillary's tax loopholes yell, Trump is bad!
Then we explain that there generation is a product of Operation Mockingbird and MKULTRA, and they just don't understand.
They just don't want to do the research because the biased media has already told them, Trump is bad. They want to watch it in a short 3 minute video about how much of a racist he is.
When you ask them about Trump they don't tell you facts about him, they tell you what they are told: Racist, xenophobic, hating, white, male.
They don't see that he wants america to prosper along with its allies, they don't see that this man is one of the least racist ones on the top.
Then they act like it is so easy to make millions of dollars, trust me they would have already.
Only becomes a problem for the police, when one of these stupid ooga boogas starts shooting people.
source? I want this to be true